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Everything posted by rajpatel1993

  1. Wow, thank you for being so open about your experiences haha. During the time you were at the office having the ultrasound, did they ever ask you if you had a full bladder or if you had to pee?
  2. If any of you on here have ever had an ultrasound before, could you describe what it is like to have a full bladder before an ultrasound, what an ultrasound feels like, and how it feels like to pee after the ultrasound is finished?
  3. Could all of you describe a time in your life when you had a really enjoyable pee, and how you found it satisfying? Like the most satisfying and relieving pee that you have ever taken?
  4. Would you consider doing a journal for a whole day when you document the time of day each time you pee, and kindly share that journal with us?
  5. I have heard from health-conscious individuals that they often drink at least a gallon of water a day. Have any of you ever tried this challenge in the past? If so, what kind of results have you seen?
  6. I have noticed that I am always really thirsty, and I usually chug 2 or 3 glasses of water at a time. When I wake up in the morning after I brush my teeth, I generally chug 3 or 4 glasses of water. I also drink a lot of water before going to sleep, but since I have measured my night pees, I know that my bladder would not wake me up unless it fills beyond 1.6 liters. It seems like my bladder has adjusted to me drinking a lot of water since I usually pee at least 1 liter or more each time, but I am worried about being so thirsty all the time. I have had blood tests and urine tests before, and th
  7. What countries have you visited?
  8. My morning pees are typically between 1 and 1.6 liters, and I normally drink 3 or 4 glasses of water before going to bed because I am always really thirsty. I also chug several glasses of water at at time during the day because of my unquenchable thirst, even thought I know I don't have diabetes. How many times would you be going to the bathroom if you drank as much water as me?
  9. Did you enjoy the pee when peeing out those 1.5 liters though?
  10. Ever feel self-conscious of someone hearing you pee?
  11. How often do women typically have to pee while they are pregnant?
  12. If you held you pee as long as you possibly could and measured your volume, what do you think you could achieve? I just peed 1.8 liters last night after I sat in traffic and finally made it home.
  13. Did the nurse go into the bathroom with you at that time?
  14. I have heard that if you are drinking a lot of water and peeing a lot, it may indicate diabetes. But I have been tested and both my fasting blood test and a1c are all completely normal so I am not diabetic. However, I always feel thirsty and I drink lots of water throughout the day. When I wake up every morning, I may even chug 2 or 3 glasses of water, I still feel like drinking more. I know some of you will tell me to go ask a doctor, but I am too embarrassed obviously. I did ask for a blood test and a1c, but my doctor has no clue about what I am into lol. They just told me I don't have diabe
  15. How many of you tend to wake up during the night to have to pee?
  16. I could imagine what it must be like for a doctor to have a woman peeing on him accidentally during an exam lol....
  17. How was the bathroom at the doctor's office where you peed right after your ultrasound?
  18. If you are interested, could you please pee in a cup or jug and share a picture of your pee?
  19. I have heard that women need to have a full bladder for an ultrasound, but I was wondering how much exactly since different women seem to hold different amounts. Like if you have some pee in your bladder, would that be sufficient for an ultrasound or would they tell you to drink more water? Also, what happens if you end up peeing yourself during an ultrasound lol?
  20. Do you have to have a full or empty bladder before going for a gynecologist exam?
  21. One public restroom I went to had a sign over the urinals saying "My aim is to keep this bathroom clean, your aim can really make a difference! Let's aim right and keep it clean!" Needless to say, the bathroom tended to stay really clean.
  22. Would any one of you on here consider a career in urology?.....
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