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Peeing During Pregnancy

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My wife peed very often with both pregnancies. Especially at night. She was up every 2 hours or so. Unlike some women who say they have to pee urgently and only pee a small amount, hers were typically still very long pees. Car rides were rough too. 

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16 hours ago, clay6 said:

My wife peed very often with both pregnancies. Especially at night. She was up every 2 hours or so. Unlike some women who say they have to pee urgently and only pee a small amount, hers were typically still very long pees. Car rides were rough too. 

Oh car desperation got any good stories?😉 

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With all of my pregnancies I seem to remember peeing more often in the beginning weeks rather than later on. My first I distinctly remember waking up to pee every 15 minutes when my husbands alarm was going off for work lol.

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When my wife was pregnant, she was always pissing Haha. Towards the end we had to drive 200km's one way for her doctor's appointments. She couldn't make it more than 100km before we had stop because she had to piss hahahah

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Bladder capacity is reduced as space taken up by your unborn. Also they can move and kick later in pregnancy which can cause leakage.

I must have changed my pants at least twice  a day with my 2nd

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On 6/21/2019 at 10:56 AM, Jayne78 said:

Bladder capacity is reduced as space taken up by your unborn. Also they can move and kick later in pregnancy which can cause leakage.

I must have changed my pants at least twice  a day with my 2nd

How often do babies' diapers have to be changed after they are born then?

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  • 3 years later...

My friend was pregnant and she had to pee every hour to hour and a half. She did hold it for 3 hours, late in her pregnancy. heres the story, we were driving home from a road trip and we both drank multiple bottles of water and she didn't pee before leaving the store because she forgot. On the way home she started to look uncomfortable and she was getting really desperate really quickly. 5 minutes before she peed herself she was sweating, shaking, jamming her hands into her crotch and squirming, she didn't make it home unfortunately.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Kylecantholdit said:

I just have a couple questions about pregnant women and their ability to hold it. Do they get uncontrollable urges to urinate? Can they regain bladder control after pregnancy? How often do they go to the bathroom? How do they hold it when there is no bathroom?

I've merged your question into this existing thread which may answer a couple of your questions.

Also if you haven't already tried it, the site search can be pretty good on things like this.   For example, this hit.

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2 hours ago, Kylecantholdit said:

Do they get uncontrollable urges to urinate?

Not all of the time. My last pregnancy was pretty tame. 


2 hours ago, Kylecantholdit said:

Can they regain bladder control after pregnancy?

Yes. I have after two pregnancies I have no problems controlling my bladder. 

2 hours ago, Kylecantholdit said:

How often do they go to the bathroom?

As many times as they need to. Sometimes it's more than usual but it depends on the position of the baby and hormones. As stated before my last pregnancy didn't cause me to pee more than usual. 


2 hours ago, Kylecantholdit said:

How do they hold it when there is no bathroom?

Just as they did before they were pregnant. Being pregnant doesn't change anything about how you're able to hold. Your bladder might hold less at times but you still hold it the same way. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

A friend told me about a wedding he went to in France.  The bride was in the early stages of pregnancy.  On her way from the church to the chateau (where the reception was) she had to ask the car to stop.  All the guests drove past while she was squatting at the side of the road, wedding dress around her waist, an arc of pee delicately curving into a puddle between her feet.

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