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Moving Forward and Goals


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sorry for the lack of updates this past week i been feeling stress and depressed and it has got me down but don't worry I am going to see a psychiatrist to talk too and plan on what i want to do 

so any way here a funny photo 🙂


Image may contain: 1 person, text that says "WEATHER UPDATE IT'S A BIT NIPPY TODAY"

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Weather forecast for wherever @spywareonya is. It will be wet and windy. But the rain should be quite warm. Though it may be torrential at times. In fact - to use a colloquialism - there will be occasions when it is pissing down.

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  • 3 weeks later...

sorry for the lack of vidoes {or anything} i just have not been motivation because of my mental health issues autism and depression is not a very good mix and also my mobile phone the one i use for record my video's because i may need to get new one the battery is not holding a FULL charge once I get that out of the way i'll resume making videos 🙂

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  • 4 months later...

its been awhile since i posted on and not been very active on the site and i am been missing spywareonya a bit (i kown she ok) and for the the last 3 days i been battle my depression but don't worry I AM NOT FUCKING giving into suicide i'll piss in face of death before i give up i did try Sweets (don't worry there NO hate) Skype Group chat look am not a bad person and nice person once you get to kown BUT there so MUCH this autistic person take form Mkbigboy AND THAT SAME FUCKING sentence does anyone need to pee😡 

OK rant over and am going take it one step at a time 🙂

thank you for reading 🤗 too all


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One step at a time is fine @will64 - one day at a time, look for the positives no matter how dark the clouds are.  The internet including this site can be a demoralising place, with so many anonymous keyboard warriors. In my case I only really usually post when I've got something positive or constructive, and I guess that can give the impression that everybody is having a much happier better time than you are.  It's most likely not the case - I don't mean that in a 'man up' sense (and I would never say that), what I mean is that when things are bad there are always people who know what you're feeling because they've been there or maybe are there.

So, when things seem bad, we don't expect you to be posting videos and cheeriness - but do shout up, do post something to ask for a chat or similar....  Don't be alone.

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8 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

One step at a time is fine @will64 - one day at a time, look for the positives no matter how dark the clouds are.  The internet including this site can be a demoralising place, with so many anonymous keyboard warriors. In my case I only really usually post when I've got something positive or constructive, and I guess that can give the impression that everybody is having a much happier better time than you are.  It's most likely not the case - I don't mean that in a 'man up' sense (and I would never say that), what I mean is that when things are bad there are always people who know what you're feeling because they've been there or maybe are there.

So, when things seem bad, we don't expect you to be posting videos and cheeriness - but do shout up, do post something to ask for a chat or similar....  Don't be alone.

thank you 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

More bad news on my end guys and gals my grandfather has to say in hospital for a few weeks because two days ago he fell and broke his wrist and then it got  a infection so yeah it has put a strain on my mental health I can't stop worrying about him but I'll cope with it in the best way I can 🙂

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On 11/13/2019 at 6:44 AM, will64 said:

More bad news on my end guys and gals my grandfather has to say in hospital for a few weeks because two days ago he fell and broke his wrist and then it got  a infection so yeah it has put a strain on my mental health I can't stop worrying about him but I'll cope with it in the best way I can 🙂

Hi Will, 

sorry late to this tread.  Im sorry to hear about your grandfather hopefully he will be ok.  Ive been dealing with anxiety and depression since a teenager.  Some of us can hide it for awhile.   People who know us well enough can since that we are hiding something with a fake smile.  Hell for the first half of my life i didn't even know what was wrong with me.  I would be at work durning the day making pizzas and this sadness would come over me and i would start crying. Didn't know why.   And there were day i just couldn't get out of bed. Sleep seemed my escape, sad thing is I was sleeping my life away missing things in my kids lives.   Thought  about dying often back then. But keep going for my kids. After a really bad  episode  I check myself in to get help.  It took me about a year to come out of it. I am doing much better. Still have some blue day were sadness just washes over me. But i reach out to people to pull me out of it. Being alone makes it worse for me. 

