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Site Question / Help Worrying new censorship.

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This is worrying. Our access to pee porn could potentially be severely curtailed.

It could even affect peefans itself directly. Couldn't it?....


It's starting to happen in only three months time.

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I can see the intention, but I fail to see how this will work in practice. Having a database of everyone who accesses porn doesn't sound great either. 

I think it's much more designed for the large tube sites, but technically PeeFans would be included, so I'll do some research and see how we can ensure there are no issues.

@will64makes a good point though - government rules are making VPNs increasingly appealing. 

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45 minutes ago, Admin said:

I can see the intention, but I fail to see how this will work in practice. Having a database of everyone who accesses porn doesn't sound great either. 

I think it's much more designed for the large tube sites, but technically PeeFans would be included, so I'll do some research and see how we can ensure there are no issues.

@will64makes a good point though - government rules are making VPNs increasingly appealing. 

If someone can protect us that is YOU

But I could suggest also ask advices to @Scot_Loverwho is a real wizard about computers


Will it involve also people from outside of UK?

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In my day there was no inet,and like most lads of my age i got to see "mucky books" and even proper porn by the time i was 16.

Kids will get past this.Society is becoming more puritanical,attitudes towards alcohol are changing etc,and you can bet that there are certain religious groups that are lobbying to prevent their kids seeing porn.Not only porn will be censored it will them be bad language,then alternate views,that are against what you are "supposed" to think.A slippery slope.

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I guess this is a good place to jump back into the forum.

This is not about protecting children at all. It's the advancing of dictatorship by building a police state, as you all suspected. By making you register, you have to reveal yourself and then they can find you and arrest you for expressing the wrong opinion. It will spread across developed nations soon enough. World governments will likely join forces as one to enforce it, even crippling VPN's eventually.

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17 minutes ago, Brutus said:

I guess this is a good place to jump back into the forum.

This is not about protecting children at all. It's the advancing of dictatorship by building a police state, as you all suspected. By making you register, you have to reveal yourself and then they can find you and arrest you for expressing the wrong opinion. It will spread across developed nations soon enough. World governments will likely join forces as one to enforce it, even crippling VPN's eventually.

They know people would get angry then

Dictatorship knows nowaday people would rebel… they will do something smooth… I am not even sure they will really apply this new law… but just in case, we will fight them on the Hills… we will fight them on the shores… we will never surrender

You are speaking to a former anarchist almost-terrorist, in the end

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7 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

They know people would get angry then

Dictatorship knows nowaday people would rebel… they will do something smooth… I am not even sure they will really apply this new law… but just in case, we will fight them on the Hills… we will fight them on the shores… we will never surrender

You are speaking to a former anarchist almost-terrorist, in the end

You would be willing to fight, but you are not most people. Most people will bury their heads in the sand and ignore government closing in on their autonomy right up to the moment they are at their knees with gun to head being executed. It's human nature. Slaves vastly outnumber masters and yet slavery thrives, now in the form we are starting to see in modern day.

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8 minutes ago, Brutus said:

You would be willing to fight, but you are not most people. Most people will bury their heads in the sand and ignore government closing in on their autonomy right up to the moment they are at their knees with gun to head being executed. It's human nature. Slaves vastly outnumber masters and yet slavery thrives, now in the form we are starting to see in modern day.

Let's just hope it won't go that way

I will fight for sure

I have faced Death before and I am ready to go on until the bitter end

What is life, if you don't live free????


I just hope it won't be necessary

I am slowly starting to love my violence-less life

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47 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

Let's just hope it won't go that way

I will fight for sure

I have faced Death before and I am ready to go on until the bitter end

What is life, if you don't live free????


I just hope it won't be necessary

I am slowly starting to love my violence-less life

Regardless, let's be prepared to face the very real possibility that we may be nearing our final days of being able to share ourselves with like-minded friends on this site, or any like it. And should we be separated, let's make sure we never forget the fun we had here.

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7 minutes ago, Brutus said:

Regardless, let's be prepared to face the very real possibility that we may be nearing our final days of being able to share ourselves with like-minded friends on this site, or any like it. And should we be separated, let's make sure we never forget the fun we had here.

I am not from UK so if you manage to find a way to keep logging in, you'll find me here

And anyway, I trust Admin, I am sure he will find a way to protect the forum

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Significantly,our Home Sec is a Muslim,and our "PM" is a bible bashing church goer,daughter of a vicar.

Again,this is an issue that i would put in the parents hands.Its THEY that buy their kids all these devices,laptops,smart phones,tablets etc,as a form of surrogate parent.

