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this is interesting

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Everything posted by this is interesting

  1. Revenge at a friends.....🤔...what did they do?
  2. Would you only do it with someone you know or you will go into a house even if you don't know them and completely drench their house with friends and leave?
  3. Gotcha so I'm assuming the green part was still covering the kernels right? (Granted if you remember)
  4. Do people pacify just randomly see you squatting over and peeing on the flowers or do you do it at night time when it's clear
  5. The thing I hear that is the stereotype of New York is that that is a city that's big on mining their own business. So I don't know if it's that they are just used to people peeing all over the place but I think it's more of the fact that a lot of people over there are really focused on their own business . Earlier you mentioned the CCTV cameras and I remember hearing back during the pandemic that a lot of those cameras didn't even work and that they cleaned that Subway for the first time. That was hilarious to hear. Also it's interesting to hear that you masturbate in public a lot. When I hea
  6. Did that subway train smell? And nobody else saw your friend do that?
  7. Was the corn ready to eat or still growing
  8. I'm assuming you did not walk too far? I'm just going to put this I think I could never get away with. LOL
  9. Take your time. What are some of the ideas you are considering?
  10. I'm trying to wrap my mind around the people who are driving or walking and they were to see this like what's going on through their heads? I wonder what my reaction would be to see this live? I feel like this would be a trip
  11. I know this was a few years back but I hope you are still going at it heavy still
  12. Love to see it. I'm going at it right now
  13. What was the worst condition you left the room? 😊
  14. Does anybody know what the username to this link is?
  15. From what I've seen a good bit of those accounts are dead accounts so that sucks
  16. Does anyone have a hack towards finding a way to watch the private videos?
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