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Who’s this freak? Go on... ask?

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8 hours ago, WetDreamer said:

Just a word of caution. Your website may have personal information, which might link your real name to your alias on this site.


Im aware and totally don't care, but thanks anyways

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're up for few more random questions Mr Goose, how about these (shamelessly 'borrowed' from a weekend newspaper regular column):

1. When and where were you happiest?

2. If you could edit your past, what would you change?

3. If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose? (It could be a concept or custom; it doesn't have to be something that was once living.)

Take your time. No rush. And indeed no pressure to answer at all 🙂  

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9 hours ago, Kupar said:

If you're up for few more random questions Mr Goose, how about these (shamelessly 'borrowed' from a weekend newspaper regular column):

1. When and where were you happiest?

2. If you could edit your past, what would you change?

3. If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose? (It could be a concept or custom; it doesn't have to be something that was once living.)

Take your time. No rush. And indeed no pressure to answer at all 🙂  

Hmmm - tough questions, but here goes.  I may end up coming back to make an edit to two, so do keep watching...

1.  Initial thought was probably back in childhood days - those long summers and holidays in a tent, the time when we were together as a family unit without chores, work and all the drudgery. But instead the one singular moment is definitely the birth of my son, my only child.  He decided to make his entrance two days earlier than planned and due to the circumstances he came into the world via an emergency, general anaestetic caesarean birth.  That also meant I couldn't be in the room, couldn't do any hand holding or moral supporting.  Instead I sat waiting immediately outside the theatre, heart in my mouth, holding my breath for an eternity - well, about 20 minutes literally not knowing what the outcome would be. Eventually a baby's cry melted my heart, which somehow leaked out of my eyes. My lifetime happiest moment then was having a newborn human wrapped in a blanket - my human my son, placed into my arms where we spent the next ten minutes just staring into each others eyes in wonder. (This week my son turned 18).

2.  What would I change about my past - that's one of those science fiction nightmare paradox things isn't it, like going back in time and Marty's mom falling in love with Marty instead of George.  If I changed anything then the chances are my life paths would have worked out different.  But, what do I feel could be changed?  Well, the thing I feel I've let myself down on most is not being bold.  The number of times as a youth I've been too shy to talk to someone, to respond to an opportunity, to grasp a moment, to talk to a girl...  As an example - when I was 19 I had some pretty life preserving surgery. I was in hospital the night before the operation in a private room, and the nurses made a point of 'hinting' that there was a very nervous 17yr old girl in the room across the corridor about to undergo the same operation the next day too.  Whether they should have or not, they tried to coax me into knocking on her door, introducing myself and hopefully taking her mind off things. When it came down to it, I was too nervous and too shy. Despite having nothing to lose, I still didn't - and I later found out she didn't come out of the operation.  So kids, sometimes you only get one chance. Seize it, do it and don't look back. Unless it's illegal, in which case do think twice.

3.  I'm going to sound like a grumpy pensioner now - "in my day..."   Maybe this isn't extinct, but it certainly seems to be something worryingly absent.  That something is respect.  What I mean by that is it feels like we're heading now towards a second generation of people growing up with an incredible awareness of their rights and no concept of responsibilities or respect for others. Partly that manifests itself in out of control school age thugs with knives and worse, but just as bad are the spoiled 'do as I want' generation of overly privileged kids being brought up with no boundaries.  All they want is to do what THEY want and no care for the impact on anyone else. I'm too young to be the 'bring back national service' generation, but I do wonder what the future holds for us if this continues.

That'll teach you to ask serious questions!

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7 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Hmmm - tough questions, but here goes.  I may end up coming back to make an edit to two, so do keep watching...

1.  Initial thought was probably back in childhood days - those long summers and holidays in a tent, the time when we were together as a family unit without chores, work and all the drudgery. But instead the one singular moment is definitely the birth of my son, my only child.  He decided to make his entrance two days earlier than planned and due to the circumstances he came into the world via an emergency, general anaestetic caesarean birth.  That also meant I couldn't be in the room, couldn't do any hand holding or moral supporting.  Instead I sat waiting immediately outside the theatre, heart in my mouth, holding my breath for an eternity - well, about 20 minutes literally not knowing what the outcome would be. Eventually a baby's cry melted my heart, which somehow leaked out of my eyes. My lifetime happiest moment then was having a newborn human wrapped in a blanket - my human my son, placed into my arms where we spent the next ten minutes just staring into each others eyes in wonder. (This week my son turned 18).

