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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. The first six "Outdoor ones" were all yeses (yesses?) for me because I own some country acres that are covered with trees and bushes, but no house and no toilet. Basically if you are camping up there, there is no choice but "outdoors" and there are limitless trees, bushes, rocks and plants to choose from. My usual camping spot is far from the front gate and well out of sight of the road, so you could quite easily go naked there if you chose, but apart from using an outdoor shower under a tree I haven't bothered. I have had a few friends come to visit up there, but unfortunately
  2. Interesting. I can't see who voted for what. Maybe that's a moderator's privilege.
  3. I do love this, but in my case, it's the excitement that the woman is feeling that makes it good for me. I imagine how her heart is pounding, and the feeling of her breathless excitement at the risk that she might be caught, her knowledge that she is breaking the rules in a very naughty way, coupled with her irresistible urge to do it. I imagine her clitoris swelling as she feels the wild sexy thrill of her bodily waste falling into a forbidden place, and her desperate urge for the release of orgasm as she revels in the sheer dirtiness of what she has just done. I just love it.
  4. A question for curiosity Maggie. If you peed in an elevator, but knew that I would come along later and really enjoy the scent you left behind, would that spoil it for you? What if you knew that lots of men (and some women too) would be aroused by the scent of your pee when they passed that spot. Would that make it more exciting, or less?
  5. I did cop some kind of trojan on XP a few years back. It got past spybot, AVG and the windows firewall. I noticed Firefox acting funny, (videos would pause unless I constantly moved the mouse.) Got nowhere until I installed MalwareBytes and scanned the system with that. It found and deleted the trojan, and Firefox returned to normal operation. I would never have known it was there if it hadn't caused that Firefox fault. I've no idea what its actual purpose was.
  6. Thanks for the suggestions I probably should just bite the bullet and get used to it, as I may have to use it in the workplace at some point. Feeling a bit more charitable towards it today as my new laser printer installed without a hitch. (This was what prompted me to make the jump from XP at last, as the printer was not guaranteed to be compatible.) Installed Libre Office last night. OK so far. Firefox has a weird bug that means some special Unicode characters are not rendering (get a box with 4 digits instead.) Tried three remedies for that so far, but none have
  7. It's not a problem for me other than the fact that I get sunburn very easily in the Australian climate. I have walked around on a crowded nude beach without feeling embarrassed, though I did have to wade into the surf to cool off when the sight of a particularly pretty woman caused my plumbing to stand up . Even then, I was not personally bothered by that, only concerned that it might give offence to the other people on the beach. Similarly I would happily go naked in the back garden at home except for concern that the neighbours might make a fuss. Speaking of fuss, I was at a
  8. You're certainly right, and I would love to have a nice new i7, but it's hard to justify spending a thousand dollars when the old box still does everything I need. I'm not into games or heavy video processing, so if I can get most things working on here I will defer my upgrade for a couple more years.
  9. Motherboard is from 2010. (A core 2 quad processor, so I'm not keen to chuck it out just yet.) I haven't installed any new drivers, but I believe Windows 10 is supposed to find drivers online and load them. It did that for the video card. Thanks for the suggestion. I will follow it up.
  10. Sounds good in theory, but here is what actually happened: Plugged drive into PC directly - Windows 10 can't see it Plugged drive into an unpowered 4 port hub - Windows 10 sees the hub but can't see the drive. Plugged drive into my laptop running Vista - drive works fine. Plugged a 7 port powered Targus hub into windows 10 PC, then plugged drive into that hub. Drive then works fine in Windows 10. I wouldn't have believed it either, but that is what happened. I wouldn't have thought to try the powered hub, except that a google search turned that up as a fix for th
  11. Progress report. Apparently Windows 10 needs portable hard drives to be plugged into a powered USB hub before it will talk to them. Didn't know that one. That's one thing fixed.
  12. Hi folks. If you can feel an uncomfortable blast of heat coming from the general direction of Australia, don't worry. It's just my blazing hatred for Windows 10. I installed it yesterday, and after hours of farting around it still barely works. Right now it won't recognize my portable hard drive on the USB ports, Won't even admit that anything is plugged in there. I have already tried four solutions from the internet that don't work. HATE HATE HATE. The interface is all different and all the configuration stuff that I had previously learned where it was hidden is now
  13. I have opened an individual picture of the gallery that I have uploaded. My avatar and user name are beneath the image name. Below that is the upload date, then a grey horizontal line, then a link to "report image". I can't see anything near there that looks like an "add tag" button, sorry.
  14. I can't find any control or button to let me add the tags, what should I be seeing please?
  15. YES! My gallery access has been restored, and the 3D peeing pictures I uploaded are still there, along with many other galleries I liked.. Thank you
  16. I posted one album in the gallery with just a few pictures, but received very few comments or ratings. It seemed like not many members were looking at the galleries. By contrast, when I posted images in the forum more people commented and rated, so I concentrated on posting there. I used thumbnails or hotlinks to image hosting sites in order to display high resolution pictures, and a number of people said they liked that. Later my user name became locked out of the galleries (it still is) and I could not use them at all, not even to see the images I posted. With the new fo
  17. It's none of her business whether you masturbate or not. Your body, your choice.
  18. I'm actually too fat to use a urinal, so I always have to use a stall. This approach would mean long waiting times for me I guess. Apart from that, I have no issues with it. If I was able to use the urinals I would have no problem with women walking past.
  19. I expect they do, but I haven't heard it.
  20. One thing I forgot to mention - the old forum used to identify if members were male or female. It would be nice to have this visible on each post like it was in the old forum software. Other places also allow people to display their sexual identity, e.g. hetero, gay, lesbian, trans etc. Apologies if I have the terminology wrong, but what I'm getting at is that it helps to understand another person's point of view if you know where they are coming from.
  21. I like the atmosphere here that allows us to be a little more explicit and a little more flirtatious at times, compared to other forums. I do try to avoid crossing any unwelcome lines, and I hope I mostly succeed. I have heard that some ladies didn't like it here because we were a little too racy for them. I try to take the lead from whoever I am talking to and not push them beyond their limits.
  22. Perhaps a trivial issue, but it would be nice to have some better emoticons. The set we have seem to be a bit weird looking. Look at this wink for example: It looks like the poor guy has facial palsy. I do like to award a few hot chilies to my favorite posts though Would be great if members could add custom emoticons to the repertoire. Like I said, it's trivial, and can go to the bottom of the priority list, but would be nice to have.
  23. The trouble has not disappeared. The galleries don't work - same as before. I only see a blank page. Sorry, I can't see any tab called "Albums" on my profile page.
  24. It seems impossible to prevent videos being illegally copied once you have made them, so whatever content you create will probably be widely distributed within a month of first sale. So whatever sales revenue you make in that one month is perhaps all you can count on. Some of the larger sites are still making very high quality content. Sin Drive for example is making 4k ultra high definition pee porn with beautiful models, and they seem to be succeeding at it. (I don't have a 4k monitor, but I have bought some of their movies in HD and the quality is superb.) They seem to wo
  25. Just to be clear, when I access the gallery page, it looks exactly like DXR's screenshot above, except that my avatar and user name are at the top right.
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