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Young men living at home, peeing in the yard.

Young men allowed to pee in the yard at home.  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Men, while living at home with mom did you:

    • Never peed in the yard.
    • Never allowed mom to know I peed in the yard.
    • Mom was aware that I peed in the yard discretly.
    • Mom encouraged guys to pee in the yard.
    • I'm not a man.
  2. 2. Moms:

    • I'd never allow guys to pee in the yard.
    • I'm fine wth it if they're discrete.
    • I'd rather they did.
    • I'm not a mom.

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So, being a 50 something mother of 3 adult boys and living in various locations, from suburban homes, condos and more rural homes over the years I've been asked repeatedly by young men here on what moms think of young men peeing in yards. I've been giving some advice to more than a dozen young men, based on my personal experiences with my boys as well their friends and other moms. I'm finding that I spend my time repeating myself or simply copying and pasting the same advice to another young man in the same dilemma. Lately it occurred to me that I think you guys would benefit as much from learning from one another's experiences as much as mine. I'm sure there are also other moms or grandmother whom could contribute as well. I'm not going to mention by name the guys I've been speaking to, or share any of our private conversations, but you guys (you know who you are) are certainly welcome to share those comments here. I think nearly all of you young men have been rather surprised to recently realize how very open minded many moms are about young men peeing outdoors.

I've attached a poll to give everyone from young men, former young men and moms the ability to share your experiences quickly, but I'm hoping you guys will use this as more of a discussion board to share your experiences and give one another more confidence around home. I think many of you would be very surprised to know what moms think. I participate in many parenting forums and there's been a great deal of discussion on whether or not to allow boys to pee in the yard or in public. There have been many polls with similar results, but I think this one was the most enlightening. 

Moms, you're thoughts on boys peeing in the yard.

16%    It's disgusting, I'd never allow them to.

17%    Whatever, I never witnessed it or thought about it.

51%    I think it's perfectly fine for boys to pee in the yard.

17%    It's fine, my boys do so all the time.

So I love the way they worded this particular poll because it reveals more than the obvious. First, for all of you young men who are terrified to be caught by mom or the neighbor women, relax only 16% of moms would really object to you doing so!  Conversely, by adding the last 2 numbers together you'll see that 68% of moms are actually perfectly fine with boys peeing in the yard!  What I find interesting though is the last number, showing that only 17% of moms are aware that their boys pee in the yard. If you do the math, of those 83% of young men moms who never noticed, 63% of their moms would be fine with them peeing in the yard and  21% could likely convince their moms it's okay. Every day you'll see young men here commenting things like, "I wish I could pee outside, but I live with my parents," or "I'm sure the woman next door would complain." Yet, most of the moms I've conversed with over the years think like the moms in this poll, often complaining when guys track into the house.

Guys, moms feel free to share your thought and experiences.


Edited by beachmom
poll error
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Thanks @Justanormalguy for sharing your story. I would have assumed that the guys frequenting this site would be the most liberal, open minded people aroud, but after having a few conversations with them I began to realize the opposite seems to be true. I became to realize most of you guys seem to be of the mistaken impression that your moms would be outraged if you were to be caught, but in fact the opposite is likely true, most moms are actually fine with it and many are less concerned about where than their sons.

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My mum would be fine with peeing in the yard if not overlooked by neighbours, particularly given some excuse, eg playing outdoors or gardening and going indoors would bring in mud. I may end up peeing in her yard if I go visit her during covid to avoid any risk of spreading the virus.

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We had a big yard but was never allowed to pee in there ofcourse i did but mom was never allowed to know if we got caught we got yelled at so me and my brothers would pee descreetly sometimes but mostly had to use the toilet when playing in the yard because we had windows looking almost every direction. Same with the shower we peed in the shower and got caught that meant we were grounded the only place where she didn’t care was at our cottage probably because theres no water or electricity and its on an island in the middle of the ocean

Edited by DxD
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2 hours ago, oliver2 said:

That seems kinda harsh. Also hard to catch you, since the water would normally wash all the pee away

She was really strict about everything espicially peeing and it got worse in my teenage years when i started exlploring this fetish she once caught me peeing on a pile of my laundry and i got grounded for 2 months. We coudn’t see eye to eye about pretty much anything at that point so i moved out at 14 little before i turned 15

Edited by DxD
Fixed a typo
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My mom has always been very open minded when it comes to peeing, especially outdoors. When I was a child I used to pee in our garden ocasionally with my mother nearby and she couldn't care less about what I was doing. Sometimes she even encoraged me to just pee in the bushes instead of going all the way back into the house. 

I feel like now, over 20 years later, if I would pee in the garden (which I still do whenever I get the chance to) she would still not give a damn about it ... mostly because mom pees there aswell in moments of emergency and I know that because I either was there when it happened or she told me afterwards inside.

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/10/2020 at 11:22 PM, Gotah said:

mostly because mom pees there aswell in moments of emergency and I know that because I either was there when it happened or she told me afterwards inside.

Any specific stories you can tell us?

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  • 2 months later...

Growing up, My primary home was very restrictive. However, women in my extended family were very liberal and open minded about peeing in the yard. They live in a small isolated town where peeing outside is very common. The Aunt I stayed with had two boys and her sister had three and they would openly encourage their boys and me to pee in the yard. Sometimes, I remember their friends would come over and the discussion would turn to  their husband's and sons peeing outside. They were really intrigued by it and would discuss in detail how men and boys would stand and hold themselves while peeing. Unfortunately, I didn't spend much time in that environment, but it was incredibly formative. 

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This is a difficult one for me to answer, because it was totally location dependent. I think when I was very young I had no hesitation peeing in the yard (in the US) in front of my mom. In Europe everyone peed outside so it was also totally normal to do that at our summer house or one of the family estates. When this European outdoor peeing habit started to get me in trouble in school in the US, I think I was encouraged by my parents to be discrete and find a toilet in the US. But there was no problem with continuing to blatantly pee outside when we were in Europe. Thus, I continued to pee in our yards in the US discretely and never in front of her from that point on in order demonstrate that I was matching the culture and my parents should not expect calls from the school principal. In Europe I would openly pee in the yard or outdoors. I also remember no problems with blatantly around town on walls etc. in Europe before getting into the car. 

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