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Posts posted by Blackinksoul30

  1. Between my hubby in college... (well he's on xmas break now but he had been really busy with homework and studying with finals), him working full time as well. I haven't hung out with a friend since June. I still have a cold and struggling with chronic illness. I just feel really isolated. I just want to feel better. I want to get out and have fun. I feel like I live with a 'room mate' rather than a spouse. 

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  2. Hugs to you!! You totally rock!!! Happy for you and proud of you for making this post. No matter what, as long as you love yourself and follow your heart, you be you! 🙂  I don't really have any questions at this time. Just know that I support ya! and i'm here for you! 

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  3. On 11/8/2018 at 11:55 PM, 2prnot2p said:

    Blackinksoul30, I can empathize with your disability.  You seem to have adjusted well to it and you have a great attitude toward it.  Hang in there!

    I've read many of your posts and I can tell you're a very kind, caring person.  We're all lucky here to have a member like you!  🙂


  4. Okay this is for all the guys on here. Now this isn't a 'sexual' themed post per say.... but it's more of a educational post. Not really a place to ask about orgasms or sexual stuff about the clit unless it's health related. Do you have a question about breasts, menstruation (health questions like- what do cramps feel like. what does the blood look like) , gyno appointments, vaginal discharge, (i'm not knowledgeable about squirting so unless other ladies wanna answer those for me), questions about the cervix, uterus, ovaries.  Each womens body is different so if other ladies answer you might get different answers and that's okay. 

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  5. I know during ovulation I sometimes leak clear fluid enough that I wonder if i just peed a little by accident. but when i check it's clear. This is completely normal. Sometimes at the end of the day my panties have a little white stain on them. Even if i haven't pleasured myself. This is also normal. Vaginal discharge as long as it's not an odd color or smelling odd (you know your own body) It's completely normal and healthy. https://helloclue.com/articles/cycle-a-z/getting-wet-cervical-fluid-vs-arousal-fluid-vs-discharge 

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  6. Very true, couples don't 'need' to get married to prove that they love each other. Couples can live together and just be together without getting married. I think what i'm trying to say is though..for heterosexual couples.. marriage has always been a non judgmental option. Unless someone in their own family didn't think the man and women were right for each other. You didn't have groups of people shouting at them that they can't/shouldn't/don't need to get married. LGBT couples shouldn't have to experience that. LGBT couples should have the option if they so chose without consequences from the gov't/public trying to make a spectical out of the simple fact that they want to marry. 

    The second point you made is true too... they do want the same money/law related rights.

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  7. The thing about lgbt rights that bother me the most...for example..if two guys want to marry or two girls want to marry... they should be able to get married. That should be a universal law... if you love them.. then you should be able to legally marry them in every state. I feel disappointed with people that are extremely against two people that love each other that want to get married. 


    I went to Pride parade last year for the first time. I LOVED it!!! Seeing older people, families, kids in the parade all dressed up. I got tear eyed and so happy to be there to witness such kindness and unity in the city. 

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  8. My pet peeves- People that smoke in public.

                               People that get real rowdy and loud at bar areas of restaurants.

                               Parents that just let their kids scream their heads off in stores without even uttering a word of discipline. 

                              People that are against LGBT rights. Love who you want to love. 

                               People that ride your ass when you're driving

                                 People that say stupid shit when they see me in a wheel chair in public

                                Religious extremists that shout at people in the streets. 

                                 Nurses/doctors that have no bedside manner what so ever 

                                   Employees at stores that don't smile at all and clearly show that they hate their job.

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  9. I made this request a few months ago and it got very little if any response. I am not sure if guys feel nervous about being vocal during their need to pee. Or they feel embarrassed to speak before they pee or during their peeing. I've watched plenty of male peeing videos on peefans.com and maybe 2% of them have guys that actually speak about how badly they need to pee. A few maybe have a soft sigh of relief but the rest are completely silent. Yes the sound of the pee stream is nice but so is guys that are vocal. I've made requests like this on other pee sites but get no response.  Why are guys so afraid to speak at all? Why is it so difficult to find videos like this? 

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