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Violent video games

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Ok so there's always someone saying " bann violent games they make kids psychopaths etc." And no that's not right at all a normal human isin't affected by games. Let me give an example in Thailand gta 5 was banned because a guy played it and then shot 2 people. But he was sick he had that sickness in him so if not gta would have triggered him something else would have. And basically everyone under 25 plays violent games if it was that dangerous wouldn't everyone under 25 go on a killing spree?. What im trying to say is a sick human that hurts someone because of a game would have done it without playing the game because he/she had it in them. They would just have been triggered by something else and a normal human dosen't get triggerd by games because they are not sick. Let me hear your thoughts on this.

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You are correct, it's total bullshit that games cause violence. Those kids that shoot people in real life always come from broken abusive homes, or are diagnosed with add and drugged. The side effects of such medication alter the brain's receptors and literally turn that kids emotions up to level 10 and they react in extreme ways. There is also a direct correlation between the rise of fatherless homes and the rise of violence among the youth. There is research that shows video games actually reduce violence because the troubled individuals have an outlet for their anger. The news doesn't want to talk about any of this though. 

I've been playing gta, resident evil and other violent games since I was 9 or 10. I played Manhunt when I was maybe 14 and that game is probably the most violent ever made and was banned in many countries. I've never had a violent episode, never shot anyone, never once thought about reenacting the games for real. None of my friends either and we all played those games. It's not hard to discern fantasy from reality for any normal person even as a kid. 



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Both of us play video games (we have a PS4 each, lol) and we have no intention of running rampart all over the scenery. People did this way before video games were blamed, just think of the few prominent ones is the 80's.

Maigh does cause me some concern when she's online, her Scot background kicks in, and you hear "die fuckers, die" in her sweet voice. She was known as Miss_Murder once, and someone politely asked her to change her name.

Both of us are hanging out for Cyberpunk 2077, been following that for a while now. Looks impressive (if it makes it passed our nanny state censorship)

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9 hours ago, Peefreak99 said:

I know @steve25805 is interessted in psychology so i'd like to hear your thoughts on this 

Much as certain types of campaigners love to blame violent video games, and before them violent films, for violence in society it is nonsense. Their motivation is simply that they themselves don't like violent video games and films most of the time, so they just want to stop everyone else from seeing or playing them. It is often about trying to make everyone else conform to their own preferred standards and tastes, and this is inherently a finger-wagging nanny state mind set.

Violent video games or films do not make people commit violence, nor do they turn people into psychopaths. Anyone who responds violently after playing a game or watching a film is already a violent powder keg or psychopath who is going to explode sooner or later anyway. What can happen though is that people who are already violent or psychopaths or both, might use this or that game or film as inspiration for their way of expressing violence. But the game or film has not caused it. The violence was within them looking for inspiration anyway. Were it not for the game or film, something else would have inspired them instead - a book, a newspaper article, an item in the news.

Violent films and video games do not trigger violence. But those already going to be violent might gain ideas on how to be violent from them. But they'd be violent anyway even without them.

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1 hour ago, mickymoist said:

Played "violent" video games for 30 years an and off, although they hadn't been invented when I was a kid lol, never committed a violent act in my life.

Indeed. The only people who might react violently to a violent video game are those who are already violent psychopaths, who would be violent anyway. But they would be that way already. Video games do not turn people into psychos, though psychos might copy some of the violence in a game. But if it wasn't for the game they'd gain their inspiration from somewhere else somehow anyway. And that is because the violent drives are internal to them and not externally caused by this or that video game.

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Do you rememebr the Columbine-Shooters?

They played DOOM; so thats what turned them into mass murders.

Yeah, right... .

They did not became violent because they played violent video games,

they played violent video games because they were violent.


That being said: playing violent video games is not an indicator for a violent personality.

Sometimes you just want to vent of some steam... what better place is there then the virtual world?


I think, people mixing up cause and symptom are much worse then people who play violent video games.... .

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I think that many games,and films are perhaps more violent,gory or explicit than they need to be.

DOOM was violent,but also not that Hi-Res,modern games allow you to explode heads in slow motion etc.

It could be that an obsession with video games breeds a violent personality.It must de-sensitive the mind of the weak minded,to want to act out the fantasy.

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On 6/21/2019 at 11:40 AM, F.W said:

I think that many games,and films are perhaps more violent,gory or explicit than they need to be.

DOOM was violent,but also not that Hi-Res,modern games allow you to explode heads in slow motion etc.

It could be that an obsession with video games breeds a violent personality.It must de-sensitive the mind of the weak minded,to want to act out the fantasy.


Could you please do me a favour?  I'd appreciate it so much if you'd hit the space bar after a comma.  Your posts would be so much easier to read and it's the correct way to type.  Thanks!

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