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Everything posted by rajpatel1993

  1. How much water do all of you tend to drink in a day, and how often does that make you pee?
  2. Have you always seen a male gynecologist?
  3. Do you prefer male gynecologists over female gynecologists?
  4. Have any of you ever been in a position where you had to clean a public restroom as part of your job? If so, describe what it was like and whether the Men's or Women's restroom tended to require more cleaning.
  5. What is the longest you ever have heard another woman peeing for in a toilet or a public restroom stall?
  6. Wait, were you seen by a male gynecologist for the pap smear?
  7. At what age does this begin to happen to women?
  8. Have you ever talked about these leaks with your doctor?
  9. I just acted like I accidentally missed the rest stop exit. But I did stop at the next rest stop along the highway after 23 miles, and I saw her running to the restroom, and she came back and told me she was so relieved.
  10. Have any of you ever had a pee test (urinalysis) done before at a doctor's office or lab? If so, how were the lab results of your urine?
  11. How do you avoid razor burn then?
  12. What do you use to trim your pubic hair?
  13. Has becoming a mum changed your bladder capacity in any way?
  14. Please stay on the forum, I would miss you otherwise.
  15. What do you think about measuring your pee in a measuring cup though lol?
  16. Do you wear any liners to guard against leaking?
  17. Have any of you ever had the experience of leaking a little or even peeing yourself after sneezing?
  18. Have any of you ever been drug tested before where you had to pee in a cup? If so, describe your experience and interaction with the lab staff.
  19. If a guy has a girl with him in the car and she tells him she is really desperate to pee and that he should pull over at the next rest stop, what would you think if the guy intentionally passed by the next rest stop as if he forgot and waited till the next rest stop came up?
  20. How many seconds long are your morning pees usually?
  21. Do women tend to find their pubic hair itchy or uncomfortable, or are they shaving down there because of society?
  22. Just curious, what do you all think of pubic hair on a woman? Do you prefer to shave, trim, or wax down there or just let it grow?
  23. But if you involuntarily had to hold your pee because you could not find a bathroom, what do you think your bladder capacity would measure when you finally had the chance to pee?
  24. Would you ever be open to a male gynecologist?
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