2.  What would I change about my past - that's one of those science fiction nightmare paradox things isn't it, like going back in time and Marty's mom falling in love with Marty instead of George.  If I changed anything then the chances are my life paths would have worked out different.  But, what do I feel could be changed?  Well, the thing I feel I've let myself down on most is not being bold.  The number of times as a youth I've been too shy to talk to someone, to respond to an opportunity, to grasp a moment, to talk to a girl...  As an example - when I was 19 I had some pretty life preserving surgery. I was in hospital the night before the operation in a private room, and the nurses made a point of 'hinting' that there was a very nervous 17yr old girl in the room across the corridor about to undergo the same operation the next day too.  Whether they should have or not, they tried to coax me into knocking on her door, introducing myself and hopefully taking her mind off things. When it came down to it, I was too nervous and too shy. Despite having nothing to lose, I still didn't - and I later found out she didn't come out of the operation.  So kids, sometimes you only get one chance. Seize it, do it and don't look back. Unless it's illegal, in which case do think twice.

3.  I'm going to sound like a grumpy pensioner now - "in my day..."   Maybe this isn't extinct, but it certainly seems to be something worryingly absent.  That something is respect.  What I mean by that is it feels like we're heading now towards a second generation of people growing up with an incredible awareness of their rights and no concept of responsibilities or respect for others. Partly that manifests itself in out of control school age thugs with knives and worse, but just as bad are the spoiled 'do as I want' generation of overly privileged kids being brought up with no boundaries.  All they want is to do what THEY want and no care for the impact on anyone else. I'm too young to be the 'bring back national service' generation, but I do wonder what the future holds for us if this continues.

That'll teach you to ask serious questions!

Wow. I had a tear in my eye reading you answer to my first question, a sympathetic ache in my heart reading your answer to the second, and a sense that I need to do a lot more thinking for myself reading your answer to the third. Thank you as always for taking the time and trouble to answer so thoughtfully and fully. I really appreciate it. Especially as I am haven't opened myself up to the same scrutiny. I fear I may be behaving as one of those who believes heh has a right ask ask without the responsibility of answering. Thanks again.

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1 minute ago, Kupar said:

Wow. I had a tear in my eye reading you answer to my first question, a sympathetic ache in my heart reading your answer to the second, and a sense that I need to do a lot more thinking for myself reading your answer to the third. Thank you as always for taking the time and trouble to answer so thoughtfully and fully. I really appreciate it. Especially as I am haven't opened myself up to the same scrutiny. I fear I may be behaving as one of those who believes heh has a right ask ask without the responsibility of answering. Thanks again.

No problem - You can definitely ask of course, after all I chose to answer lol, it's not like it was a responsibility - more a pleasure to answer.

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12 minutes ago, Sophie said:

For one zillion dollars, the question is...

Who let the dogs out?

Well, depending on how classical an education you've had, it could be Pavlov...

Or it could be the Baha Men - and I suspect some of our female (and male) friends can fully relate to the theme of the song.  Written after noting and criticising that ability of guys to mysoginistically look past their beer guts, stubble and general unattractiveness to pass derogatory sexist comments about the ladies they see.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Goose. I have been pondering a question that I thought you could have fun answering. I didn't want to get heavy like my last ones! Can you describe the physical and personality attributes of the person you would most like to have as your willing pee play partner: the person, in your parallel universe, who's into all the aspects of the kink that turn you on. You're a connoisseur of the female form, and you are a wonderful descriptive writer, so I'm looking forward to reading the response ... but there is no time pressure 🙂

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1 hour ago, Kupar said:

 Can you describe the physical and personality attributes of the person you would most like to have as your willing pee play partner: the person, in your parallel universe, who's into all the aspects of the kink that turn you on.🙂

Right - So in my parallel universe there'll be a 5'9" brunette 24 years old, with 34DD breasts, a tattoo on her left thigh and a piercing on her....  Maybe.  It's possible, but lots of other things are possible too.

In truth I'm not really sure exactly of any one physical appearance because that's not really a driver for me.  Instead I'll try and explain what drives me.

