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Avoiding bathroom in parents house

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So, I went to visit my parents for two weeks and long story short, I realised why I don't like going home that often. 

I hate their bathroom! It's tiny, cramped, is really poorly ventilated and it has a horrible horrible echo! Anything that goes on in that bathroom can be held no matter where you are in the house. I've got a really bad self-consciousness thing and I hate anyone, much less my parents, hearing me on the toilet. Going to the toilet at night is particularly bad as the noise is amplified and I'm a terrible night pee-er! My bladder seems to shrink abnormally at night time, meaning I'll need to go once an hour or even more!

My parents are also extremely light sleepers and their room shares a common wall with the bathroom. They used to get really mad at me when I was a kid about getting up in the middle of the night to go for a wee so I guess there may be some residual feelings of worry there, even though I'm nearly 27! I also hate using the particular toilet in the bathroom - it's really small and the side of the bath comes up right next to it. Being a curvier and wider woman, I really struggle to get comfy on it. 

I've tried peeing standing up but I can't wedge myself in far enough as there is so much stuff surrounding the toilet I cant approach it properly. I've tried peeing in the bath but even then there's not enough space to properly stand up and dry off and clean up. 

My thinking is, maybe I could find another way to pee, especially at night. During the day I can cope alright but nighttime is a pain in the arse. I have a bin I could use but I couldn't risk emptying/cleaning it secretly. I could maybe use towels in an emergency .My only other option is using two very large cups that are display purpose only currently or bringing up a container. 

Would I be totally unreasonable to do this? What would you guys do? 

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Guest UnabashedUser

Get an appropriately size silicone funnel cheap from a kitchen supply store. Use that to pee into toweling in a bin or a bottle81rcTRLiDVL._AC_UL320_.jpg

. The silicone is flexibile and can be held tightly  and squeezed to prevent leaks and over spray. 



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As above I'd be looking for some kind of container to pee in, sealable one like this maybe


 i would have said use a nice folded up towel but I guess then you'd have explain why you were using so many towels

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1 hour ago, mickymoist said:

I would have said use a nice folded up towel but I guess then you'd have explain why you were using so many towels

I used to use the excuse of “they fell in the bath/shower” but it’s not one you could get away with often!

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3 hours ago, chubbybirb999 said:

I used to use the excuse of “they fell in the bath/shower” but it’s not one you could get away with often!

“I mistook it for a toilet”


”Well, you know, these things happen...”



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16 minutes ago, chubbybirb999 said:

Had to give in and use a cup!


That would’ve been my suggestion. Years ago when I lived in an apartment, my gf would use a large cup late at night instead of having to walk out to the bathroom. 

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Does the room have an opening window?   What is outside or below it?   My suggestion would be to take a suitable sealable container with you, pee in the container and potentially empty it out of the window - that would solve your night time issue.  It would work best if there was vegetation under the window as that would hide the evidence and would also reduce the noise when emptying it.   If you have a hard surface such as patio below then it will make too much noise and leave an obvious splatter puddle that would be seen in the morning.

Our spare room would be ideally suited for this purpose.  The upstairs is set back slightly from the downstairs and there is a sloping roof immediatley below the spare room window.  It would be totally feasible to empty a pee container directly onto the roof and the pee would flow down the roof tiles and into the gutter below.

Another option might be that you could reach out of the window and empty your container into the gutter above you - i.e. if the main roof gutter is immediatley above the window.   You would need to be careful or you would end up pouring it over yourself, the window and the floor below!   A sealable jug with a spout would be best for this.  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lock-ABF636-Jug-Clear/dp/B00KZNRLXG/

You could always use the jug in the night and then take it to the bathroom with you in the morning when you go for a wash - conceal it under something that you are carrying like a towel or clothing.  You can then empty it in the sink or toilet.  Problem solved.   Don't forget that whatever you do, you probably need to take a trip to the bathroom and flush the toilet in the morning as your parents may suss that something is going on if you don't flush the toilet in the morning.

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5 hours ago, PantyPissr28 said:

I use one of those GoGirl pee funnels for outdoor activities and pee in a bottle late at night so I don’t have to leave the bedroom.

You Go Girl!!! 😝 Hope you were able to show it's not only guys who pee standing up!

Isn't it a great help for marking your territory?

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