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Posts posted by wetwulf

  1. 2 hours ago, Ajr972 said:

    Was my favorite chapter to write! You have no idea how many times I came while writing it. Along with the others lol. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series! I don’t know what else I can think of to write but if you have suggestions let me know! 😁

    Well, I think since the two of them have experienced the pleasures of wetting the bed and since Jamie doesn't seem to be too concerned about wetting in naughty places, maybe they can have an evening in together and they make a dare that neither of them can use the bathroom if they have to pee. And they can even try to see who can hold it the longest. The options are open then for them to pee wherever or however in the apartment. And of course you could tell us what happened the next morning after they wake up from their first bedwetting together.

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