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Just saying hi


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Hi and a huge welcome to the community - sounds like you're in exactly the right place.  

There's a lot of people in exactly the same boat, myself included, where 'online' is our only avenue to explore and feel 'normal' about what we enjoy. This community especially is full of those people and it's a very friendly community.  In terms of finding your way about, a lot of people seem to expect the forum to work as a message board - based all on one-to-one personal messaging, that is possible but it's not what we're about.  Think of us more as the Facebook of pee, except it's everyone that shares in what we post and everyone can enjoy, feed back and comment.

Any questions or problems please just shout.

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6 hours ago, nacixeru said:


I'm a piss loving girl who just wants to express and experience my fetish wish other people. I am in a commuted relationship were my partner does not feel the same about piss as I do. This is the reason I joined.

I'm going to have to learn how the forums work herebut I'm excited!

I hope to share my stories and read about others. Thanks!

Hey! Fellow newbie here too, whose wife doesn't feel the same about piss. Not really been on forums for a long time, but excited to chat to some people who've got the same love as I do of pee 🙂 ... btw I'm  40/m/Ireland

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Hello & welcome, i know only too well how it is if your partner has no interest in this, i was lucky as eventualy my late wife gave it a try & discovered how much of a turn on it was but it took me 2 years to get her to try it.

I think you'll enjoy the stories pics & vids on here as i do.

I hope you have lots of fun here 😊

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