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Everything posted by Wisco

  1. Have you ever caught anyone peeing or has anyone else ever caught you peeing there? Also if you could post some pictures of your puddles that would be pretty hot.
  2. The first time my first serious girlfreind saw my dick was her holding it while I peed in her shower. We wern't showering together, we were just hanging out and watching a movie and when I had to pee I asked if I could do it in her shower and if she wanted to hold my dick and she said yes. I can't remeber if my most recent ex ever held my dick while I was peeing, I remember her watching me pee but I don't remeber her ever holding it so she proboly didn't. Either way my first experince with a girl holding my dick while I peed was pretty hot and it's cool that was her first time seeing a dick th
  3. I've never had anyone verbally compliment me while peeing but once I had a girl give me a thumbs up while I was peeing. I was at a huge outdoor party type event and peeing against a board and I see this girl look over at me and give me a thumbs up. I also could see two of my female freinds in the distance looking over at me and smiling which i guess is kind of a compliment.
  4. I like to pee in front of large groups of people, I have done it a few times and found it very exilerating, especially when everyone is chill with it and it feels like I have "gotten away with something naughty".
  5. Did you see his cock while he was pissing or anyone else's cock pissing at the party?
  6. Would you and the other people at foam parties pee through your clothes or remove your clothes in order to pee?
  7. Can you tell us about your other examples? I like hearing these stories, I especially like hearing about girl's reactions to brazen public peeing.
  8. Can you write about the successive ones which happened the next day?
  9. What other times have you peed in front of your friends?
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