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Everything posted by lameduck58

  1. a website that offers information on various topics, not sure I can take them all too serious but it has advice on how to pee in a bottle, how not to pee on your tampon string, how to pee in a swimming pool amongst others with some funny cartoon images. Worth a quick look http://m.wikihow.com/Pee-Yourself-as-a-Woman
  2. I found these on Imagefap.com, just search vintage pee
  3. great film for a bit of fun, favourite part is the sword of Dialdo. it has a big metal cock for a handle.
  4. i guess thats a difference from across the pond here in UK, the short story is they are rubber boots for splashing around in puddles. the longer story is they are boots, named after the Duke of Wellington who invented them for his soldiers as hard wearing boots for battle.
  5. Love the idea of you peeing into a pair of wellington boots and then pushing your feet in quick to see if you can get it to shoot back up your legs. Or maybe you could go on a wet and wild public walk in the wet wellies afterwards. Whatever you do we will all be waiting for the results.
  6. Welcome to the site, I couldn't find your location on your profile but if you are in the uk you can legally pee anywhere you want while you are pregnant. A pregnant woman can legally urinate anywhere she likes in the UK, including a police officer’s hat! There are a couple of other strange laws like you can't eat mince pies on Christmas day and you can legally kill a Welshman in Chester by decapitation which seem a little silly but I suggest you make the most of the next couple of months and pee everywhere.
  7. I love Katherine Ryan but if you watch the show check her ears out, it looks like she had the right one ripped off. I am sure its just the way her hair is or the camera angle but its all I can remember about the show.
  8. love the story but i am really curious what you do to make your pee less salty, i know for guys that having sweet things such as pineapple can make the cum taste better but never thought about the effects it has on pee. I think you could start a new thread for people to join in with experiments of 'how to flavour your pee' (asparagus is too obvious). Many thanks for all of your wonderful posts xx.
  9. I will get in first and try to stop all of the posts of people who will now want to pee in the dishwasher even more than before !
  10. I am sure the guys will have very different ideas from the girls but i can't wait to see the responses and girls you have to deal with the challenge of going to the toilet with morning wood.
  11. looking forward to hearing about it afterwards if you are willing to share your stories and i also love that in all of the places listed the toilet never got a mention . Have fun
  12. As with most things what suits one person will not always suit another. I have one of these and have used it many times on my own or with someone using it on me. Like many sex toys they can be a lot of fun to share with a partner. one of my favourite things to do is, stick my cock into it, close the pressure cap at the end and then pee into it. it feels amazing, the pee squirts back out of the pussy end and shoots down my thighs and runs down my legs. worth trying guys.
  13. I hope you guys have a great time and have a couple of questions, how did you guys first meet, was it on this site and where will the meet up take place (not after location, only hotel or park or similar )
  14. Hi Maggie and welcome to the site. i am hoping you drip feed us with tales of your exploits, can't wait to hear more
  15. a great story looking forward to reading more
  16. did you move the dirty dishes first ? Love the story its great to know this site is helping people explore new things
  17. Happy to be uncut, circumcised guys will never know the fun of piss ballooning.
  18. i do find that i am shaving my palms more and more these days. To complete all other rumours about masturbation... yes i used up all of my sperm, i can't cum now unless i masturbate i have made myself numb and it has shrunk to the size of a walnut. Its a cruel world we live in where hairy palms make for a better feeling while wanking. :laugh:
  19. I voted once a day but it was more when i was younger, i guess thats why i wear glasses now:biggrin:
  20. I recently met someone online in a chatroom, we hit it off immediately. She has a fantastic sense of humour and an outgoing personality. She is not very good when it comes to technology so we started by just chatting and teasing each other with text chat. This then progressed to photo's via email. But recently we have been exploring our fetishes and this is when she revealed she loves being tied up and blindfolded. We continued to explore this a little more and she she told me of an of experiences with her ex husband where he had tied her to the bed and then teased her and tickled her which
  21. The best place for me was in South Korea. A lot of the people there drink after work and they have strong spirit drinks rather than wine or beer. So quite early in the evening there were a lot of drunk people which lead to a lot of sightings of people wetting themselves and guys and girls peeing in the streets. A frequent place i visited was a little cafe bar in Kumi city. The toilets were squat type for men and women which faced each other across the corridor, there were no doors, only ribbon curtains, many nights i had a view into the ladies toilets as they lifted their skirts and pee'd fr
  22. Alan rose from the bed and made his way across the room to the bathroom avoiding the clothes that had just been dumped the night before. He paused a while and looked at himself in the full length mirror on the door to the wardrobe. All of the working away and nights in hotels eating large meals and drinking had taken its toll and a stomach larger than he wanted had appeared. He stared into the mirror and sucked his stomach in, the muscles were still in there but when he let go of the breath he held, they dissapeared under a layer of good living. Alan stretched his arms over his head and sque
  23. i was directed here by a new friend who said she had posted a pic on here and i had to try and find it, it may take a while lol
  24. I was recently working out in a remote village in China, the toilets there varied from western style in the hotel, squat style in most restaurants to a couple of well positioned rocks at the poorer restaurants. one evening i was eating at one of the poorer restaurants when the call of nature arose, i asked the woman working there where the restroom was, she grabbed a torch from behind a small table opened a door at the back of the restaurant and ushered me out into an overgrown patch of garden. she turned on the torch and shone it at the bushes. I soon realised that this was to be the toil
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