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Everything posted by rajpatel1993

  1. But if someone else is outside the bathroom and they could hear you peeing in the toilet, would you not feel self conscious about that at all? Or if a guy was outside the bathroom waiting to use it after you, would that make you uncomfortable in any way?
  2. Would you please do a story of yourself when you sneezed and wet yourself?
  3. I continue to wonder why girls often go to the bathroom together. Is it customary for them to look away while the other one is peeing, or do they talk to each other while the other one is on the toilet?
  4. Do you enjoy the feeling while you are taking a long pee or the feeling of relief in your bladder immediately after a long pee?
  5. Can you aim well if you are peeing standing then?
  6. Ever feel self conscious of other hearing you pee?
  7. How did you first pee after childbirth?
  8. Welcome to this forum. What do you like most about peeing?
  9. What do they do to a woman if she is in labor and she has to pee?
  10. Do you like the feeling of a full bladder though?
  11. Have you increased your maximum bladder capacity yet?
  12. Whenever I go to restaurants and I use their single use bathrooms, I typically pee in the sink just because it makes me feel naughty. Maybe you should try doing that.
  13. Have any of you ever drank a lot of water and held your pee as long as you possibly could, and then experienced a "peegasm" when you finally had the chance to empty your bladder?
  14. If you hold your pee as long as you possibly can before letting go, do you usually experience an orgasm?
  15. Does this compromise the quality of your sleep?
  16. Wow haha. Do you wake up a lot during the middle of the night to pee?
  17. But do women need a full bladder when going in for a pelvic examination as well?
  18. Wow haha. Was the urge to pee during that ultrasound even worse since you were already pregnant?
  19. Do you think that peeing while drunk is more enjoyable than a regular pee?
  20. What happens if you pee right before an ultrasound and your bladder is empty then?
  21. Well, I've seen much worse things besides pee on train seats before....
  22. Yes, you can just write down the time you pee each time you go during the day. If you want to be more descriptive of each pee, that would be fine as well though hahahaha.
  23. Does your bladder need to be completely full or partially full before they do an ultrasound?
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