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Everything posted by oldmanpeebreifs

  1. At our YMCA After I noticed with many of the older men Not only pee whenever and wherever they want, many of them have no issues with people staring at them a majority of them either get full fledged hard ons or semi's. They even pee in the steam room and you can literally sit right next to each other. And carry on a conversation about about anything. It is a laid back spot where you have to be 18 to be in there. I was talking to an older uncut gentleman who has absolutely no bladder control. I asked him if it bothered him having incontinence. He said absolutely not he only wears white briefs
  2. I also tell my nephews the same thing. Not only with peeing in the shower but also letting the know that If the don't think they can make it to the bathroom at night just go ahead and wet the bed. It's not a big deal to me and I would rather them wet the bed and get longer and better sleep. They stopped for a year and my middle nephew said he can't sleep without a wet bed. So I would rather them feel better about doing it since many boys his age still do. He was happy and did just that. Many people are just more comfortable in a wet bed. I definitely was when I was their age.
  3. At our YMCA many of the Older men in the Locker room absolutely do not care about even trying to make it to the urinal. The Janitor said because of their age they can not discriminate them if they have a Legitimate urological issue. So of course they take full advantage of it. And even shake it off when they are done.
  4. I completely and totally agree. If you are going to pee the bed then pee the bed. No protection for any reason. No diapers either. Soak it completely through every night. I did and loved the smell loved the feel of it.
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