Why not put an age rating on OWNING smart phones.Buy kids a simple phone that they can text and call only,no inet access.If they see kids accessing porn,then take the damn phone away.This is totalitarian,from a puritanical govt.

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5 hours ago, spywareonya said:

I am not from UK so if you manage to find a way to keep logging in, you'll find me here

The site is run from the UK though, and a large chunk of the membership is UK based. So the site itself - as a going concern - is potentially at risk. We'll just have to see what pans out and how effectively Admin can deal with any challenges

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7 minutes ago, F.W said:

This is totalitarian,from a puritanical govt.

Indeed it is. But sadly it looks like a done deal.

And they calculate there be votes in this because it appeals to Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells, as well as bible bashers, koran bashers, and narrowmind prudes everywhere, not to mention some feminists who imagine that all porn is  about men getting off on the exploitation and abuse of women.

Whilst the majority of us who watch porn or access sites like this keep it a secret part of our lives. No one in my workplace, for example, knows about my pee fetish or the fact that I am a mod on a pee forum. I am also active in politics but no one I am politically active with knows anything about it either. If opponents knew about it they would attempt to damage me with it as a means of damaging my cause.

When such aspects of our lives have to be kept secret we are hindered when it comes to openly fighting this. The powers that be know that.

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This is wider issue of censorship of the inet for all kinds of nefarious reasons,not always i feel on purely moral grounds.

On facebook,you say certain things,you comment on certain groups,and they will ban you a month.I say this is not to allow YOU to "offend" their sponsors,who advertise in certain countries.They say "we have to keep facebook "safe" for all users."...So how does saying that Shamima Begum,the stupid little bitch that went to join ISIS be killed,make anyone "unsafe"?

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2 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Indeed it is. But sadly it looks like a done deal.

And they calculate there be votes in this because it appeals to Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells, as well as bible bashers, koran bashers, and narrowmind prudes everywhere, not to mention some feminists who imagine that all porn is  about men getting off on the exploitation and abuse of women.

Whilst the majority of us who watch porn or access sites like this keep it a secret part of our lives. No one in my workplace, for example, knows about my pee fetish or the fact that I am a mod on a pee forum. I am also active in politics but no one I am politically active with knows anything about it either. If opponents knew about it they would attempt to damage me with it as a means of damaging my cause.

When such aspects of our lives have to be kept secret we are hindered when it comes to openly fighting this. The powers that be know that.

Well said Steve.I admit,im a male,and i objectify women,using porn.There i said it.Sorry girls,i look at videos and images etc,of your sisters indulging in sexual behaviour for masturbatory purposes.But in private,or on forums with like minded others.

However,like about 99.9% of other men in the world,i have never committed a violent act against a woman.These days,some women would view getting an erection a sign of male violence.

This is the victory of those a few years ago,that wanted a law against religious criticism,that was quietly put away,they have found a loophole through which the "disgusted of Tunbridge Wells" can vent their blue-rinsed fury,or the Millie Tants,those "manoid" girls can feel attractive by preventing us having sexual thoughts about attractive girls.

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Then again,i would ask to the Govt,define what would constitute "pornography" in the law?Surely it cant be that which might cause a person to masturbate?

As WE know,porn has many,many fetishes.To my mind "porn",is any scene that features a male ejaculation.The "money shot" as it were.2 girls or more having lesbian sex isnt porn..Then again,to ban lesbian sex,isnt that against LGBT rights?Another can of worms.Girls having a piss,just candid home movies perhaps?No males ejaculating there,where is the porn?Everyone pees dont they?Why would it be porno?

Some people might find the sight of a Panda eating Bamboo arousing.Are we then to say,Pandas are porn?

Its ridiculous.

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17 hours ago, spywareonya said:

If someone can protect us that is YOU

But I could suggest also ask advices to @Scot_Loverwho is a real wizard about computers


Will it involve also people from outside of UK?

I can't see how this could work either, the logistics of recording every user would bring the net down. Thousands of people log on every waking minute of the day, think of the server that would be required. 

Im not saying that it couldn't be done, Google and Facebook work, but they require buildings the size of city blocks to operate.

We already have ISP blocked sites in Australia, 4chan.org has disappeared from Telstra's DNS, no amount of hissing and booing is going to bring it back. Several other 'politically incorrect' sites have also been blocked, LiveLeak was down for a while, but has since made a 'cleaned up' return. Every torrent site that is out there is now replaced with a nice little 4 line Gubermint message basically saying that you're a bad boy for trying to access illegal material. This is a bummer when you require a Linux or FreeBSD iso that's made available as a torrent. I would not be surprised if the gubermint was recording the I. P. addresses of people who did try.

