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Everything posted by daemoniak

  1. Actually, in one of the older trains I have seen, the "toilet" was nothing more than a chute: you could actually see the boards and gravel defiling under you as you went!
  2. I'd really like to hear about the times you peed indoors and got away with it. Anyway you look at it, indoors seems naughtier.
  3. Excellent steve; not as wild as the previous ones, but I am expecting much from Chloe's party and Rochelle's new job!
  4. Wow lucky you, you literally had a front row seat. I wish I had been in your shoes.
  5. @glad1: amusing, I have hiked with a woman friend who was extremely shy about peeing, despite being otherwise rather brazen. I remember once where we were on a rather exposed trail, and she really had to go, she just held it until finally we rounded a bend and there were some rocks on the side of the trail. She quickly headed between the rocks while the rest of the group moved on ahead a bit and disappeared from sight as she squatted. Except that while she was in position, a man suddenly appeared in front of us, running down (we were climbing) and I just had the time to call a hearty "Hello!"
  6. Ah yes clean-up, obviously easier when others do it. After 6 intense parts in a row, it's good to get a breather, and nice to see you are planning on continuing :) One little thing: not being a native English speaker, could you tell me whether day names are supposed to always be capitalized or not. I realize you did not and I have seen other instances of them being all lower-case while I seem to recall having been told they should always be... are there rules I should be aware of ?
  7. This remind me of women taking the precaution to squat between open car doors to avoid being spotted. It works well in general, but not so well when the car is more elevated than average (four wheelers, for example), leading to candid shots of their buttocks and/or crotch. It's always amusing, since it's reminiscent of a child's behaviour: you feel hidden when YOU cannot see others!
  8. I am not into desperation or wetting, so the story did not turn me on. I did however appreciate how well written it was: not only is the storyline well rounded, your style is also very fluid. The absence of noticeable grammar/spelling mistakes, short sentences and short well-delineated paragraphs make it very easy to read, which is rare treat on the web these days. Thank you very much, sir.
  9. It's a nice story, however its pee related content is desperately "low". Still, I do wonder what Sarah was doing that Louise did not have time to recount, or what could happen further. I hope you have other instalments.
  10. Oh great! Naughty peeing is my favourite aspect of this fetish (when girls/women do it). I am looking forward to your stories and pictures, and if you ever lack inspiration I volunteer to provide fresh (and warm) ideas ;)
  11. Wow, it's been a while since I read such a detailed description of a pee; thanks!
  12. Roskilde festival (Danmark) has been using the Pollee female urinals since 2011 :)
  13. I congratulate you on your detective work! Interestingly, I am generally not interested in Leekeyone stories :p
  14. Given the different writing styles and the two accounts on Literotica, I do not think that Leekeyone is actually Leaky One. One detail, in particular: Leaky One is almost exclusively focused on girls/women whilst most if not all of Leekeyone's stories have male peeing.
  15. When I was a teen, still living at home, I discovered (without even looking up porn on the Internet) that I had quite a sexual thrill peeing on the floor, or anywhere else taboo. It started very early and lasted up into my early twenties. Then I finally get to live by myself, with my own computer, and thus discovered on Internet: - that I was not alone in this strange disposition - that I was far more interested by seeing a girl peeing in those places than by doing it myself So, I certainly hope to read your stories :)
  16. I understand peeing in the doorway of your closet, since you allowed her to, but peeing in a fitting room seems pretty risky (hot, daring, but risky!) Do you have more details about those anecdotes ? How did she ensured nobody heard her, or spotted her puddle ?
  17. It's amusing, but by removing the "sneakiness" part and just having people pee everywhere, it's suddenly less arousing for me... well that and the fact there is a guy in :) I am really saddened by what's going on on EP though; it was a really cool site and there were people there I did not see anywhere else :/
  18. I agree, Vixen3 stories about Vicky are great; please do post them on this forum for posterity!
  19. Thanks for taking care of posting it all here Alfresco. The split to characters limit is a bit annoying (more for you than us), so I hope the admin will agree to raise the limit on the number of characters per post.
  20. Not my cup of pee... but I guess drinking (and goldenshowers) is actually mainstream in urolagnia and I know you like it :) It is well written, as usual, and read easily. Thanks.
  21. Reading Alfresco wonderful anecdotes reminded me of a couple times I peed, or saw people pee, as a kid. I lived in a neighbourhood with maybe half a dozen kids my age. A single girl hung out with us, bit of a tomboy really. Of course, being kids, we were not at all interested in going back all the way to our respective homes just for a pee; so we made use of two hidden spots (where none of the nearby houses could really see what was going on): - behind the glass "container", shards of glass abounded on the floor but it's not really a problem for guys, so we stood and watered the bushes.
  22. Oh! I did not know somedood was German; and he's a good writer too, so if he could lend a hand it would be awesome.
  23. I am sorry then, for I tried to learn German a long time and was never any good at it, so unfortunately I won't be able to assist :( It's a shame too because the content seemed very interesting, but there are some passages I just was not able to understand at all :(
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