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Everything posted by Peekid

  1. Lmao 😂 I wouldn’t say mvp, but I appreciate it
  2. Just wondering if anyone ever envisions their coworkers peeing in various places. Personally, I have one coworker who I can absolutely imagine peeing in the lake or on the beach. It just seems fitting for her personality. Does anyone else have something like this?
  3. There’s a few different ways. If you’re looking for people that you know in real life, you can sign up with your number and there will usually be an option to sync your contacts. However, if you’re not looking for ppl that you actually know in real life, it’s much simpler. The app will automatically recommend ppl to you and then you can just add those accounts. There is also a thing called a snap map which will sometimes show where a user is if that user has their location enabled. I typically only ask ppl who live far away from where I’m at, so that there’s less chance of it tracing back to m
  4. Dang. That sucks. Would’ve been awesome if you still did it tho
  5. There’s a few, but they’re fairly minor. 1. Once peed on my own car bc of a dare 2. Peed in a trash can at a trampoline park. Guy walked in right after I put my dick away, so that was close. 3. Peed in the sink at Walmart once. I was feeling extra bold that day. If I think of more, I’ll add them
  6. I’ve met a few through Snapchat. You just have to be clever with the approach. For example, I used to ask “if toilets didn’t exist and you could pee wherever, where would you go?” You’d be surprised how often that actually worked. Obviously it doesn’t work every time tho. It’s also how I found out that a lot of girls don’t wear underwear. Ppl will admit to a lot of things if you just ask them 🤷‍♂️ I should note however, that I’ve lost contact with the majority of them. I’m still in contact with 2 of them tho and the one who I’m closest to, I still talk to her regularly and we share our peeing
  7. Appreciate it 🙏 and good luck 👍
  8. I haven’t peed in a bath yet, but I definitely plan to at some point. I always pee in the shower though. Sometimes when I’m not even showering
  9. I don’t think I’ve been to any as far as I remember, but I’d love to visit Yellowstone
  10. If I ever start to lose interest, I usually just read some old stories that always get me re interested or watch one of my favorite videos. Sometimes I’ll also read old messages between me and friends who used to be into this kinda stuff, but unfortunately outgrew it
  11. I don’t really know honestly. Maybe 8 or 9 hours. I’m not a big fan of holding, so I try not to wait too long
  12. My main goal is to get more comfortable peeing in front of people in public
  13. I’ve seen a couple people doing this and figured I’d try one myself. So go ahead and ask me anything that comes to mind
  14. Guys, I’m proud of me in a weird way. I went to my old high school earlier and I was planning on peeing in the parking lot, but there was only a few ppl there and it just felt too open and exposed to pee right next to the car. So I went over by the mobiles. They’re like trailers basically for anyone who doesn’t know. Anyway, I went over there and these mobiles have steps leading up to them. So I got down on my knees under the steps and started peeing. I was determined I was gonna do it one way or another. It was honestly one of the best pisses of my life 🤷‍♂️
  15. Hope this doesn’t break any site rules. If you have anyone you don’t like, sounds like the perfect time to pee on their lawn or something like that
  16. Thanks everyone. I’ll think about all of these
  17. I see. I’ll take that into consideration
  18. Hi everyone. I’m going to the pool soon and I was wondering if anyone here has peed in a communal shower and if so, how did you do it? Ive peed in a locker room shower twice in my life, but there was no one there either time. I want to be able to pee with people there
  19. I’m also confused on what you’re asking, but I think so
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