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Posts posted by Blackinksoul30

  1. I really don't want a beta reader..i just wanted this friend to read it.... like she promised to read it. I don't want to pay someone..to try to fix it. i don't want to change the story. I wrote only to self soothe and cope with depression and chronic illness. it's just... personal fantasies and day dreams written in story form..pure mush that helps comfort me. whatever can make me smile. 

  2. update..you know that 'Friend' that promised she'd read my story a month ago... i emailed the story to her 3 more times and NOW she says she cant read it because she'd have to download it to her computer....

    Hence why i don't trust peoples promises when they claim that they'll read it 'For sure!'

  3. So here's the deal... around.. 8 or so years ago I started using 'Bare Minerals' powder foundation makeup... I at first loved it... but then I started using it less and less because I started to realize I have more redness on my face.. not blemishes but just dry skin. So i started having to use a liquid maybaline cream foundation under that on areas of my face..with the Bare Minerals on top..then i'd have to use the 'mineral veil' powder on top of that... then you add in the eye shadow and blush... it ended up being too time consuming and i found that i was using makeup less and less. I don't want a whole 'process' i want something simple and quick. I also noticed when i used the cream foundation with powder on top..it looked very cakey. 

    Any advice on brands/products i could use. I have fair/fairly light skin color. 

  4. I don't really want to publish.. i just write for myself to self soothe and cope with life. If i 'were' to publish..i'd need to make them perfect... 'fix' things..change things..etc..but since i write only what makes me happy..what cheers me up... i don't care to make them 'perfect'

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