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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. On 5/31/2024 at 2:51 PM, A_AShes said:

    No Happy End after admition later? Not ever wet trousers? Might be door was left vacant for you...?

    No she has never mentioned it since. 
    No she didn’t leave the door for me as she would have had no idea that I would choose that time to also go to the toilet and based on her reaction when the door opened, she really was not expecting to be walked in on. 
    No there were no wet trousers.  Not really sure why there would be unless you mean due to her jumping, missing the toilet and hitting her trousers.  No that didn’t happen. 

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  2. On 5/31/2024 at 1:06 PM, oliver2 said:

    On modern trains you can be confused by all the buttons & fail to lock the door that way. If this is a rail tour with an old train, no such excuse, but, yeah, I’d expect this was just unfamiliar locking arrangement & failed to lock it adequately

    Yes this is very true.  it was an old train with a simple slide bolt so I have no idea why she didn’t slide the bolt when she went in. 

    Newer trains definitely can be confusing with the buttons. They have got more clearly signed with the later models but I have had some cases before now where I have opened an electrically controlled train toilet and seen a lady peeing because they only pressed the close button and not the lock button or quite possibly didn’t even see the buttons and the door closed behind them so they assumed it was locked.   The best ones are the toilets with the electrically driven sliding doors that go round on a curved track.  If you press the button and someone is in there without it being locked then they can’t do anything about it until it has slid all the way open, then they have to press the button to close it and wait whilst it slides slowly all the way back. 

    I believe I have written about it somewhere else on the site but I caught a lady like that once she was in a hover position over the toilet.  When the door started opening she panicked and reached forward to press the buttons, arse on full show and trying to cut her stream that was now missing the toilet as she reached forward.  All I could do was apologise as she frantically pressed the buttons but the door continued to slide slowly open and then closed again equally slowly. 

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  3. On 5/31/2024 at 1:05 PM, KP-has2P said:

    Cool story @Alfresco.  I guess if they did bring it up you could have said the door wasn’t locked and it said “vacant” so you didn’t know it was occupied.  It’s not like you deliberately snuck a peek.


    Absolutely.  If she had brought it up then  I would happily have brushed it off as an accident and no big deal but as I know her I would have also complemented her cute bum though.   It wouldn’t have caused any upset but as it seems she probably either doesn’t know it was me or assumes I don’t know it was her, then I don’t want to cause her any unnecessary embarrassment. 

  4. We didn't have a downstairs toilet and I came up with the ingenious plan of putting a metal biscuit tin (you know, the big square ones that you had biscuits in at Christmas) on the floor in the cupboard under the stairs.   This was more than a typical cupboard - it went back a ways and then went around a corner and it got used for storing stuff like paint and spare wood etc so wasn't accessed that often.   There was a loose carpet on the floor and I put the tin on the carpet.

    If my family were out, I used to pee in it when I needed to go and maybe every other day would empty it out of the front door (which was right opposite the cupboard).

    This all went great until one day I went in there and found that the tin was empty - despite the fact that I'd already peed in it twice.   Turned out that a hole had rusted into the bottom of the tin and my last two pees were at that point now in the carpet!   Not much I could do, so I moved the tin out and left it to dry.  I don't think it was ever discovered.

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  5. I did bring it up with my wife.   I have loved seeing girls peeing, particularly outside, for all my adult life.   I didn't raise the subject as soon as we were going out together, but then again I didn't raise the subject of sex either.   I was quite an innocent back then and so was she, so we had a very slow start in our relationship.   However, I couldn't help but desire to see my (at that time) girlfriend peeing outside and one day it happened because she was really desperate and she said she wasn't going to make it home so asked if I would find somewhere we could stop to pee.   I said that there were no obvious places with toilets on the rest of our route but I asked if she would consider peeing outside.   She said that she was desperate and would do so.   I was already getting hard thinking about this!   When we did stop she dived out of the car and peed a flood on the tarmac next to the passenger door with me watching from the driver seat.   When she got back in she apologised for having to do that and I thought well if there is going to be an opportunity then this is it.... so I I said to her that she really shouldn't worry and that we all get caught short and that I had peed outside lots of times in my life.  I then went on and said and actually that was super hot to watch.   That then led to a bit of a conversation and she then understood that I enjoyed it.   Over the years she then peed outside a few more times and each time I said how much I enjoyed it.   We had more discussions and she knows that I like seeing girls peeing outside as well as various other ways of enjoying pee.   She indulges me from time to time, but she doesn't share my appreciation of it.   So it is not a particularly regular thing but she certainly isn't shy about peeing in my presence, always leaves the bathroom door open, happily admits to peeing in the shower and the pool, tells me if she is peeing in the pool and so on.   When the need arises she will pee outside, but only if there are no other options.   If she does pee outside then she has no issue with me watching and sometimes that leads to sex outside too....  

    We have also had a few (but very few) times when we've had sex involving her peeing on me or me drinking her pee.   She really doesn't understand why I want that, but again sometimes she is willing to oblige.

    As to whether I would bring it up in conversation with others - well I don't talk to others about any of my sex life, so I wouldn't bring it up in the context of a fetish but neither would I talk about sexual positions or where we have had sex or basically anything about our sexual relationship.   However, I have had conversations about peeing with friends.  Mostly in the order of discussing situations where I or others have got desperate and peed in places other than toilets or been very desperate in getting to the toilet.   I have enjoyed these conversations and have been pretty open about my view that I actually enjoy an outdoor pee and I think it is perfectly acceptable that ladies should do too.  What I haven't said is that actually I love seeing ladies peeing outside and sometimes I've gone out of my way to witness it.   I also don't say that I deliberately avoid the toilet before going out so that I can pee outside and I certainly haven't told them that I enjoy some peeing in naughty places like carpets, stairwells and such like.