Basically it's almost all down to personality.  I'm not the world's most confident person, not in all respects. Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not.   In terms of the perfect match then - it'd be someone who is grounded. Someone 'real', someone who values friendships and honesty. Someone more into enjoying a good meal than sucking on fresh air lest they gain a few grammes.  Someone who probably doesn't have inch long acrylics and hair extensions because they're not that much of a priority.  Someone intelligent and funny - which to be honest are more important than physical appearance.

Someone who definitely knows how to dress sexily, and whilst they normally do, possibly doesn't actually realise just how sexy they are.  In general a girl next door rather than a supermodel figure.  To be personally honest, nymphomaniacs need not apply either - I don't profess to be a casanova or a master of tantric sex, but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve.

Not giving you much to go on here am I lol.  The person could be one of various people from this site. I have one in mind now but who that is isn't really important.  It could be a girl I went to school with (and fancied at the time), it could be a friend's wife (I have one in mind), it could be my friend from South America or from Australia or it could be one of dozens and dozens of other people. 

In reality in that parallel universe I'm not sure I've ever met THE person, but they do say there's someone for every person and it's going to be a hell of a lot of fun when we do have that time together in our universe.

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Sorry Goose - I have thought of another couple for you, if you don't mind:

  • Who gave you the best kiss you've ever had - and can you describe the circumstances?
  • What would your superpower be?

Thank you!

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4 hours ago, Kupar said:

Sorry Goose - I have thought of another couple for you, if you don't mind:

  • Who gave you the best kiss you've ever had - and can you describe the circumstances?
  • What would your superpower be?

Thank you!

I'm still trying to think of that one person I would have as a willing pee partner.  So many candidates...

Now, the best kiss I've ever had - of course the correct answer for any married man is the one that follows the words 'you may now kiss the bride'.   If it wasn't that one, it would be the one when I was seventeen and very naive. I was naive enough to get snared by an 'older woman' who was all of 23, but was engaged (not very happily it seemed).  One way or another a situation had been engineered where I ended up standing being flirted at in a cold, dark kids playground one night - eyelashes fluttering, the full works. Just like in the movies our lips met and we had an amazing eternity (about 30 seconds) before I broke away stuttering apologies.

The next morning after a slightly sleepless night she was outside college - which became quite a recurring thing over the 18 months or so until I went off to university. Those were the 18 months that changed my life. I may have failed the odd A level, but I learned a whole new set of life skills - all starting with that one kiss.


Superpower...  Hmmm.   Am I allowed several, or at least a little set of related abilities.   You see, I have this recurring fantasy (I may have mentioned before) of being able to freeze time, and then mind read / mind control....   Take a crowded shopping mall or city, when they were crowded - freeze time and have all the ladies within a certain age range assemble together.   You must have looked at a lady (or man) in a crowd and wondered - are they wearing underwear?  what kind? do they need to pee?  are they desperate?  what's the most desperate they've ever been?    what stories could they tell?   So quite simple my thought control would be to have this superpower of being able to elicit all sorts of from-the-heart confessions and naughty tales, along of course with demonstrations....

That's me - depraved - but honest!

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13 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I'm still trying to think of that one person I would have as a willing pee partner.  So many candidates...

Now, the best kiss I've ever had - of course the correct answer for any married man is the one that follows the words 'you may now kiss the bride'.   If it wasn't that one, it would be the one when I was seventeen and very naive. I was naive enough to get snared by an 'older woman' who was all of 23, but was engaged (not very happily it seemed).  One way or another a situation had been engineered where I ended up standing being flirted at in a cold, dark kids playground one night - eyelashes fluttering, the full works. Just like in the movies our lips met and we had an amazing eternity (about 30 seconds) before I broke away stuttering apologies.

The next morning after a slightly sleepless night she was outside college - which became quite a recurring thing over the 18 months or so until I went off to university. Those were the 18 months that changed my life. I may have failed the odd A level, but I learned a whole new set of life skills - all starting with that one kiss.


Superpower...  Hmmm.   Am I allowed several, or at least a little set of related abilities.   You see, I have this recurring fantasy (I may have mentioned before) of being able to freeze time, and then mind read / mind control....   Take a crowded shopping mall or city, when they were crowded - freeze time and have all the ladies within a certain age range assemble together.   You must have looked at a lady (or man) in a crowd and wondered - are they wearing underwear?  what kind? do they need to pee?  are they desperate?  what's the most desperate they've ever been?    what stories could they tell?   So quite simple my thought control would be to have this superpower of being able to elicit all sorts of from-the-heart confessions and naughty tales, along of course with demonstrations....

