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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Bless you (both of you). Take care and make sure you TCB after 😈
  2. I’m not sure I’ve earned a place in heaven - each day browsing here makes me think it’s not for me anyway lol.
  3. Just under 20 minutes now. Takes you to 1750. If you feel you can manage that. Or you could always go for the hour?
  4. I’m on a turbo trainer session that finishes in 24 minutes. Happy to keep you company , although it might not be good for my heart rate, LOL.
  5. Have you set a stopwatch or chosen a time.? I’m sure you could reach more of a target than you think.
  6. You’ve got this Sophie, you can wait longer. We know you’ve got it in you.
  7. I'm not sure 'nursing' is what that lemonade needs right now ? But have an awesome one. Photos for husband's eyes only planned ???
  8. There’s a saying “Heaven can wait…”. Don’t think it applies in my case though.
  9. Erm - perhaps because as their profile says, the ‘bro’ is a ‘sister’.
  10. Absolutely agree - although I suppose there is a difference: when you’ve got litter you can keep holding onto it until you reach a bin…
  11. Hugest of huge Happy Birthday wishes today to @Bhhvbhk - Have a great one!!!
  12. Agreed - and many of the clips show girls who, ok yes are choosing to pee in a 'public' place, but at the same time are using friends to shield them and squatting in such a way thay they're making some effort to cover themselves as they reasonably can. Most large ticketed public events like these festivals will have a disclaimer on the ticket or booking conditions that photography / videography will be taking place (legitimately by the organisers) and by entering the event the public consent to such official photography - very, very different from covert filming. I'd
  13. Ha ha - it caught my attention - and there are so many wonderful images to dwell on.
  14. Sorry to break into a bit of a rambling introduction - but I've just been watching a bit of something on TV and been introduced to the photographic art of Rachel Clegg. As the daughter of two generations of Isle of Man TT motorbike racers, and a journalist covering the races she has a keen understanding of everything racing. And by her own admission loves the female form. She's photographed in various settings of both the TT Circuit and Nurburgring too. Many of her images have particular stories behind them - hopefully you'll get the idea here, although a mere computer, tablet or
  15. Thread closed to further replies - please see the dedicated 2024 thread instead: https://peefans.com/topic/29371-what-do-you-want-to-see-from-peefans-in-2024/?do=getNewComment
  16. Sounds like the council have 'Pee Wombles' (to coin a Clarkson-esque phrase) hiding in traffic layby's - so the council provide parking rest areas for motorists but then entrap those who've stopped safely to take care of nature's need. I reckon there'd be a pretty strong legal defence if the council fail to provide toilet facilities and then try to prosecute people for needing the toilet. Of course - leaving tissues or sanitary products could easily and fairly be classed as littering. A couple of years ago I posted about the extent of partly degraded tissues covering Spanish roadsid
  17. Stunning @Barbieoxo - and thank you so much as always for sharing.
  18. Hi and a huge welcome @feefee - as you've been around a while you know what to expect. Look forward to seeing more from you.
  19. @WessSK @garytyson @Ms. Tito We hear there’s one hell of a party going down… and we’re all turning up. Happy Birthday.
  20. Kudos to both of you - I’ve got a whole set of excuses why I managed a pathetic 6.7 miles yesterday and 5.8 today.
  21. You’re very welcome @Overlord - it’s worth mentioning this isn’t just me but the @Sophie & @Scot_Lover from a staff perspective and our very good friend @Kupar also bring it all together too. We figure it’s just a little thing, but a nice way to keep in touch with friends like yourself.
  22. Absolutely adorable - I could almost hear you blushing and tingling with excitement at the same time. Huge thanks for sharing.
  23. @eh1234567 & @pissduds69 - Reasons to be cheerful: It’s your birthday. Have an amazing day.
  24. Close call and thanks for sharing. If you’re quick enough thinking in those scenarios (and I rarely am) you could say something like - don’t use that cubicle, I nearly did before but it looks like someone’s peed all over the seat. As long as you don’t blush and give your secret away.
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