    I don't really have lots of friends.   Most of my friends are really people I know in certain pursuits that I participate in and I don't see them away from that group.   My wife has a few friends that have become mutual friends and I have had pee conversations with some of them sometimes, but they don't usually go very far.

    Am I lonely?   Well because my wife is understanding of at least some of my interest, that helps a lot, but there are many of the more adventurous considerations which I would like to discuss with people and I only do that online.  I wouldn't say I was lonely, but I do wish I could be totally open and honest with my wife and that she would enjoy participating and would be happy for me to participate with others as well.   However, we've had good discussions and I know exactly where she stands, where the line is drawn and what she doesn't mind me doing.    She has for example said that she doesn't mind the fact that I enjoy seeing other ladies peeing outside but she doesn't want to know about it.   Of course that does make it difficult for me as we are very open about everything else and we always know what each other is doing, so I can't really go out late at night on my own without telling her why.



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  6. Car parks make good toilets. Plenty of hiding places and once you squat down you are invisible unless someone walks along that particular row.   Pick a spot a god way along the row then you can check nobody is approaching before you squat,

    Multi storey car park stairwells are another good one - especially in car parks with lifts/elevators where the stairs are used less.  Usually you find there are multiple staircases and most people use the one nearest to the shops, so if you go to one in a far corner you are unlikely to be disturbed and if you choose a higher floor you have even less foot traffic.

    Having said all that, your post said about being in plain sight, so that sounds like you want to pee discretely whilst being in view of people.  For these cases you need to position yourself naturally and be doing normal things as @Paulypeeps says.   Check your phone, read a book, look in your bag, eat or drink something.   Nobody will pay you any more attention that normal and you can pee at the same time.  Here are some ideas  

    If you wear a skirt, you can sit on a wall or the edge of a raised flower bed and pee down the backside of the wall with nobody seeing.

    In a park, you can kneel down on grass with your legs apart and look in a bag in front of you.  I have done this successfully in very public parks peeing out of the leg of my shorts but for ladies a suitably loose skirt would provide complete cover.   You could also sit on grass - particularly on a slight slope with your legs out in front of you and your skirt pulled out from under you.

    Squat down over a drain and tie shoe laces or fiddle with a buckle.

    If you want to be naughty then you could get on a bus with absorbent seats and again lift your skirt as you sit then pee slowly into the fabric seat.

    You could go in a pub and either wet a seat or scoot to the front of the seat and pee on the carpet, hidden by a table.  The noise in pubs is usually sufficient to hide any noise you make -especially if you pee slowly.




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  7. I'm somewhat older than you @GenericUsername as I'm in my mid 50's but I do think that watching a lot of porn can desensitise people.   From my own experience I remember that it used to be nearly every pee pic or video would get me hard, but now I can watch quite a few without any great reaction.  It is a case of over exposure to the same kind of stuff I guess.

    I have also found that in general my erections are not as frequent or as full as they used to be - including sex with my wife.  

    Therefore I did go and see the doctor and he did tests on hormone levels etc.  All was apparently normal for hormones and he did say stress might be an issue.   He did suggest Viagra or similar might help but stressed that it only works to enhance things if you are turned on, it doesn't instantly give an erection on demand.  I have tried it a couple of times and yes it does work but Mrs A and I are usually very spontaneous so we don't usually want to wait the hour it takes to take effect.   I have found things have settled down and I do get decent erections without Viagra, although maybe not as good as they used to be and I don't tend to last as long as I used to do either.   But I am getting older and nothing works as well as it used to do! The important thing is that we still have lots of fun and sex is still enjoyable and we both turn each other on.

    Also - again probably due to age, I've noticed that my dick is not as big as it used to be when flacid.  I have no measurements to back this up, but it seems smaller than it was.

  8. Pyjama shorts and short sleeve top.   I prefer PJ shorts to boxers as they are looser.   I find if I don't wear a top them my shoulders get cold.   In the summer  I sometimes go naked but it hasn't warmed up that much yet.  I sometimes sleep with a top but no shorts as it is the shoulders than need to be kept warm.

    My wife wears either long legged PJs or a nightie without underwear, which I obviously appreciate.

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  9. 14 hours ago, kiass said:

    That's the problem of the "perfect" pee spot. It's getting used a lot, completely wet, mixed pee (female and male), contains sand and other waste.

    Better keep such things as licking as a fantasy if u are in those places.

    From the other hand, the tissue in the car park,.. 😉

    The tissue in the carpark was guaranteed all fresh, all female.  Yep.  And it was away from other obvious contaminants.....

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  10. Just now, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    Alfresco takes loud girl’s pee-covered hands, licks them and plants a kiss. 
    “There, problem solved.”

    Drunk girl looks at him wide-eyed and wobbly. Alfresco disappears into the night to attend to more damsels in distress…🦸‍♂️

    The thought did cross my mind, and if it had been only her own pee that she had fallen in then I probably would have done that but it was a generally wet corner that probably had a mix of male and female pee and some of it was probably quite old, so I thought better of it.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Aristotle said:

    Could you be persuaded to write the new ones up soon sir? Always enjoy your writing. 

    I have written up a good few more since this post.   Check my sightings thread linked below where you will find sightings from Sept 2020 to Aug 2023.  Unfortunately I have not been able to go out to the right places at the right times since then, so I have been quiet on that thread recently.   I do have one more to add but it is more of a detection than a true sighting.



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