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How important is it for a significant other to be into pee?

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Guest Devonpee

Feel very similar to the oringal post my pee fetish is a part of me and it woudnt be true to myself to be with someone who doesn’t at least partake in it every once in awhile, I’ve had a 3 girlfriends none of them had a thing for pee but all of them were open to trying and one of them really got into it and we did a lot of watersports related things she would pee on me and all that , it’s not something I would bring up on a first date or anything but eventually they would ask what I’m into and I’d tell them. The thing with pee is it’s hard to find someone who outright has a thing for it but a decent amount of people who are open minded will try it. So I’d say it’s more just trial an error just put yourself out there and don’t be ashamed of who you are and people will accept that, in all just be you and don’t change yourself for others is my opinion 

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Guest Devonpee

Feel very similar to the oringal post my pee fetish is a part of me and it woudnt be true to myself to be with someone who doesn’t at least partake in it every once in awhile, I’ve had a 3 girlfriends none of them had a thing for pee but all of them were open to trying and one of them really got into it and we did a lot of watersports related things she would pee on me and all that , it’s not something I would bring up on a first date or anything but eventually they would ask what I’m into and I’d tell them. The thing with pee is it’s hard to find someone who outright has a thing for it but a decent amount of people who are open minded will try it. So I’d say it’s more just trial an error just put yourself out there and don’t be ashamed of who you are and people will accept that, in all just be you and don’t change yourself for others is my opinion 

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40 minutes ago, Relevantcucumber said:

I've hid my kink from every relationship, sure that if they wanted it they'd have brought it up. Now that I've gone further into exploring it though by actively wetting etc id say I couldn't just push it aside now , I'd need someone who would want to play with me 

You are telling us that You live in France. Great! My biggest dream is to see my girlfriend peeing her panties on top of the Eiffel tower😉

But when it comes to the subject of the topic so for me it is very important to get significant other involved, yes. 

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30 minutes ago, Zogan said:

You are telling us that You live in France. Great! My biggest dream is to see my girlfriend peeing her panties on top of the Eiffel tower😉

But when it comes to the subject of the topic so for me it is very important to get significant other involved, yes. 

I'm scared of heights...hold my hand? 

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I guess its not too important for me. It's just nice when someone wants to do naughty things with you without question, like piss in a corner or pee on the carpet. Personally, I would like it if my next sexual partner (Not too much into relationships), be into something involving pee exhibitionism, but its not terribly important. I spent too long with someone who was absolutely disgusted that I was a sexual being and had this fetish, or ANY kind of kink. I've had better FWB's, one offs that were more accepting. Therefore, in looking for any kind of partner, its not terribly important, but it IS important that they be understanding and accepting. Encouragement and engagement would be a happy bonus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would say it isn't. My previous long term girlfriend wasn't into it at all, I couldn't even talk her into letting me watch her while she's sitting on the toilet. So for the next few years after we split up, I was trying to find someone who shares this with me. Without any luck I must add. Then I got together with a girl, and after our second night together, right after talking about who is more kinkier, I simply asked her if I can watch her pee. And to my surprise she said yes. I thought I hit the jackpot! A girl I like a lot, who likes me too, and she's also into peeing... Later I found out that she was just too afraid of losing me right away so she would say yes to anything. This girl is my wife today, and mother of my children. She knows about my fetish but doesn't like it, so I only ask her to do things occasionally. I still get to watch her pee a lot and that's good, but its more important that we love each other 🙂

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I'm fortunate to have a partner that is every bit as into it as I am. It's funny because it was a couple of years into the relationship before we figured out that each other enjoy peeing and pee play. I had made the occasional joke about watching her pee or whatever but it took several times before she actually asked if I was serious. I said hell yes I'm serious and she let me watch her pee but she was so nervous she almost couldn't go. She'd never told anyone she liked it before and she was just totally shocked that I was into it. Now, a few years later, she will call me into the bathroom just to tease me with it when she goes. She loves peeing outdoors, and I've tried to convince her that other guys would love to see her going but she's still not quite sure enough to "get caught" yet...I'm hoping being on here will help reassure her that other guys love seeing and hearing women peeing just as much as I do!

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My wife and I have been married for 11 years and together for 15 in total. She is the only person I've been with. In my previous post, I started how she may consider trying wetting once for me. 

I'm curious how to other members handle there partner or spouse not being into omo or anything else related to pee? Did any of you  do what I have done and ask their spouse to give it a try? If they did agree how did that go?

Or do you just enjoy it on your own time?

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45 minutes ago, Nightshift85 said:

Not sure why my text is white with a black background 

Strange! Your last one isn't. Had you perhaps drafted it somewhere else and copied and pasted, and in the process the formating got reinterpreted?

Edited by Kupar
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1 hour ago, Nightshift85 said:

My wife and I have been married for 11 years and together for 15 in total. She is the only person I've been with. In my previous post, I started how she may consider trying wetting once for me. 

I'm curious how to other members handle there partner or spouse not being into omo or anything else related to pee? Did any of you  do what I have done and ask their spouse to give it a try? If they did agree how did that go?

Or do you just enjoy it on your own time?

Have things moved forward at all for you and your wife since your first post?

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No not really I asked her this morning if she would pee in the shower, that got turned down.  I am going to back off for now, I dont want to upset her by pushing to much. 

That why I was asking how other people in this situation handle it. I know I can watch videos but, which I do but that grows boring and I'm not sure what else to do.

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26 minutes ago, Nightshift85 said:

No not really I asked her this morning if she would pee in the shower, that got turned down.  I am going to back off for now, I dont want to upset her by pushing to much. 

That why I was asking how other people in this situation handle it. I know I can watch videos but, which I do but that grows boring and I'm not sure what else to do.

I think backing off sounds wise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There's no good answer to this question.  My first serious relationship was with a girl who I believe is a sub and peeing was no problem.  The other 99% ended up not being so good.  I REALLY miss that 1% though.   At this point for me, it would be a deal breaker if the girl I was with wasn't into it. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

It doesn't bother me if they're not into it.  TBH, I've never found a girl who was, so I've never had the opportunity to explore the sexual side of the fetish (though I've chatted with a few here who would be more than willing to play).

 In the end, my pee fetish is just one aspect of my sexuality.  My sex life could be improved if I could add pee play but it's perfectly adequate without it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/22/2021 at 8:38 PM, GenericUsername said:

I have almost no experience with dating and sex. I’m a shy person in general who has trouble making friends. This doesn’t present me with many options when it comes time for me to have a relationship in the future. If you have experienced sexual relationships, how important was it that they were also into peeing? Was it something you could ignore if they didn’t like it? I have been into pee since before puberty, so it is kind of like a part of me now - hard to let go I guess. There are all these posts about how your SO isn’t into pee and it sounds like it sucks. 

Well, my wife is not specifically into it, but she Knows that I am, so she accommodates me by pissing on my dick, etc..   It doesn't really do anything for her directly, but it does "indirectly".    Because I get hard as can be, then I Pound her into several orgasms, so she benefits indirectly, while I benefit directly.    Basically a Win-Win for us both!

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I would like it if my other half is opened minded about what I do. Had an ex who we didn’t mention about our kinks but I always peed outside but not like in front of her or anything but she didn’t say anything and just let’s me. Then when I stayed at hers she had an en-suite so she peed with the door open and so I started doing it. And she watches. Which then leads into shower pissing. But sadly our relationship didn’t last. But would like to find someone who wouldn’t mind and not disgusted by it. 

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