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Posts posted by mickymoist

  1. These are really interesting,I don't really have any that I'm aware of but will have to study myself more to see if there are any. @Kupar I definitely do the straightening of pictures, I really can't cope with things not being straight, probably from working in printing when I was young. 

    I am probably the messiest person I know, I just let everything get more and more cluttered until it completely gets on my nerves and then have a massive tidy up. Also an olympic class procrastinator 😁

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  2. Welcome to peefans, I'm sure you will find lots of inspiration browsing through the lovely stuff that gets posted here, I'm a fan of peeng in my clothes too, as are many of the gang 🙂

    One of my favourites is going for a walk in the countryside wearing dark shorts and just peeing in them and letting them dry.

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