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Posts posted by wetwulf

  1. I love having the hotel gym to myself. It means I don't have to run to the bathroom for a pee break. I can just walk over to this corner here like this, pull my shorts and panties to the side, and... ahhhh, yes. Ooh, I love how the puddle just soaks into the material of this dark rug. No one will even know.

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  2. I can see up that woman's skirt under her table. I wonder if she knows? Wait... is that... did her panties just get darker? Is she peeing? Holy shit, she's peeing her panties under the table! Does no one else see this? She's just talking to her friends, and they have no idea!

    I wonder if I could get away with it, too? Let me just... adjust my dress. I don't want to chance someone seeing my panties, though. This booth has a soft cushion, so maybe if I just... Ahhhhh. Oh my god, that feels nice. It's warm on my bottom. I can't believe I'm sitting here peeing in my seat, and no one even knows.

    Wait... is she looking at me? Why is she winking?

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  3. I really need to pee, but I don't feel like walking all the way upstairs to the bathroom. But I can't hold it any longer.

    There's no one else home but me. Maybe I can just slide my panties off and scoot to the edge of the couch.

    Oh! Here it comes! Ahhhhh, much better. Oh, this is so naughty. And the sound if it splashing on the carpet is kind of turning me on.

    Oh shit! What's that noise? It's the door, but I can't stop peeing! Oh no! It's my roommate! She's going to be so angry!

    Wait, why is she smiling at me? And why is she taking off her pants?

    Oh my god.

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  4. "May I help you, ma'am?"

    "Yes, um... I mean... I'm all ready to check into my room, but... does this resort really just... let you pee whenever and wherever you want?"

    "Yes ma'am, it certainly does. Would you like me to show you?"

    "Um, sure, I guess, I mean.... Oh, wow, you really are just peeing down your legs."

    "Mmm, yes ma'am. I am. Mmm. You're welcome to go, as well, anytime and anywhere you'd like."

    "Okay, because I can't hold it anymore. Ohhh. Wow, that feels good. My leggings are getting soaked, but it's so warm."

    "You can send your soiled clothes down later, ma'am, and we will wash them for you and return them promptly."

    "I'm going to love this resort."

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