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Girls, how did you learn to pee outside?

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When it comes to peeing outside, men can pee standing up easily and so it's no different to using a toilet. Girls tend to find it more difficult though and that got me wondering how girls learn the skill of peeing outside in the first place.  Some girls don't like the idea of peeing outside but, as this site shows, others like nothing more than relieving themselves in the open.

So girls, how did you learn to pee outside for the first time? Was it something you were shown when you were a kid by a parent during a road trip or hike when you needed to go with no toilet nearby? Did a friend show you what to do while you were playing out so you didn't have to go home and not be allowed out again that day?

Maybe it was during a drunken night out with friends when you were bursting to go after the clubs had closed? Or were you alone and had to figure it out for yourself and hope for the best?

Who taught you how to pee outside, how did they teach you to do it and why was it necassary?


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14 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And there was me thinking that ladies squatting to pee was an instinctive thing that came naturally.

Is it something that has to be taught?

A very good friend of mine once told me that as a very small child she saw her brother standing in front of the toilet, pants pulled down to mid-thigh as young kids do, peeing into the water.  Being one year older, if he could then obviously she could too.

Apparently her parents found it too funny to tell her off too much for flooding her clothes and the bathroom floor the next time she tried to pee just like he had.

So possibly yes, having spent months being taught to pee on the potty and toilet seat, perhaps it does need some guidance as to what will work and what won't. 


(Have to say I do love the ladies' accounts above delightful - absolutely not in any fetish sense of course, but just a beautiful reminder of how innocent childhood should be and how natural a thing pee is despite any do-gooders views otherwise.)

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21 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

A very good friend of mine once told me that as a very small child she saw her brother standing in front of the toilet, pants pulled down to mid-thigh as young kids do, peeing into the water.  Being one year older, if he could then obviously she could too.

Apparently her parents found it too funny to tell her off too much for flooding her clothes and the bathroom floor the next time she tried to pee just like he had.

Lol have @Eliminature teach her to hone her newfound skills!

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22 hours ago, Sophie said:

I was taught how to pee outside by my mother when I was young. I remember it well.

We had been to the park for the day, I can't remember exactly what we was doing but I remember needing a wee but not wanting to say anything, I was enjoying myself too much and didn't want to stop. My mother eventually noticed my desperate state and took me to the toilets, the usual brick like structure with a gents and a ladies side. They were locked for some reason and I was too desperate to make it to some other toilets, it probably wouldn't have been the case if I had spoke up earlier!

My mother took my hand and led me behind the building and helped me with my clothes and into a squat, crouching in front of me but still fully dressed, holding my hand. I was really shy and I explicitly remember her saying "It's okay sweetheart, nobody is watching" and her encouraging me to "water the flowers" I eventually started peeing and we carried on with our day as normal.

How old were you when you were taught and would you say that you were less shy after this first outdoor wee as a result? Some ladies are really embarrassed by it and avoid it in my experience. Would you say that if they never had to wee outside as a child then this would be more likely? 

22 hours ago, Sophie said:

I remember teaching my younger sister to pee outside. We had been playing together in this patch of trees.Too small to be a woods I think but dense enough it was great for hide and seek etc. After a while we both needed to pee and of course there was no toilets, we were in natures toilet! I showed her what to do and she basically copied me, pulling down my clothes and getting into a squat, telling her to pull up on her jeans so she didn't pee into her lap. She was right next to me copying what I was doing.

I guess this was after your Mum taught you? It's a good job she did so you could help your sister.

21 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And there was me thinking that ladies squatting to pee was an instinctive thing that came naturally.

Is it something that has to be taught?

That's why i'm asking the question. I know females that hate the thought of having to pee outside and always go places where toilets aren't too far away so it maybe doesn't come naturally.

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21 hours ago, pop-a-squat said:

I was taught by an older female cousin. We would go swimming together and instead of going in the house, we’d pee behind the pool or shed. She would squat down and pull her bathing suit aside and taught me how to spread my feet so I didn’t pee on them. I think it’s pretty self explanatory on how to pee outside, as a girl, but I didn’t realize how important it was to be hidden LOL. Our parents once caught us and yelled at us, so we got sneakier after that. 

Yes it's always a good idea to pee where no one else can see lol

7 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

A very good friend of mine once told me that as a very small child she saw her brother standing in front of the toilet, pants pulled down to mid-thigh as young kids do, peeing into the water.  Being one year older, if he could then obviously she could too.

Apparently her parents found it too funny to tell her off too much for flooding her clothes and the bathroom floor the next time she tried to pee just like he had.

So possibly yes, having spent months being taught to pee on the potty and toilet seat, perhaps it does need some guidance as to what will work and what won't.

I wonder how many girls with brothers try that without realising it isn't going to work as well for them! As it evident on this site, it is possible if done right but us men have it easier!


51 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

@Ms. Tito 😀🏻

As I got older, my male playmate taught me to "do a standing up wee" in his garden. The trick, in my own experience, is to use both hands to pull your urethra forward so you can arc a stream forward rather than it descending between your feet. As soon as I learned the trick, there was no stopping me! Walls and trees were fair game!

Did no one ever see you and ask why you were peeing that way? 

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17 minutes ago, littlebladder said:

Did no one ever see you and ask why you were peeing that way? 

Not until I was older. My dad once saw me peeing against a tree and gave me a funny look but said nothing. If anyone else saw me, they never said anything or tried to stop me.

In the secondary school girls' lavatory, I was spotted by popular girls with my feet facing the "wrong way" under the door. I was ridiculed mercilessly when word got through the school year that I didn't sit down like I was supposed to. That was an awful time. It really was. Also, it was harder to attend to a tampon or sanitary pad without being seated. I took to sitting beacuse kids can be cruel. 

