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Everything posted by PissingBlonde

  1. Wow - until now I've never been even slightly interested in rugby (sorry All Blacks) but as a fan of casual peeing and surreal mist, you are starting to make me wonder what I'm missing... great addition to the series.
  2. Scorpions! Shit!!! The other day I was warning someone about the perils of men peeing outside in the NZ mountains and high country because of the cheeky kea - bold and opportunistic native alpine parrots that live there... But compared to scorpions they pale in comparison. It just goes to show there are sinister things eyeing us up everywhere, so pee wherever you can and then run for your lives!!!
  3. Peeing in dreams is great: all the fun, none of the clean up.
  4. Welcome @MidnightPee and thanks for reminding me about this thread. 🙂 Sorry I'm two months late reacting to everyone's awesome comments - must have got a bit dickstracted when I first joined...
  5. I love this! Very inspirational... 💛
  6. What you said just reminded me of something I had forgotten... brace yourself, it's a really dumb one. A few years back I was at a friend's place for a party and there was this old dude out in the yard who looked like he was wearing eye make up. I didn't give it much thought but later someone said to him, "Tell them about your eyes." It turned out that ages ago when he was in prison he had 'fuck off' tattooed on his eyelids (one word on each side)! Seemed strange to me but each to their own - possibly he was trying to look scary even as he slept? But over time the ink
  7. I'm not that big on them myself but just wanted to get a small one that I knew would always be special to me because I love the water. Also fond of the way it looks like a cartoon; when they draw a tattoo on a character it is usually an anchor ⚓
  8. Thank you - I need more salt in my diet. The blue anchor is my only tattoo, it also symbolises hope.
  9. Looks like fun - bet you saw some amazing sights. Was a bit distracted before and forgot to say... when I was growing up I always wanted to join the Navy but realised once I got older and looked into it more that it wasn't quite as 'piratey' as I'd imagined and I was too lazy. But I did get as far as getting an anchor tattoo on my shoulder when I was 21... I love sailors and the ocean 💛
  10. It's official: there really is a God. Ever since I can remember I've had a thing for sailors, and pissing obviously. 😍 This is what I hope heaven looks like or I want a refund! Trying really hard to keep my hand out of my pants or Sir will turn up tonight and find me asleep in a puddle of goo with a big smile on my face.........
  11. One of my superpowers is the ability to turn any topic back toward blowjobs 😋 Yay for blowjobs!
  12. As a fan of watching men peeing with wood, I like the 'Superman' and 'pee on the wall' options. The Superman technique is definitely improved with the towel as a cape; you just never know when random objects really will give you superpowers! And even without an inter-dimensional portal to aim at, peeing on walls is still great. But my favourite solution when I witness this dilemma is called 'suck it and see' - either way she gets a drink if you know what I mean...
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