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Everything posted by Revetahw

  1. Have you drank piss? Absolutely Whose? Mine When was the last time you drank piss? About an hour ago How did you drink it? Pointed it at my mouth and took a nice long piss in my own mouth Has anyone drank your piss? No Any other comments regarding this? I would love to take a drink from someone, but alas the opportunity has not presented itself.
  2. If it’s clear, and you can definitely tell, that she’s doing it for the money, or doesn’t enjoy what she’s doing, I don’t care what the pose or situation is. It’s a turn off. When you can tell that she is obviously enjoying herself and truly enjoys the act it is so much better. The amateur stuff is hands down the best.
  3. Pretty much every trip away has a hotel pissing adventure attached to it. I’m not into pissing on others property so not into pissing on carpet or furniture, but usually if I’m at the hotel I’m in some state of wetting. If I know i might need to leave the room I’ll keep a diaper on and go about my time keeping that nice a wet. If I know I don’t need to leave the room I’ll ditch the diaper and spend my evenings eating dinner, watching TV, etc in my house clothes just letting piss go as needed. I’m careful to not get so soaked that I drip into floors and such, and if I’m on the bed I’ll make sur
  4. Absolutely stunning. You have a beautiful body and wow that ass!
  5. This was a few years ago but it is one of my most memorable wetting adventures! I was getting ready to fly across the US and wanted to spice things up a bit. You know long flights can be boring as hell! I wore a loose fitting pair of khaki shorts with some cotton boxer briefs. When I got to the airport I went into the bathroom and tucked myself down into my crotch so any wetting would stay right in the crotch and not make a wet spot in front. I left the bathroom and went to wait for my flight. While I was waiting I let a little tiny spurt of piss go into my crotch. Making my cot
  6. This thread was a fascinating read! Seems many of us started at a young age. For me it started some time in my pre-teens. I lived in a very rural area and tended to explore on my own a lot. I have no idea what triggered me, but at some point I started peeing into sandwich baggies, then I’d start to line my pants with plastic bags so I could pee without getting my pants wet. That didn’t work very well and often my pants would get wet anyway. Then I gave up on the bags and just wet myself whenever I needed to go. It wasn’t sexual at all at the time. I just enjoyed pissing my pants. Thi
  7. Like has been said already many times. Don’t put a label on it. If you enjoy it then that’s it. Enjoy it. I enjoy watching a male piss - probably for the same reason others have stated. Putting yourself in the same situation so to speak. Would I allow a man to piss on me? Maybe. Does that make me gay? I don’t think so. Maybe curious? At the end of the day it’s what you enjoy. Don’t judge yourself.
  8. I have a ton of them of course, but what would really take the cake? Sitting in the park on a park bench. Complete stranger, but pre-arranged, walks up to me, flips up her skirt as she sits in my lap, takes a long hot piss in my lap, stands up, says have a nice day, and walks away with the little remaining dribbles dripping down her thighs. O.M.G. Pretty much the same idea as @Capeconner
  9. I have a nice piss in the locker room every morning in the shower at the gym. I start the shower cool. Not cold but cool. Get in and put myself down between my thighs and let loose. I’ve usually had about half a gallon of water or more by this point so it’s usually a really long, strong, clear piss. the warm piss running between my thighs and down my legs is amazing in contrast to the cool shower. Best part is in that position and standing under the cool water it’s impossible to tell that I’m pissing down my legs between my thighs. I do it every morning and it never gets less amazin
  10. Absolutley nothing wrong with small breasts. Agree with @Maclir above 100%. Though, I hear you on the cleavage. Still though - absolutely nothing wrong with em small.
  11. I think I’d be fascinated with having breasts. I mean let’s be real, losing the stick would be crazy weird too, but boobs? I think I’d spend the entire 24 hours just trying to figure out how to manage those, staring in the mirror, and exploring the different physique. 24 hours would not be enough time. Need a month or so at a minimum to really figure things out I think. 24 hours would be a tease. Regardless though, it would definitely give a different level of appreciation for what ya’ll deal with when it comes to men.
  12. That’s got to get incredibly old. Like the first couple times that might be flattering, but after that I can imagine you’d just look at men like blithering idiots.
  13. I couldn’t hold it on the way home from the store. Just a little leak, but when I got home and was putting things away I decided to just stay in my shorts and finish the job while I was getting things put away.
  14. Welcome to the group and glad you’re here! I HAD to piss in a drain once. I was stuck in a mechanical room in a commercial building for awhile once. Got to the point where I REALLY had to go so I found a floor drain and down it went. No clue where that drain came out.
  15. If I’m at home I’ll often spend the day slowely wetting and rewetting throughout the day. Pretty much just letting go as the need arises. This is incredibly enjoyable as I love to maintain that somewhat soaked warm wet feeling all day. if I’m out I’ll put on a diaper and pretty much do the same thing. It’s just more discreet. BUT there are times when I’m feeling really spicey I’ll tuck myself down into the crotch of normal, dark clothes and let little bits go. This is super enjoyable. Keeps the wet spot down in the crotch where it’s less noticeable, and if I get a little over-zealous
  16. Yup. Originally I was into just about anything and any sort of piss play would be arousing. Now naked solo piss, or the so-called desperation piss does nothing for me. I’m so much more into wetting and situational, real public wetting and piss. Not staged but the real thing. It really doesn’t do it for me unless it’s clear that the pisser is truly enjoying themselves and not just pissing for the camera. the kink has also evolved a bit to not just include female piss but I also enjoy a good, truly enjoyed male piss too, and, if I had the opportunity, I’d probably be open to pee play on either s
  17. I just an about lost it a few weeks ago. The local, busy, gas station had the men’s room out of service. There was an attendant at the ladies room door allowing men in! I went in, chose a stall, and started doing my thing. Next thing I know I hear the attendant tell a woman “There’s a a man in there right now, if you are ok with it go ahead in”. She and another women came right in and went to adjacent stalls. Blew my mind how comfortable with it they were. When I finally came out of the stall there they were at the sink like nothing. Definitely the only time that’s ever happend.
  18. Looks pretty wet to me! Maybe not soaked, but definitely wet! Very nice
  19. Lies a very very full diaper. Time to change to a dry one after I enjoy the fullness for a bit.
  20. You would never know that under these shorts…
  21. How bout a nice laying on my back pic
  22. I like to use a nice set of pull up depends. Keeps everything in for the public piss and you still get all the wet and the warmth. They hide pretty well under anything not super tight.
  23. One of my favorite past times. Having nice piss while mowing the lawn. The drips running down your legs… the warmth. Yummy!
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