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21 hours ago, whiskey35 said:

You should have chanced it and offered to help her Big Bear. It seems you'd build up a bit of a repour so you might have been lucky.😉 

When I read the account, I did wonder that and also wondered what I would do in that situation.   I usually take the path of least possibility of offence, which unfortunately also is usually the path of least opportunity.  I often think of clever things to say afterwards, by which time it is too late.  In the moment I usually only say very innocent things.

So in that particular situation, I would probably have done exactly the same as @Big Bear, but afterwards I would probably have thought that I should definitely have offered to give her cover, with a concerned and supportive attitude - although it may have come across to her as being creepy.   The other thought would have been to have suggested that maybe she could have just squatted low whilst wearing the suit and pee hard through the suit.  She would only have a small wet patch which would be fairly unobtrusive but she would have had her relief without having to strip naked, expose herself and freeze.

Having said all that, I doubt I would have been quick enough or brave enough to suggest it at the time.

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And we must all remember that whilst we undoubtedly have good intentions, some men don't, and a lady is likely to be wary of a strange man being over-familiar. The striking of the balance is difficult, but nobody should feel uncomfortable.

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  • 2 months later...

So as I said yesterday I have still been getting out and getting plenty of sightings I just haven't had the time to dedicate to writing them up to post here. Every time I have thought about doing so something has come up or I've ended up doing something else and time goes by way too quick so apologies that it has been a while since this thread was updated. 

I have written up a few sightings this morning and over the next few days I will continue to do so and try and catch up on some of the noteworthy encounters from the past couple of months. I hope you enjoy reading about them as much as I did getting them. 

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This one wasn’t a pee sighting but proved to be some real nice desperation and set my imagination running. I stood back by the town square watching the crowds and diagonally across from me over the crossroads there was a woman who caught my attention. She was in her late 30’s wearing a short floaty summer dress and as she stood chatting to her two friends she could not stand still and was constantly shifting around and pacing back and forth. I watched her for a few minutes and eventually curiosity got the better of me and I headed over to get a closer look.

I sat myself on the window ledge of the building just next to them and as time passed she continued to pace around and kept lifting her legs and jiggling them. It was obvious she was needing a wee and from their conversation they were waiting for an uber to come pick them up. After a couple more minutes she confirmed what I already knew when she asked her friend where their uber was and she said it would be a couple of minutes. She responded to this by moaning “tell it to hurry up I really need a wee”.

Watching her move around with her obvious growing need was so sexy and I couldn’t help but admire her sexy motions as she casually chatted with her friends. When their uber arrived and she left I loved the thought of her squirming in the back of the uber needing a wee and having to wait until she got home. Always love those kinds of situations. 

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Some great sightings there @Big Bear.  Thanks for writing them up in detail.  I always love your descriptions.

The girl who you interrupted and who cut the stream and moved on to find another place must have had muscles of iron.   She was obviously already very desperate and had been holding it against several rejections, then just as she had started her release she had to stop almost immediately!  The must have taken serious control.   I have seen girls do similar as they are embarrassed about being seen.   Thankfully, most girls are of the opinion that you've already caught them and know what they are doing so they just carry on.   You are right though - you can't really follow her to the next location as that makes it entirely obvious what you were doing and she would know that being discovered the second time would be no accident.  

I also agree with you that sometimes you have to accept that you are missing sightings.  You can't be in multiple places at the same time and you know you are going to miss peeing.   The near misses where you see the girl, know that she either just has peed or is just going to pee but you can't be in the right place either due to timing or being obvious are frustrating though.

To me, at the moment, I'm just frustrated that I haven't got any opportunities to get out on my own, so I'll settle for enjoying your sightings that you kindly share with us.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
6 hours ago, Big Bear said:

This one happened later on in the evening around the time that bars were starting to close. I was hanging around the town square checking out the crowds when a couple came up the road and caught my eye. They were an older couple, maybe late 40s early 50s,  and it was the woman who caught my attention for a good reason. She was a stunning blonde with a great figure for her age and curves in all the right places. A fact which would have peaked my interest as it was, however it was her outfit that had me checking her out.

Usually when I see older ladies out for the night, either in town or at work, they usually dress more conservatively. However this woman was giving the young girls a run for their money in a little white lace boob tube top and some tiny little denim shorts. Clearly she knew she had a great body and wanted to show as much of it as possible and as they walked past I wasn’t the only one checking her out. They wandered along the road and turned into the alley where the nightclub was and out of sight. 

I decided to head down to the church and see how the street was looking, guessing it would be getting busy again as the bars closed up. I went and stood at the bottom of the church steps watching along the street and after about five minutes I spotted the couple walking back down the main road. They stopped halfway down and spoke to a couple of street angels who pointed them down towards the bottom of the road. The couple made their way down and headed to the bar on the corner only to come straight back out, I guessed they had stopped serving. They made their way back up and turned onto the street and walked along checking the bars as they went before disappearing down the side street further along.

I went back to people watching and forgot about them until about fifteen minutes later I spotted them again slowly walking back along the street. They looked in the takeaways as they passed but carried on and then crossed over and joined the small queue for the cash machine. I wasn’t paying them any attention until I saw the woman standing to one side with one hand between her legs holding herself and as I watched I noticed her gently bobbing on the spot, clearly needing to pee. As her man started using the machine she stayed off to the side still holding herself and occasionally crossing her legs. I just watched her enjoying the sexy sight of her unashamed pee dancing and once her man had finished, they crossed over the main road and headed towards me. I assumed she would go into the churchyard so she could find a spot to relieve herself, however they walked past me and went and sat on the bench at the top of the steps.

The guy got on his phone and ordered a taxi and then they sat there waiting. I kept glancing round and found the woman sitting on the bench, one hand firmly clamped between her legs which were both bouncing in rhythm. The fact that she was clearly desperate but was just sitting waiting was very enjoyable and I wondered whether she would end up having to have a sneaky squat before they left or if she was going to hold it till throughout her taxi ride and wait till she got home. Either option was a sexy outcome at that point. However I didn’t take into account option number three.

As I stood thinking about the first two options I glanced round and found she had scooted to the edge of the bench and had spread her legs open and was starting to pee through her shorts. At first it was a slow trickle but as she relaxed into it it quickly got faster and soon had a waterfall running off the bench onto the ground below her. At first I was shocked that she was just wetting herself but soon realised given how short her shorts were really she was only getting the thin bit of fabric between her legs wet, not her whole shorts, so really when she stood up nothing would be visible, quite a genius idea on her part really, plus a very enjoyable sight watching her do so.

I didn’t want to just stare as much as I would have loved to so kept sneaking glances at her until she finished and once she had she reached down and quickly wiped off her thighs, closed her legs and scooched back on the bench like nothing had happened. Eventually their taxi arrived and they headed off. I checked her out as she walked past and luckily for her it had worked out as her shorts showed no evidence she had peed in them. Though I did like the thought that her knickers would be wet underneath.

Well I’d like to think that maybe she might be one of us. There would have probably been some other possibilities to relieve herself - depending on the length of the shorts, might also have been able to pull them aside. Great sighting defenitely

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  • 8 months later...

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