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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. I can piss around 1.4l in 45 seconds. That works out at 31ml a second. I'd love to see one of these ladies in the videos above filling a measuring jug! It'd be amazing to see how fast some of them can empty their bladders!
  2. Today was a super busy day. I had a uni assignment that I was seriously behind on. I had estimated that I had at least 8 hours worth of work to do, and I was determined to get it finished. I stocked up on cups of tea early in the morning, and grabbed a couple of large bottles of water to keep me hydrated. One thing I like to do to motivate myself, is toilet denial. The rule is that once I start the work, I am not allowed to get up and go to the toilet, or anywhere else for that matter, until the work is finished! I know it sounds extreme, but I have managed to put off loads of work until
  3. Ahhh! My bad! I didn't see the bitcoin option! 😄 I just clicked on the billing page and it told me about the "Anonymous" payment it'd take which was "MVbilling.com" 🤣
  4. Hi All, I really want a custom video from a lady on ManyVids. I am wondering if anyone knows a good way to go about paying for it without linking my online fetish life to my personal banking! Not only does it sound a little risky, I also don't want a bill coming straight out of my account as I might have to print out details for things like mortgages etc. Any ideas on how to do it totally anonymously? Thanks!
  5. Update - I drank quite a few beers last night and gamed. I was busy on the game and bursting to pee. As soon as the round was over I ran to the bathroom. Pee spurting from the tip of my already pissy cock. I fought to keep control but by the time I reached the bathroom my naughty cock was pretty soaked anyway so I just jumped onto the toilet and let my dirty man pee himself yet again. I returned to my gaming session and just sat on a thick towel again, totally ignoring the wet boxer briefs clinging tightly to my pissy cock. Another hour or so passed, me prioritising pretty much
  6. I need to measure how big my puddle could be on a totally flat surface! I imagine 1.4l of pee would spready very wide!
  7. Sounds like the perfect kind of wetting that does! It feels so much better when it's from full desperation!
  8. Nah they dry so fast that after about 30-40 minutes they are all dry again. Then the next wetting I wait for about 2 hours or so after anyway. 😄
  9. Exaclty! Specially when you've already peed through them twice anyway!! 😄
  10. I decided this pee would be a normal pee. I stood in front of the toilet, pulled my joggers down and whipped out my naughty little penis. I peed full force for around 45 seconds and then tucked him back into my slightly pee scented boxer briefs (unwiped of course). Heavenly relief. 😄
  11. I can't NOT give my naughty fella a 3rd soaking surely? My bladders getting nice and full now. Just don't know what naughty fun to have with it. Another soaking? A pee in the toilet to tease my pissy little penis? A pee and then a quick whip back into my boxer briefs to catch the drips? 😛 Any ideas?
  12. There's a lovely delicate pee scent, but not overpowering. The amount I drank meant it was really dillute for both wettings. 😄 So at the moment it isn't noticeable at all until I pull my waistband away on my joggers and really focus on trying to smell it. 😛
  13. Ahhh second relief complete! Felt like heaven forcing my naughty fella to rewet himself. 😄 I'm sat on a nice tripple folded towel on my computer chair now. Every now and then just looking down the front of my trousers and admiring my obedienty pissy little penis! 😛 Maybe I should torture him some more later and force him to wet at 3rd time? 😉
  14. I had some great fun this morning! 😄 I woke up really quite early (about 7:30am). I checked the weather forcast and it looked really good. Dry, windy, and pretty mild. My favorite kind of weather to go for a nice long walk in. 🙂 I decided I would leave for my walk around 10am. I plotted a nice route, it involved some country lanes, a forrest section, and a good few farmers fields (on public footpaths of course). I also planned to be leaving the house with a nicely full bladder, ready for a bit of outdoor fun! I showered early, and dressed. I chose a nice tight pair of boxer briefs m
  15. Woops! It happens. 🤣 Bet it feels nice getting them off at the end of the day though. I know it does when I change at the end of the day! 😄
  16. So, this is something that has interested me for a while. How many of you enjoy going comando? I rarely go comando as if I get in a naughty pee mood I can't enjoy a little leak due to the fabric of the trousers getting instantly wet. However, when I'm in a naughty mood I'll sometimes go without my boxers. I am not sure why it's so enjoyable! Maybe the lovely freedom and "loose" feeling, or the way the inside of my joggers or jeans feel against me. I'm not sure. It's just very exciting feeling. Do any of you guys or girls enjoy it? If so, what do you like about it?
  17. Perhaps a plastic cover that you can get for like farmers or off roading, then a nice folded thich towel under your bum. 😄
  18. Anyone else care to share any stories about their naughty pissy privates? 😛
  19. Ooh I have another question. Have you ever wet your panties and then not been able to change right away? If so, how long did you end up having to stay in them?
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