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Everything posted by puddyls

  1. last pee and pad change of that day. it didn’t seem like i was that heavy, but i noticed some spotting in mt panties too. haha. not sure if my pad leaked or what? 🤷🏻‍♀️😳
  2. even though i couldn’t wet them this time, it was amusing to notice that i’ve wet these panties enough times that even the wash can’t erase the evidence anymore. that being said i accidentally got pee down my leg during a hover, and it kinda got them wet a little and that stain was kinda showing even once it dried.
  3. while using the potty at lunch, figured i should also replace my pad. ☺️😇
  4. couldn’t get to a potty, and had to hover. some pee ran down my leg. but also, eeew, my muffin dripped menstrual fluid on my thigh. lol 😬🤨😳
  5. just walking my dog 🐶. while wearing a lace nightie, knowing my panties kinda showed. haha. there weren’t too many people out yet, but i wonder if the few who were noticed. 😇
  6. lol. i don’t think the guys in that truck expected me to lift my dress and flash my panties. 🤭😇😳 i actually, didn’t expect to do it either, but oh wells.
  7. puddyls


    when it shows because you wore a dress on ‘no panty day’ 😳🤣😇
  8. puddyls


    it was national no panty day. having only found out about this ‘holiday’ last year, i almost missed it this time. i happened to google it like 3 days prior, so yay!😁 of course i couldn’t not participte, and also couldn’t not not wear any of my cute panties.🤫and omg. usually when i don’t i’m really conscientious of my situation down there, but did manage to notice several celebratory 👀 from random passers-by. 😳 maybe i wasn’t as careful as i should have been. 🤷🏻‍♀️😇 *soooo when that couple came to sit down at lunch she made him sit facing away from me. eek. it didn’t really
  9. when it catches you a bit off guard. and you’re wearing a thong. luckily i had a pantiliner handy. 😬🥴
  10. puddyls


    sometimes upskirts are accidents, but when you’re intentionally showing off what’s under your skirt, and you don’t actually mean to be caught, 🤫☺️ so embarrassing. and it might have happened twice. lol. 😇i mean idk know if the 1st cyclist noticed, but i am almost certain the 2nd guy did.
  11. lol. almost always. 🤭 and while i often do it on purpose knowing i’ll need relief, its also amusing that its like one of the few times peeing fun can be had and be considered acceptable.
  12. i don’t know if i particularly like it. but i don’t mind it. while i enjoy wetting, i do it out of convenience more than anything else. so many times in the course of my day i might end up doing it more than once. 😇💕
  13. my mood and outfit at the time dictate what i would rather do. i don’t often wet pants, so if i’m wearing them, i’ll usually find somewhere to pee. but, since i tend to wear skirts and dresses more often it isn’t usually an issue. i’ll wet under those and not think twice about it. 💕😇
  14. and that wasn’t my only jill that day. after stopping at the store, i wanted to play still. and before going home, sat on the curb in the parking lot next to my car, got my toy out, and brought myself to orgasm. i really enjoyed how it felt cyclicle. like, being horny made me feel naughty, and being naughty jilling in the open, made me more excited, and becoming more excited made me want to play more. eventually the feelings got so intense i shuddered and scrunched up as the tingles overtook my whole body. lol 💕🤫😇
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