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Self pee in the bath

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Scratch card entry for self pee, @Sophie

As a guy I regularly pee on myself in the bath. It is easy for guys. But I have a question. Do any lady members pee on themselves in the bath? Or anywhere else for that matter? Eg peeing on their own legs in the shower? Do any ladies simply pee in the bath when taking a bath? Would love to know.

If any ladies want to pee in MY bath - I don't mind being in it at the time - you're welcome.

As for myself, I have peed in a glass more than once and poured it over myself, then using my piss to wash my hair with. I guess this is kind of indirectly peeing on myself.

Many years ago I once saw on the James Whale show on TV, two attractive ladies there to discuss the merits of washing their hair in their own piss. Apparently such a piss wash is supposed to be good for it, lol

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We no longer have a bath, there wasn't one here when I bought this house. The double walk in shower can easily accommodate all of us, and yes, pee does flow, lol.

At the old place (3 person spa) self pee was pretty regular, but even then, we discovered we were not the subtle bendy toys we used to be. We had to assist each other into the required position, a hilarious excercise in itself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Yes I pee in the shower.  Sometimes I spray it upwards onto my chest, sometimes I pee on the shower screens and sometimes I just let it flow naturally, which for me usually means peeing on my left foot!

My wife definitely pees in the shower - very regularly.  She usually just pees whilst showering and lets it run down her legs making a yellow stream to mix with the water in the shower tray.  She also pees in the bath - I know this because the other day she was in the bath and I was talking to her and she said "Ooh, my pee feels cold compared to the water".   She had just relaxed and peed under water, but the water was so hot that her pee actually felt cold.  I know she also pees in pools and hot tubs and she knows I like it so she always tells me.

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