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Everything posted by Blackinksoul30

  1. Describe a typical day in your life. What makes you smile the most?
  2. Hi everyone that has responded. Thank you for the love and support. I really do like this site a lot. I was feeling sad from the other social media i use.. plus feeling stress from an apartment issue me and my husband has been having. I am in counseling though which is good. 🙂 If you'd like you could call me 'Alice' A bit about my lung disease. it's called bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Basically was born almost 2 months premature. My lungs weren't fully developed. The pressure from the oxygen machine destroyed my lower lung tissue. I also had a heart defect which i ended up having sur
  3. I don't mind talking about it. 🙂 Basically i was born pre mature and my lungs weren't fully developed. They had to give me a oxygen machine when i was born. The pressure from the oxygen machine destroyed my lower lung tissue. At this point i have 24% lung function but i've remained stable pretty much my whole life. I am not sure what affect the lung disease had on my watersports interest. I did struggle with night time accidents every night until i was 13. I am not sure if that.. maybe medicines i took when i was younger made my bladder weaker at night. I am not sure. But i stopped havi
  4. I'm not really interested in the 'public' aspect. More interested in the 'alone' in a bedroom. private beach. or car even. I'm not really into the risk of embarrisement or the risk of getting caught or into showing off. To me it's more of a private thing.
  5. A LOT of essays. A lot of reading. Basically it was a lot of book reports. You'd read a big book. Then you'd come up with a topic about that book and do a bunch of research on it at the library. Then write like a 10 to 20 page paper on it.
  6. A bit of a back story about myself... i'm in my mid 30's. Happily married. My husband works a full time job and is in college part time. I am chronically disabled and don't drive. nor do i work. I don't have family that lives near by. I don't really even have friends that live near by that want to hang out with me. I spend most of my days alone and on social media. A lot of the time it's... realizing that people drifted away from me. then i end up feeling like a bother. then i end up talking to my dog or stuffed animals. I've very much gotten used to 'friends' abandoning me, forgetting about m
  7. I graduated in 2009. 🙂 I have a degree in English. I love writing stories for myself as a form of escape and relaxation.
  8. I should have specified, 'Alone' yea..that's what i meant.
  9. Was it a good sexual experience? For me... it was.. maybe 6 months ago. 😞 The experience though was a good one. Not painful this time. 🙂
  10. I've never tried one..but that would be fun!
  11. If they felt really embarrassed about it. would you hug them? Would you give them kisses. Would you make love to them?
  12. sometimes it's fun to 'test' a full bladder by doing exercises or doing something that could make you go.. like... washing the dishes. jogging. jumping jacks. sit ups. taking a warm shower. What do you like to try to do with a full bladder.
  13. when i pee on the diaper.. maybe i could take a pic of it afterwards and post it on the 'pee pictures' thread. 🙂
  14. i've been to Good Charlotte, Savage Garden, O-Town, Adam Lambert, No doubt and more.
  15. hmmmm on my bedroom wall when i was a teenager.
  16. Do you remember when toys r us had 'treat boxes' those were awesome!! They had little sample snacks and coupons in them. They stopped handing those out in the mid 90's.
  17. I used to use 'blue moon' beads.. but within the last few years i just use very basic rainbow colored beads. usually just lgbtq pride stuff now.
  18. Being an 80's baby, i grew up with Toys R US. It was a part of my childhood. My hubby has been taking me to toys r us at least once every few weeks since we started dating over 10 years ago. i can't believe they're closing. i've been taking photos at the locations around me.
  19. Twitter has some nice 'pee' 'watersports' fans 🙂
  20. yea... like two weeks ago we had snow.... and it's already been 80+ degrees on one day.
  21. We seemed to have skipped spring and gone right into summer.
  22. I love to knit, cosplay, do photography, write romance stories. 🙂
  23. Having one in, and opened at an angle so the urethra wouldn't be blocked. just peeing like that would be nice 😄 having a cute male doctor or significant other putting the speculum in and watching you pee.. even better 😄
  24. i tend to not be able to orgasm unless i have direct clit stimulation with my vibe. Clits i think are adorable 🙂 they hide most of the time. but only come out when they want to have fun.
  25. not really from this site yet.. (granted i only joined today) but.. there's been videos online that got me in the mood. 🙂 i wouldn't say...that watersports videos are like..a tipping point for me.. usually it takes more. watersports..is arousing to me..but not like.. 'gotta masturbate now' kind of arousing. 'True desperation' video series... that helps 😄
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