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Everything posted by Peekid

  1. My people. I’m also half black half white. I thought I was the only one
  2. Mine is pretty simple compared to some of these answers, but my ideal pee partner would just be a good looking girl who’s down to pee wherever whenever and preferably doesn’t wear underwear (personal preference of mine)
  3. Pajamas and no underwear. Best combo 👌
  4. I don’t do it as often as I want to, but I do it sometimes. Just peed in a trash can at the store the other day. It felt amazing
  5. I do this all the time. I was actually inspired by someone I know who did it long before me.
  6. Guys, I can barely believe it! It’s just so exciting! Ok, I guess I should give you a little bit of background info. My name is Rowan. I’m 23 years old and I just got my first apartment! I know my friends are probably sick of me taking about it, but I just can’t contain it. “It all feels so surreal”, I thought to myself as I began to unbuckle my jeans in the family room. ”Mom would kill me if she knew what I was doing right now “, I thought, as I adopted a high squat. Then, with the greatest joy I’ve ever felt in my life, I began to release a strong stream onto t
  7. Lilo and Stich Fanfic * I’m just gonna assume that everyone is familiar with the characters from lilo and stich and if you’re not, you can look them up. *Don’t worry. All the characters who do any peeing in this story are over 18. One day, Lilo, Stich, Nani, and David were all sitting around on the beach. They were just enjoying their day when lilo heard a somewhat strong liquid sound. She couldn’t quite figure out where it was coming from, so she brushed it off. But when Nani got up to do something, Lilo noticed a puddle where she had been sitting and began to put
  8. Exactly. Guess that’s a risk they’re willing to take
  9. From a certain point of view, sure
  10. Don’t know if anyone here is into rap like I am, not that it matters. Anyway, the rapper Glorilla was recently arrested for a DUI and asked the cop if she could pee on the side of the road during her arrest. Pee part near the end https://youtu.be/IfUuAEegLC4?si=K0x5pqP8Z4SBCk0D
  11. Idk if this helps any, but I peed behind target earlier, so it’s definitely possible
  12. Personally, I think parking lots are a great spot for this. Especially if you wait till it’s dark out.
  13. Graduation day. The stage, the caps, the people applauding me as I walk across the stage. It’s all so freeing. Oh, shit. I have to pee. I’ll just go on the stage. Not like anyone can see under the gown anyway. Good thing I skipped panties today. (Faint trickling sounds) Ahh. Freedom
  14. Neither of us are of the legal drinking age yet around here, so idk about that. We’re close though, so maybe in the future
  15. I’m honestly not sure, but I don’t think so. She was sitting inside the car and had the doors closed while I peed next to it. She’s chill about things like this, but I don’t think she has any particular interest one way or another
  16. That’s what I was going for
  17. Thank you. Yeah, would say I’m pretty happy about it
  18. I pee in the tub a lot when I’m home alone. It’s quick and easy
  19. Guys, it finally happened. I was hanging out with one of my friends tonight when we went to a park and I had to pee. I may or may not have purposely waited until we got there to mention my need. Regardless, after some struggle I told her that I needed to pee and asked if there was any bathrooms here. I was secretly hoping there wasn’t and my wish was granted. I was worried that she would suggest going somewhere with a bathroom, but I forgot how chill she really is. She told me to just go on a tree and even helped to make sure the coast was clear. I didn’t go on a tree. I ended peeing on the gr
  20. This story is supposed to be in the style of a country family, so that’s why the writing is the way it is. One day a man named John walked into his house and confronted his wife Jill. “Hey honey, I was just grabbing my tools from the garage and I noticed a weird wet spot by my toolbox. Would you know anything about that?” “No, but try asking Claire. She’s been peeing out there lately for some reason”, said Jill. “Uh… ok”, said John. ”Hey, Claire. Honey, there’s a wet spot in the garage next to my toolbox. Your mom thinks it might be related to you. Would you know an
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