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Everything posted by Blackinksoul30

  1. Yea a know the silver one needs cleaned. I do have cleaner for it. The white one doesn't really work anymore. meaning i put batteries in it and it doesn't vibrate. But it's cute. I think it's called the 'Rabbit' The width of each of these is a little under a inch. I'll post another photo in a day or so of more of my vibes. If you're a girl and you have vibes feel free to post your 'vibes' Vibe love 🙂
  2. Awwwww!!!!! She's pretty!!!
  3. Flower petals are pretty. 🙂
  4. sometimes i'll try to wait a little if i'm super tired.
  5. I think also the pressure in the urethra intensifies which makes me think very much about that area. which in turn, arouses my clit and makes my flower wet.
  6. Interesting! That's awesome that your orgasms with a partner are more powerful.
  7. If you could be a actress in any movie (that has already been released) what would it be and why?
  8. Do you find that you orgasm differently when you look at porn than when you have sex or have an orgasm with someone due to oral or pleasure from someones hands? When i look at photos that arouse me.. i turn into this sex crazed naughty vixen that swears, moans a lot during orgasm and it lasts a decent amount of time. During sex orgasms i don't really swear.. i may get like emotional... (start to cry from joy). and the orgasms don't really last as long.
  9. The toy i used when i was a teen before my first vibe. 🙂 I started using this probably... in 1996 or 1997. through.. early 2002. It's hard to tell but the wick is red not white because i had used it during my monthlys sometimes. granted i used the opposite end but there might have been blood on my fingers which got on the wick.
  10. I wonder how many of us live in the US. 🙂 I live in the Midwest. In one of the states surrounding the Great Lakes.
  11. What I would really love... is to be on an exam table. Speculum in and opened. Cath in, and have a guy (or girl) control my bladder. To fill me as much as they wish and empty me as they wish. To be pleasured, either fingered, made love to, while my bladder is full. Or to be tied down to a table/bed while i had a full bladder and just get teased with pleasure till i lose control.
  12. without the bun. I actually remember putting it near the heating vent in my bedroom to warm it up. I also used a metal serving spoon. hair brush handles. markers with the caps on. q tips (multiple), long stemmed candle. First toy ever though.. i won't say how old i was..but.. it was the thermometer from the fisher price medical kit.
  13. I'm not really into Miley but Shakira she's adorbs!! She could pee on my chest. or i wouldn't mind watching her pee. Not really into being peed on above the chest.
  14. Maybe. The pain wasn't too bad in May, June, July.
  15. I'm on day 3 of my monthly. This time it was even worse that last month. I am feeling better today.
  16. I don't know what it is, i seem to be attracted to gay guys. 🙂 Well bi girls too and straight girls. Guys kissing each other though. Very hot. Guys snuggling in bed. Very hot. Not really into the hardcore 'sex' watching but romantic snuggling and cuddling. *melts*
  17. Most unusual... a hot dog. Yep. I was... like 15.
  18. Maybe you like it as more of a 'agreeing' type of thing. not sure if i can explain what i mean..but like... you agree the girl is cute that he's going to have sex with so you 'understand' how he feels. like 'yea i'd make love to her too.'
  19. Having been on a camming site... i knew girls that did this. People that are willing to buy them can get pretty picky though on how 'wet' they want them. sometimes girls would send them but then say they weren't good enough for them.
  20. My hubby is around 5 1/2 to 6 when fully erect. When he's in all the way it's a bit uncomfortable. I'm fine if he goes in halfway. 🙂
  21. I have lil boobs. B cup. Hubby loves them cause they are just enough for a 'hand full' I do though have a wonder bra. Which does make me look bigger but is uncomfortable to wear.
  22. Aw she's pretty! I gotta remind hubby to put up that poster of two girls kissing back up on the bedroom wall.
  23. sometimes it's a photo of a girl that i think is pretty from an adult magazine my hubby bought. or it's a photo of a celeb i like.
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