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Everything posted by BGSB86

  1. Me! I’m more into the desperation but I also love the wetting that comes at the end.
  2. Peeing in the ocean mostly, but I also would just sit in the sand and pee. I wouldn’t even try to slide my swimsuit out of the way because I liked the feeling.
  3. Me and my mom are the same. We both have week bladders so it wasn’t uncommon for one to hurry to the toilet and leave the door open so the other one could pee in the sink or bathtub.
  4. Me too, I hate using public toilets but with my weak bladder I’m forced to use them, especially since I live in NYC and there’s not many places you can pop a squat without being seen. But when Covid hit, I had nowhere to pee so this resulted in a lot more holding and accidents for me. What was once a normal day of running errands became a race to get home on time before my wet spot got bigger and bigger, although I’d be lying if I said this didn’t happen even before Covid, just less often.
  5. As I watched the Yankees game yesterday with my family, I was holding in my pee. I couldn’t leave though. My kids were too busy trying to reenact everything they saw on tv. If I had left to use the bathroom, a ball might have gone through a window, one of them mightve gotten hurt from diving for a ball that clearly didn’t need to be dived for, the list goes on. Plus, I didn’t want to miss anything. My brothers kept teasing me as I was clutching myself as hard as I could. I silently begged for there to finally be 3 outs so I could run to the bathroom, but it took way too long. When it finally h
  6. A little, but my main thoughts were on how it’s even possible to have a pee that lasts as long as hers did
  7. Not me but my friend. We were out hiking and both stopped to pee. She had been holding so much pee effortlessly for hours, but she’s a nurse so she probably had a lot of practice
  8. It was summer and I was at a baseball game with my family. It was close to 100 degrees so I drank a lot of fluids. I tried to use the bathroom in between innings but they would always start back up again before i got the chance to pee and I didn’t want to miss anything. By the time the game ended, I was already squirming in my seat and ran to the bathroom. The line was absolutely massive and I was already pee dancing. I probably waited in that line for like an hour, during which I leaked multiple times and had a huge dark blue patch on my jeans. When I finally got into a stall i hurriedly ripp
  9. i got my pants, barely. My belt delayed me for a second well...its a bit too late for that lol
  10. its pretty wet also, but they are like soaked soaked
  11. i considered that, but i just pulled into the parking lot as i was think that
  12. I pulled into their school parking lot while peeing full force and managed to open the door and squat!
  13. my bladder is spasming, so it looks like ill have to try and take off my pants again. My pants are already soaked to a degree so there isn't much point to it
  14. dont worry, that one wasn't as embarrasing as the last one, after i got over the initial embarrasment and got home i was turned on!
  15. i dont think i can, theres not many private places in nyc
  16. At least if i pee myself here, its a semi public accident and not another public one, like one i had on sunday. I havent posted that yet
  17. it started moving again, but i still have to pick my kids up and then go home, its going to be a while
  18. well, i wouldn't exactly mind if i lost it 😉 but i still try to hold on as long as possible
  19. nothing so far, we've been moving inch by inch
  20. Im clutching myself every chance i get and squeezing my already slightly damp thighs together. I tried to unbuckle my belt but its too tight!
  21. Im finally off from work but no place to pee. Ill try to hold it until i get home but with the traffic, i dont think i will
  22. I have no idea, but I need to find a place soon. Maybe if i can get to my car in time i can pee between the cars
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