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What is your favourite film?

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What is your favourite film?

Easy question to ask yet very difficult to answer. I dont honestly think I can easily single out any one, but by genre I think my favourites would be....

Sci-Fi - Close Encounters of the Third Kind

War - Full Metal Jacket

Western - Dances with Wolves

Action - Total Recall

Historical - Braveheart

Disaster - Deep Impact

Horror - American Werewolf in London

Psycho-thriller - Silence of the Lambs

Musical - Breaking Glass

Hard to pick a favourite out of that lot because it actually varies according to which genre I am most interested in at that particular moment. I suppose right now if I had the time to watch a film it would be Dances with Wolves out of that choice.

Anyone else like to tell us their favourite films?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Chantelle 22 ,

What was it about The Butterfly Effect , that was so good & interesting to you

I have never had seen this movie before . So I had wondered about what it was all about .

Can you explain to me . Why You like this film , Please ?


It's hard to explain. It's like, physiological thriller if you're into that. Basically everything about it is great, I can't find any fault with it. If I had to watch one movie for the rest of my life, it'd be The Butterfly Effect. :tongue:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I generally only like War movies."Battle of Britain","Kellys Heroes".All the black and white 50s and 60s,with John Mills,and dear Richard Attenborough sort of thing.

Sci-fi,has to be the Alien movies,not big on Star Wars now,was when came out,but i think its dated.Indiana Jones,and the odd rom-com,like Shallow Hal.

Come to think of it,i like most movies,apart from turgid Spy thrillers,where the good guys are the bad guys,but the bad guys are really the Govt etc.Over my head!

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Like Steve my preferences can change from time to time, but here are the first favorites I thought of in each category. (I added more categories too.)

Sci-Fi - Twelve Monkeys

Road movie - Vanishing Point

War - The Hunt for Red October

Western - The Magnificent Seven

Action - Terminator (1 and 2)

Historical - Ben Hur

Disaster - The Towering Inferno

Horror - Alien

Psycho-thriller - Duel

Musical - Jesus Christ Superstar

Documentary Drama - Apollo 13

Romance - Titanic

Fantasy - Lord of the Rings (trilogy)

Courtroom Drama - Twelve Angry Men

Now I am left wondering if I should have chosen others: The Sting, Silent Running, The Caine Mutiny, Soylent Green, Blade Runner, The Dam Busters, The Longest Day, Gone With the Wind, The Third Man, Casablanca ... my list of favorites could be endless.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As many others I don't think I could choose a single film



Die Hard 1+2

Alien quadrilogy

Prometheus (Alien prequel)


The Quick and the Dead

From Dusk till Dawn

Liar Liar

I guess my taste in films says a bit about me.

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As many others I don't think I could choose a single film



Die Hard 1+2

Alien quadrilogy

Prometheus (Alien prequel)


The Quick and the Dead

From Dusk till Dawn

Liar Liar

I guess my taste in films says a bit about me.

Some of my faves in there Sophie.Aliens,Prometheus(which i hope Ridley Scott is continuing).

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As many others I don't think I could choose a single film



Die Hard 1+2

Alien quadrilogy

Prometheus (Alien prequel)


The Quick and the Dead

From Dusk till Dawn

Liar Liar

I guess my taste in films says a bit about me.

A serious focus on horror and action there, Sophie.

I used to be seriously into horror when I was your age too, actually, but less so now.

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I forgot to add Pulp Fiction to the list.

The original Die Hard is my favorite Christmas movie. I always try to make time to watch it on Christmas day.

I completely agree! I love curling up on the sofa and watching it. The original is definitely the best in the series. Die Hard 2 was okay, Die Hard with a Vengeance was meh, enjoyed 4.0 mostly for the whole hacking theme it had.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Not seen ANY of these!
"Back to the Future" is light comedy entertainment with a time travel theme. The pace and timing is just great - I find I still enjoy it after multiple viewings. Definitely see it if you get the chance. A classic American comedy.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Good thread, so in no particular order:

Pulp Fiction (this is my no 1)

Kelly's Heroes

The Hunt for Red October

Silence of the Lambs


Kill Bill 1 and 2 (OK most of Quentin Tarantino's films)

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Most James Bond

Bourne trilogy

Clint Eastwood spagetti westerns

There are more :)

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