That's me - depraved - but honest!

Great answers Goose - thank you so much. I see you in a slightly different light now - and I very much appreciate your honesty!

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4 hours ago, Sophie said:

If you could go back in time and bring back anyone with you to the present day, who would it be and why? 

Another ace question, I wish I had the imagination to come up with these sort of things.

There is that paradox thing isn't there, travelling back in time and accidentally killing your parents - and in the same way changing history could affect the future - imagine how Marilyn Monroe's career could have progressed, Marc Bolan, Buddy Holly, Jimi Hendrix, Phil Lynnott, Amy Whinehouse...  but should we meddle with what's done.

But fairly easy question for me to answer - [spoiler alert - mood killing answer]

I'd bring my Dad back.  As you may know, he died suddenly in November 2019.  I'd bring him back to call him just a little more often to tell him I loved him.  He knew I did, but there'd be no harm in saying it just a little more often.  We're both engineers, so we'd talk about computers, electronics, geeky stuff but there was a lot of stuff he never said and I never forced out. Practical stuff that would have come in handy...  Stuff I'm still dealing with nearly 18 months on.   But in reality that's not the most important thing in the world.

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3 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Another ace question, I wish I had the imagination to come up with these sort of things.

There is that paradox thing isn't there, travelling back in time and accidentally killing your parents - and in the same way changing history could affect the future - imagine how Marilyn Monroe's career could have progressed, Marc Bolan, Buddy Holly, Jimi Hendrix, Phil Lynnott, Amy Whinehouse...  but should we meddle with what's done.

But fairly easy question for me to answer - [spoiler alert - mood killing answer]

I'd bring my Dad back.  As you may know, he died suddenly in November 2019.  I'd bring him back to call him just a little more often to tell him I loved him.  He knew I did, but there'd be no harm in saying it just a little more often.  We're both engineers, so we'd talk about computers, electronics, geeky stuff but there was a lot of stuff he never said and I never forced out. Practical stuff that would have come in handy...  Stuff I'm still dealing with nearly 18 months on.   But in reality that'd not the most important thing in the world.

I know I'm 'tired and emotional' Goose, but I have a damp eye. Sending a hug.

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  • 2 months later...
38 minutes ago, Sophie said:

Can I have a taste of your ice cream? 

What's the magic word...?

Of course you can.  It's likely to be either Rum & Raisin, or failing that it'll be something involving toffee / caramel / fudge,  or if not then just the super soft ice cream van stuff, with a flake, raspberry or sprinkles.

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4 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

What's the magic word...?

Of course you can.  It's likely to be either Rum & Raisin, or failing that it'll be something involving toffee / caramel / fudge,  or if not then just the super soft ice cream van stuff, with a flake, raspberry or sprinkles.


(and thank you) 

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30 minutes ago, IEnjoyPiss said:

Hey if you don't mind me asking, what is your favourite book you have ever read and why?

Great question...

Must admit I very rarely read books these days, other than when work dictates it. Perhaps on holiday if I've chilled enough and am starting to get a little bored.

As a kid though, growing up as an only child was a very different matter. I used to devour books then, had I think the full set of Enid Blighton's Famous Five and Secret Seven books and read them endlessly, then as a fairly young kid the original Star Wars premiered. In a time before video game spinoffs and DVDs probably the biggest spinoff was the printed story and I read that cover to cover multiple times too.

I'm going to say my favourite though is a book I 'borrowed' off my parents. They were hugely into watching motorsport before I was born and through my early years and the book is Graham Hill's autobiography - Life at the limit. It's still on my book shelf today and gets an airing from time to time.  Hill won one of his world championships in the year I was born, I gained the middle name Graham and I still have photographs my father took of him.  He was a sportsman from another age - who only learned to drive as an adult and had a racing car driving experience on a whim, bitten by the bug he then determined a way into racing to become one of the most successful and respected sportsmen of his era. I guess the message I love there is that it's not about being born into a millionaire family - it's about finding something you have an inherent aptitude for and then working hard to achieve a goal. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mr Goose – another couple of questions for you. No pressure to answer if you don’t want of course.