I don't sit now except when necessary. As for periods, I use a menstrual cup instead of the conventional methods now. This has helped massively. It only needs to be attended to twice a day. Not to mention being better for the environment. 

Edited by Eliminature
Typos! Eeek!
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3 hours ago, Eliminature said:

Not until I was older. My dad once saw me peeing against a tree and gave me a funny look but said nothing. If anyone else saw me, they never said anything or tried to stop me.

In the secondary school girls' lavatory, I was spotted by popular girls with my feet facing the "wrong way" under the door. I was ridiculed mercilessly when word got through the school year that I didn't sit down like I was supposed to. That was an awful time. It really was. Also, it was harder to attend to a tampon or sanitary pad without being seated. I took to sitting beacuse kids can be cruel. 

I don't sit now except when necessary. As for periods, I use a menstrual cup instead of the conventional methods now. This has helped massively. It only needs to be attended to twice a day. Not to mention being better for the environment. 

Kids can be real assholes.

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On 12/8/2020 at 12:21 AM, ukpeegirl86 said:

I was taught to squat outside by a friend a year or two older when playing outdoors. I would have been about six I think. She showed me what to do first and then I copied her. After that is was quite a regular thing. I remember feeling really worried that I was going to be weeing on the ground and I was worried I'd get into trouble but she reassured me and I was fine after that. We'd do it almost openly while we were out playing. One or two of us would run over to the bush line and drop our knickers to squat and pee into the grass, then go back and join the others playing.

@ukpeegirl86 It seems from the responses here that it's common for girls to teach other girls how to pee outside. Did you see other girls showing others how to do it? I wonder who taught your friend? Have you ever taught anyone? 

@Sophie You also seem to have been in a chain of outdoor peeing teaching lol!

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7 hours ago, PissDude said:

A friend of mine told me when he's home, he'll just get up, open the door, and piss through it. Then I caught his daughter copying him. He got a laugh out of it.

The door to the outside, or the bathroom door?

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It seems that it's quite common for girls to be taught how to pee outside quite young. I'm not sure how old you were @Sophie or your sister when you taught her, were you as young as @ukpeegirl86? I suppose it's useful skill for a girl to learn growing up so you can go outside without getting it all over yourself or clothes!

On the flip side, is there anyone that was taught by someone as an adult having never peed outside before, or have you ever had to show a woman what to do because she didn't know? 

@Eliminature Have you taught any other ladies how to pee standing up? 

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On 12/7/2020 at 2:10 AM, pop-a-squat said:

I was taught by an older female cousin. We would go swimming together and instead of going in the house, we’d pee behind the pool or shed. She would squat down and pull her bathing suit aside and taught me how to spread my feet so I didn’t pee on them. I think it’s pretty self explanatory on how to pee outside, as a girl, but I didn’t realize how important it was to be hidden LOL. Our parents once caught us and yelled at us, so we got sneakier after that. 

In the UK, we don't tend to have swimming pools at our houses like is common in the US. Is it common for girls to pee in the grass or behind a shed instead of going inside, even if not particularly approved by the parents? 

It's easy for me to pee outside as a guy but i'd have thought it's something girls need to be taught to get it right and not end up covered in pee. Would any females disagree with me?


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14 hours ago, littlebladder said:


@Eliminature Have you taught any other ladies how to pee standing up? 

Not in person. I don't have many female friends in real life. And most of them don't really want to see me pee. Nor are they interested in learning from me. 

I have given some ladies a few tips on this very website. Whether or not they have put them into practise, I couldn't tell you. 

I'll see if I can find one of the posts I made on this subject. Just a moment...

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Here ya go! 

On 10/21/2020 at 1:43 AM, Eliminature said:

First of all, "is my anatomy just not cut out for weeing standing up?" is not a mentality that will help at all. You need to completely disregard that notion and tell yourself that it is possible - you've managed it at least once after all.

From what I read, it sounds like you have only tried it a few times. In which case you need a LOT more practice. This needs fine tuning and requires a lot of patience. It can't be rushed. Think of it like learning to play an instrument. It won't happen overnight and there are no easy shortcuts. You have to put the practice in.

Ditch the leggings for now and just work on familiarising yourself with your angle of stream and how you need to place your fingers in order to make the stream go forward neatly. This will take time. What is the angle your stream produces? Do two hands work best, or just one? You'll notice that I use two - I can't make it work with just one. Can you use your hands to make the stream go higher or lower? Does it splatter (if it does, you are pointing your urethra too high)? When you have familiarised yourself with the stream and how you need to hold yourself (as always, don't rush), then try introducing a pair of knickers and pulling them aside to go through the leg hole. This was how I managed to pee standing again after a long hiatus after being bullied into sitting. Spend plenty of time familiarising yourself with each stage. Accept that you might get the odd spot on your clothes, remember that it's no big deal. Even guys drip when they pee standing.

When you are well practised with peeing standing wearing underwear, then try it with clothes. In my personal opinion, a skirt or a dress is a good idea if you want to pee standing up outside of the home. If you do drip or make a mistake, it will go directly between your legs, not in your clothes. Accept that peeing directly through the fly zipper of jeans probably won't happen - in 19 years of peeing standing, I've never been able to do it.

When I get paid, I will be purchasing some more leggings and adapting them to have a fly that is easier for female anatomy to use. That may help you.

One last thing - do those pelvic floor exercises. You need a pelvic floor of steel for this!

Keep trying. Don't get discouraged.


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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, littlebladder said:

Has anyone here never peed outside as a child, or never peed outside at all? Are there women that wouldn't know what to do if they had to go behind a bush one day? How easy would it be for a female to figure out how to pee outside themselves? 

I deadass used to refuse to pee outside as a kid, but now I'm totally cool with it. Just did it tonight in fact!

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