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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. Runner here and occasional cyclist. Well I say runner, I only started last year so I still consider myself a newbie. Working towards a 10k next month. Done 1 before but that was a few months ago and then got behind on my training so hopefully having an upcoming event will get my arse into gear lol
  2. I enjoy peeing outdoors, not having to aim and the feeling of warm or cold air on my little fella while pissing is great. I'll post the odd pic or link to a video whenever I'm in the mood, hope you don't mind.
  3. I prefer it when it rains as it covers up my wet patch when out running
  4. Liz Katz, she's 1 sexy lady
  5. Like Paulypeeps, you're brave to do it in public, I couldn't.
  6. I wouldn't have the guts to do that, I think you're very brave.
  7. Watching a woman who's really desperate then wets herself is very arousing, I would love to see a woman do that in person. Maybe 1 day
  8. It feels great doesn't it. I had noticed the naughty side seems to be very popular, don't get it myself, it's definitely not my thing
  9. Hi, am fairly new around here and I seen a lot of topics about peeing in inappropriate places and such but haven't seen to much about wetting so was just wondering who likes to wet themselves?
  10. Last time I wet the bed was cos I was absolutely rat-arsed. I only knew about it when I woke up majorly hungover. Felt really embarrassed even though I was in my own so nobody else knew...until now
  11. Well I'm bald up top so thought I'd match down below lol
  12. I'm getting used to mine being trimmed and the fact it makes me look a bit bigger is a bonus 🤣🤣🙂🙂
  13. For me it's the freedom of just going when I want too. I don't do vandalism if building like some people do so it's usually in woods or hedges lay-bys and if I can, I'll pee myself
  14. Woke up in a sharing mood, got my phone out and managed to get a decent pic for a change. Doesn't happen very often
  15. It's been a while, mainly have to use my hand as my wife health isn't too good so we don't have sex very often anymore. Shame, but her health comes first
  16. Yes otherwise it goes everywhere, which isn't always a good thing
  17. Mines the opposite, stood in busy toilets and next to nothing came out. Unzip and seconds later I'm zipping back up and walking out and everyone else is still full stream
  18. Wonder if something like that would work on blokes? Not sure what the wife would say if I borrowed her toys lol
  19. Oh, so to answer the question, it's only on the floor for minutes before I clean it up
  20. I'm the same as @Peewee123 only pee where I can clean up afterwards. I don't want my carpets etc being ruined
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