  • Think of a time recently when you were relaxed, happy and content. Where were you and what were you doing?
  • You find yourself in a convivial social situation with a female work colleague you’ve always fancied and it becomes clear that – amazingly – she might share our kink. What do you say to her? What happens next in Goose’s parallel universe?
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20 hours ago, Kupar said:

Mr Goose – another couple of questions for you. No pressure to answer if you don’t want of course.

  • Think of a time recently when you were relaxed, happy and content. Where were you and what were you doing?
  • You find yourself in a convivial social situation with a female work colleague you’ve always fancied and it becomes clear that – amazingly – she might share our kink. What do you say to her? What happens next in Goose’s parallel universe?


- Most recently relaxed, happy and content was just a couple of weeks ago, feeling totally relaxed on holiday on the UK coast.  Probably the most relaxing moments were sitting on the rocks on a beach, watching and listening to the sea gently ebbing and flowing onto the shore.  Looking at driftwood and other debris high up and realising the power of the winter tides.  Not thinking about work, or other pressures, not even thinking about what time it was, whether we should be rushing somewhere else, not even worrying about what time the car park payment ran out.  (And maybe, just maybe imagining the thought of a pretty girl sitting amongst the rocks and taking a sneaky wee, just far enough away from other holiday makers to not be caught, but public enough to be naughty).

- Great question re the work scenario.  My day job is in a technical, geeky engineering role and hence quite male dominated. In the current era, exposure to real people in the workplace is also limited - but I still have contact with enough ladies to fuel the concept of a work colleague also being into our kink.  I can imagine a few ladies I know (and am a little attracted to) fitting the scenario and can imagine a couple of scenarios in which it could come to light.  We sort of have our 'sixth sense' when it comes to pee - other people see a girl cross legged at a bus stop they assume it's just a comfortable way to stand, we look for the other tell tale signs...  To know that someone was one of us I think they would have to instigate a comment or action and in my parallel universe I'd be quick witted enough to pick up and enter a conversation in a way that coaxed out further openness and revelation from them.

In practice I never seem to be quick enough or brave enough but I like to think in the first instance I'd be able to reassure them that they're not weird or alone in their fascination, but that there's a whole community with exactly that interest.  Of course I'd recommend this site to them and hopefully take time out of the work routine to grab a coffee and compare notes.  I sort of imagine them initially being embarrassed, but opening up in the relief of knowing that I'm not disgusted, not going to mock or humiliate, not going to report them for mis-conduct.  The conversation would probably then head down an exciting comparison of our mutual interests. 

Now, the 'Goose's Parallel Universe' thing - my way of expressing things I'd like to do if real life circumstances were different.  All of the above could feasibly happen in real life.  Following on from the initial event into the longer term, going out on dates and having wild passionate recurring golden sex with her would definitely be a parallel universe thing.  Becoming 'pee buddies' not actually sexually involved, but still sharing intimacy, fun dares and experiences probably so too.

I don't have one single fantasy against one single person - in reality we all like different aspects of the kink and even in my imagination I'm open to lots of different kinkiness.  Maybe a colleague into holding and then wetting as soon as she closes her front door at night, maybe someone else whose ultimate fantasy is to sit on a guy's lap and flood or someone sneaking naughty pees in different places. Someone who's incredibly experienced or someone who has fantasies they've never had chance to experience until now...


12 hours ago, Sophie said:

A question if you don't mind - 

What is the best and worst thing about your job? 

As I've just hinted above, my day job is quite geeky and technical.  Very complex systems, for which I'm a specialist on small sub-parts - needing to understand how and why they work as they do, and analysing incredibly complex design data and results when they don't.  I can't really talk in any more detail and can't tell you what the product is... I don't want to have to kill you.

Instead I'll talk about the part time business I ran for about 10 years as a professional photographer.  I decided to wind it up about six months before the pandemic arose, a decision I'm more than happy with. Now I have three or so corporate clients I undertake recurring work for because I want to, which suits me fine.

Best thing about that job was the people and the situations it got me into.  Worst thing about that job was the people and the situations it got me into!

Some photographers are able to work in a very narrow field, for example forensic photography, but for those carving out their own fortunes to succeed commercially, having to be open to almost anything is really the only way.  And professional photography is maybe 20% knowing how to fiddle with technicalities, 50% doing background stuff like accounts and ordering, 25% dealing with people and 5% luck.