Is there any word on wether international visitors logging into a UK hosted site is subject to the same requirements?

Check out VPN's people, my VPN equates to $2.79 AUD per month (billed yearly) and it definitely takes censorship pain away.

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7 hours ago, F.W said:

Well said Steve.I admit,im a male,and i objectify women,using porn.There i said it.Sorry girls,i look at videos and images etc,of your sisters indulging in sexual behaviour for masturbatory purposes.But in private,or on forums with like minded others.

Fanny, this needs clarification

I speak as a feminist, and of the most angry and nasty kind

You cannot understand the bitch I can be at somebody looking at me like an inviting and tasty piece of meat, and believe me you wouldn't like to know


But what you describe is     NOT  objectification


Objectification is when you subtly, even unconsciously yet intensely state, with your attitude, and non-verbal behaviour, that a woman is ONLYa sexual object. We ALL ARE ALSO the goal of people's desires, and when somebody is turned on by us, it's obvious that they are not interested in our character and individuality, they just want to get off

It's up to us women to politely turn them down and demonstrate that knowing and respecting a girl does NOT impair your self-serenity at the fantasy of waking up in the morning, finding her chained to the ground near your bed, use her as toilet, and then went in the kitchen for a good breakfast

Fantasies of abuse are like training muscles, they are a way to get in touch with your masculine side, you are ALL BRED TO KILL, never forget that, a woman asking a man to be a teddybear got some unsolved parent issues

But while you play those fantasies (if you knew ALL the kind of fetish videos I watch you would puke) you ARE A HUMAN OF FIRM ETHIC, your SOUL is not that of a rapist, and upon knowing your favourite pornstar you would immediately look in her EYES to communicate with her, you would NEVER be that kind of man that treated women like those who beat hookers because "They chose that life, they are objects to be used&abused"

What you got INSIDE does or does NOT objectify woman, not the fact that you spy our secrets to get horny

That is simply NATURAL

You are embarassed just because you are SO HONOURABLE that you can empathize with your desire to be loved and respected, but you just get too worried (that's why I love you so much) about the MEANINGS implied in behaviour: I have shunned boys who were all good manners and offering drinks because their eyes glowed with that insane light of those men that thinks that buying women drinks is like buying them in the market, you offer them alcohol you offer them good words you offer them flowers and then you fuck them, like it's a medical prescription...


That is rape, Fanny. Not in the obvious meaning, but is rape. But if a man looks at me in worshipful love, and hopes that we can communicate at the level of his deepest urges, and then I welcome him, and he grab my hair, slap me hard in my face, put me down and stick his cock in my ass without even moisturing it a bit, and cum inside me without even caring that my screams are not of pleasure, but pain, I would drag that man in front of a Court… to marry him with civil rite.

I am not on the forum looking for similar experiences since I already have a husband, but I welcome those energies and mindsets


Hope this clarifies not only for you, but for everybody, what women thinks about objectification


And now let me tell something REALLY NASTY: a woman that hates men for their urges, is not a woman, and then deserves no respect. Maybe a chance of changing her mind through therapy, but beside that, we need to stop Sexes War: whichever woman doesn't fight by this ideal is a traitor, and on the warfield, traitors are to be executed 

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Well thank you,you are of course a very desirable woman,and you do have a natural reaction to male interest,its the weird women that pretend they are all high and mighty that cause the problems.

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13 minutes ago, F.W said:

Well thank you,you are of course a very desirable woman,and you do have a natural reaction to male interest,its the weird women that pretend they are all high and mighty that cause the problems.

I just hope I made your heart lighter

A kiss

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This seems crazy!  Parents are the ones who are supposed to prevent kids from viewing porno.  But, they all buy their kids smart phones or tablets before age 5!  For real.  I know many people who have done that.  I'd like to know just how many parents even use software like Net Nanny and the like.

I really don't think such a law would ever fly here in the USA.  The ACLU would have a field day with a law like that.  Hell, in my state of Michigan, we can carry a gun right out in the open, so long as it is registered and purchased legally.

Don't you all in the UK pay a TV tax every year?  What is that all about?  Also, I recall that George Harrison's widow had to get permission to build a fence around her property!  This was even after her late hubby was stabbed 5 times by an intruder in 1999.  The neighbors complained that it would ruin the "look" of the property!  Nonsense.  In the end, the local authorities gave her permission to fence in the castle known as Friar Park.

The UK only thinks they are very liberal.  In many ways, they're much more restricted than we are here in the USA.  Just my opinion.  Your thoughts?

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