You have made some great steps. Just know its ok to take a step backwards every once in awhile but keep taking them steps forward.  You can always reach out to me  if u need someone to talk too. 

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2 hours ago, Sweets said:

Hi Will, 

sorry late to this tread.  Im sorry to hear about your grandfather hopefully he will be ok.  Ive been dealing with anxiety and depression since a teenager.  Some of us can hide it for awhile.   People who know us well enough can since that we are hiding something with a fake smile.  Hell for the first half of my life i didn't even know what was wrong with me.  I would be at work durning the day making pizzas and this sadness would come over me and i would start crying. Didn't know why.   And there were day i just couldn't get out of bed. Sleep seemed my escape, sad thing is I was sleeping my life away missing things in my kids lives.   Thought  about dying often back then. But keep going for my kids. After a really bad  episode  I check myself in to get help.  It took me about a year to come out of it. I am doing much better. Still have some blue day were sadness just washes over me. But i reach out to people to pull me out of it. Being alone makes it worse for me. 

You have made some great steps. Just know its ok to take a step backwards every once in awhile but keep taking them steps forward.  You can always reach out to me  if u need someone to talk too. 

Thank you sweets hug 🙂

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so here a bit update my grandfather he back home but there going assess him for 3 days to see if he can cope being at home but after the 3 days there maybe a chance he migth go and live some were that he can be looked after better but there is some one there to help him in and out of bed and bath him aswell thats a bit of weight off my mind


and also i like to thank the people for there support i appreciate it 🤗

Edited by will64
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  • 5 weeks later...

so its been a while seen's my last update and these last couple of weeks am going to lair about its been VERY hard on me my grandparents dementia is just getting worst i worry about them everyday and am trying to lose weight my but am eating about of comfort and stress the last thing i need is some one to tell me to MAN UP (I REALLY FUCKING HATE THAT WORD) about it.......its not fucking easy man 😢

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8 hours ago, will64 said:

so its been a while seen's my last update and these last couple of weeks am going to lair about its been VERY hard on me my grandparents dementia is just getting worst i worry about them everyday and am trying to lose weight my but am eating about of comfort and stress the last thing i need is some one to tell me to MAN UP (I REALLY FUCKING HATE THAT WORD) about it.......its not fucking easy man 😢

I agree with u Will. I hate that shit too.  We are all human and we have a right to feel what we do.   Sometimes it just takes us longer to get thru it.   Dont be to hard on yourself about your weight.  Just take care of yourself.  If u need some comfort in food, u do what u need to do.  You can get back on your diet when your feeling better.  Sometime we are our worst enemy.  Take things one day at a time. Reach out to others being alone in your thoughts can be a bad thing sometime.  I have found reaching out and talking to strangers sometime is more comforting then talking to family.  We are here for you.  U have me on Skype. Message me anytime u need to talk.   Feel better, what your going thru hurts it hard to see a love one slipping away and hurting.  Sending you hugs 🤗.   

Edited by Sweets
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry will I've been absent in your thread here for awhile. How is your grandpa doing? Dementia is a terrible thing. My grandma went through it quite awhile ago.

I've noticed you've been in the chat more and more, that's great to see. I really enjoy the pictures you post there lol. 

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52 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

Sorry will I've been absent in your thread here for awhile. How is your grandpa doing? Dementia is a terrible thing. My grandma went through it quite awhile ago.

I've noticed you've been in the chat more and more, that's great to see. I really enjoy the pictures you post there lol. 

he doing ok we got the carers in now to you kown make him some food and clean him as well i do like posting photo's in the chat 😁

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29 minutes ago, will64 said:

he doing ok we got the carers in now to you kown make him some food and clean him as well i do like posting photo's in the chat 😁

Glad to hear he is doing better. Keep on posting sir, love bare bums lol

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