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this is interesting

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Everything posted by this is interesting

  1. This is still blowing my mind. Where in the office did you let it out and was it a big puddle?
  2. Have you thought of what you would say if you got caught?
  3. Saw what yuh did derr 😆 have they always done that around you
  4. Is it because of peeing or they just love to show pussy?
  5. It's interesting you said non-family. How often do you see a pussy slip with family members
  6. Have you ever used the pool to where the color changes after you leave it?
  7. Did you leave it in the dressing room?
  8. I'd say write real stories about you peeing around
  9. See I can't wait to hear the stories. Were these full on masturbation or were these little rubbing
  10. I just wanted to make sure I'm clear, is this your camper that isn't in use or is this a random camper you found that you believe that isn't in use anymore?
  11. Did it it smell where you were?
  12. Oh wow so you would leave the movie theater covered in your piss because you were under a blanket?
  13. This is amazing. Thanks for sharing. I'm assuming you have masturbated and peed and naughty places. Where are some of the places you have done that?
  14. That's awesome Sophie. I'm doing it right now. I'm glad you had a good orgasm
  15. That's awesome. Do you masturbate when being peed on or you just sit there?
  16. Is it a certain part of your body you want to get peed on or you don't care and let it rip?
  17. Are you saying that you would want to get peed on from someone who is well hydrated so just in case if you aren't able to wash it off you can go about the rest of your day without worrying about a stench?
  18. Was it clean area or were you too horny to care to where you went for it?
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