So the worst bits....   I'm a naturally shy person, less so now, but still shy in a lot of situations.  That includes meeting new people and sometimes saying no to people.  Having had an email or phone enquiry I would always want to meet clients before working with them, important on so many levels.  Walking up a client's drive and knocking on the front door for the first time terrified me - I'd want to jump in the car and run away.  And there were clients and jobs where I should have said 'no' - weddings for people I frankly didn't like or respect, which led to being ripped off twice with their weddings remaining unpaid for, and a third where a reception guest (attending in a string vest) tried to pick a fight with me.

Some of the less optimum situations came with inexperience too.  I have laughable memories of being asked to photograph a horse show (because I'd photographed another event they thought I'd be an equine photographer) - six separate show rings with horses and ponies being judged in parallel, no public address or signage as to what was going on and then a stream of horsey types all demanding to know if I had photos of their 'in hand sheltie cob, under 16 hands....' or something.

The best bits also relate to the people and the situations that arise.  I'm a firm believer that an awful lot of decisions don't have a right or wrong answer... just choose a door and go with what happens.  In my time photographing I've found some amazing outcomes through as many doors than I've found the worse bits.  As I've mentioned many times, one of my corporate clients came about through doing some freebie photography for my mate's band and then led to working for the venue of their residency. A venue who host a large annual festival, where I'm principal photographer.  I don't really get starstruck usually and the names appearing are either very competent unknown musicians or are people your parents would have listened to. Nonetheless I've had some amazing 'hairs standing up' moments, standing in the dark wings or back of a stage a matter of feet away from someone delivering a world class performance.  Chatting with people backstage and then seeing them in documentaries on Sky Arts or BBC4. Many of the same people attend every year as guests as well as musos, and I sort of have my own following in a little way which is a bit freaky.  I always try to remember I'm there through privilege and they're paying for their view, so I'm careful to look after them - lots of banter with them too.

In a similar vein other of the best bits have been a bit random...  setting up a studio shoot of a vintage Ferrari in an aircraft hangar, being asked "would you mind taking some photos if we send you up in this helicopter".  Spending time documenting Prison Officers at work in one of the UK's oldest prisons...  Some amazing memories.

And just in case you're wondering, I've never really carved out or fell into the opportunity to shoot any porn or kink photography.   I've done a little boudoir in a tasteful way, done a few jobs where underwear was involved (bridal, baby bump that sort of thing) but nothing more erotic than that.  Always open to more doors opening...


Hope that all helps - a stroll through the strange mind of the Goose.

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1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:


- Most recently relaxed, happy and content was just a couple of weeks ago, feeling totally relaxed on holiday on the UK coast.  Probably the most relaxing moments were sitting on the rocks on a beach, watching and listening to the sea gently ebbing and flowing onto the shore.  Looking at driftwood and other debris high up and realising the power of the winter tides.  Not thinking about work, or other pressures, not even thinking about what time it was, whether we should be rushing somewhere else, not even worrying about what time the car park payment ran out.  (And maybe, just maybe imagining the thought of a pretty girl sitting amongst the rocks and taking a sneaky wee, just far enough away from other holiday makers to not be caught, but public enough to be naughty).

- Great question re the work scenario.  My day job is in a technical, geeky engineering role and hence quite male dominated. In the current era, exposure to real people in the workplace is also limited - but I still have contact with enough ladies to fuel the concept of a work colleague also being into our kink.  I can imagine a few ladies I know (and am a little attracted to) fitting the scenario and can imagine a couple of scenarios in which it could come to light.  We sort of have our 'sixth sense' when it comes to pee - other people see a girl cross legged at a bus stop they assume it's just a comfortable way to stand, we look for the other tell tale signs...  To know that someone was one of us I think they would have to instigate a comment or action and in my parallel universe I'd be quick witted enough to pick up and enter a conversation in a way that coaxed out further openness and revelation from them.

In practice I never seem to be quick enough or brave enough but I like to think in the first instance I'd be able to reassure them that they're not weird or alone in their fascination, but that there's a whole community with exactly that interest.  Of course I'd recommend this site to them and hopefully take time out of the work routine to grab a coffee and compare notes.  I sort of imagine them initially being embarrassed, but opening up in the relief of knowing that I'm not disgusted, not going to mock or humiliate, not going to report them for mis-conduct.  The conversation would probably then head down an exciting comparison of our mutual interests. 

Now, the 'Goose's Parallel Universe' thing - my way of expressing things I'd like to do if real life circumstances were different.  All of the above could feasibly happen in real life.  Following on from the initial event into the longer term, going out on dates and having wild passionate recurring golden sex with her would definitely be a parallel universe thing.  Becoming 'pee buddies' not actually sexually involved, but still sharing intimacy, fun dares and experiences probably so too.

I don't have one single fantasy against one single person - in reality we all like different aspects of the kink and even in my imagination I'm open to lots of different kinkiness.  Maybe a colleague into holding and then wetting as soon as she closes her front door at night, maybe someone else whose ultimate fantasy is to sit on a guy's lap and flood or someone sneaking naughty pees in different places. Someone who's incredibly experienced or someone who has fantasies they've never had chance to experience until now...


As I've just hinted above, my day job is quite geeky and technical.  Very complex systems, for which I'm a specialist on small sub-parts - needing to understand how and why they work as they do, and analysing incredibly complex design data and results when they don't.  I can't really talk in any more detail and can't tell you what the product is... I don't want to have to kill you.

Instead I'll talk about the part time business I ran for about 10 years as a professional photographer.  I decided to wind it up about six months before the pandemic arose, a decision I'm more than happy with. Now I have three or so corporate clients I undertake recurring work for because I want to, which suits me fine.

Best thing about that job was the people and the situations it got me into.  Worst thing about that job was the people and the situations it got me into!

Some photographers are able to work in a very narrow field, for example forensic photography, but for those carving out their own fortunes to succeed commercially, having to be open to almost anything is really the only way.  And professional photography is maybe 20% knowing how to fiddle with technicalities, 50% doing background stuff like accounts and ordering, 25% dealing with people and 5% luck.

So the worst bits....   I'm a naturally shy person, less so now, but still shy in a lot of situations.  That includes meeting new people and sometimes saying no to people.  Having had an email or phone enquiry I would always want to meet clients before working with them, important on so many levels.  Walking up a client's drive and knocking on the front door for the first time terrified me - I'd want to jump in the car and run away.  And there were clients and jobs where I should have said 'no' - weddings for people I frankly didn't like or respect, which led to being ripped off twice with their weddings remaining unpaid for, and a third where a reception guest (attending in a string vest) tried to pick a fight with me.

Some of the less optimum situations came with inexperience too.  I have laughable memories of being asked to photograph a horse show (because I'd photographed another event they thought I'd be an equine photographer) - six separate show rings with horses and ponies being judged in parallel, no public address or signage as to what was going on and then a stream of horsey types all demanding to know if I had photos of their 'in hand sheltie cob, under 16 hands....' or something.

The best bits also relate to the people and the situations that arise.  I'm a firm believer that an awful lot of decisions don't have a right or wrong answer... just choose a door and go with what happens.  In my time photographing I've found some amazing outcomes through as many doors than I've found the worse bits.  As I've mentioned many times, one of my corporate clients came about through doing some freebie photography for my mate's band and then led to working for the venue of their residency. A venue who host a large annual festival, where I'm principal photographer.  I don't really get starstruck usually and the names appearing are either very competent unknown musicians or are people your parents would have listened to. Nonetheless I've had some amazing 'hairs standing up' moments, standing in the dark wings or back of a stage a matter of feet away from someone delivering a world class performance.  Chatting with people backstage and then seeing them in documentaries on Sky Arts or BBC4. Many of the same people attend every year as guests as well as musos, and I sort of have my own following in a little way which is a bit freaky.  I always try to remember I'm there through privilege and they're paying for their view, so I'm careful to look after them - lots of banter with them too.

In a similar vein other of the best bits have been a bit random...  setting up a studio shoot of a vintage Ferrari in an aircraft hangar, being asked "would you mind taking some photos if we send you up in this helicopter".  Spending time documenting Prison Officers at work in one of the UK's oldest prisons...  Some amazing memories.

And just in case you're wondering, I've never really carved out or fell into the opportunity to shoot any porn or kink photography.   I've done a little boudoir in a tasteful way, done a few jobs where underwear was involved (bridal, baby bump that sort of thing) but nothing more erotic than that.  Always open to more doors opening...


Hope that all helps - a stroll through the strange mind of the Goose.

Thank you Goose for your detailed, interesting and revealing answers. *Always* a pleasure to read 🙂 

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