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Everything posted by SnakeFace

  1. My room is messy but.. Just did a pee on my curtains and part of my bed, and then some on the carpet. Here is some of the aftermath of my peeing.
  2. I might talk about Australia since it wasn't mentioned here - pissing around different places in public does happen and is common, and I find that people won't care as long as it isn't too public, but you can get fined for it. So basically just have to go somewhere where police won't see you.
  3. This one isn't me encouraging friends but I hope it still counts. Once when I was driving people for work, I was getting really desperate to pee. Pulled over near an old closed shop to pee against it around the side, and my actions ended up encouraging everyone else to do the same while we were there, seemed everyone else had to go as well. Just a group of people turning up to an old building to pee against it. Then after about 3 minutes of driving after that I realized there was a public rest stop with toilets just up ahead, but I didn't say anything, and really did not realize it was th
  4. Shower just makes for a good pee spot for everyone
  5. Can't remember if I have posted about this before or not, but I once saw someone pissing up close while walking in the city. Was walking by a church, and on the corner of the street was really dark with a lot of trees around. As I was walking passed there was a guy standing on the footpath with his cock out pissing heavily onto the concrete. He wasn't making any attempt to hide it or pee against anything, was just peeing out in the open in the dark. He was with a friend as well it seemed who was waiting right near him. Had a peek as I walked passed behind him, looked like he was uncut. It was
  6. One of my favorite discreet pee places has been between couch cushions, have done it before in small amounts with my own couch. Gets soaked up by the couch and the carpet underneath. Has anyone else done this, or possibly do this regularly?
  7. Sink is my most common pee place. It is just so convenient, more so than the toilet, so most times at home I go there when nobody is looking. I have a friend who does it too, because they are so tall and peeing in their sink is much easier. Will also go in the shower sometimes if I want to spray it out far onto the wall. Sometimes will pee onto my bathroom floor drain as well, sometimes it will pool around the drain and not all go down though, just from being an old house. When I first did it I used to wash it down with water but then I got lazy a few times and just peed and used the floo
  8. Also a small pee I did on my blanket just before. No need to get up for the toilet.
  9. Awesome. Did pee escape from your pants onto the floor at all?
  10. When there is a perfectly fine urinal there but you decide not to pee in it~ This was at a service center along the highway. I peed in the corner between the two urinals and the pee ran down under the urinal on the right. A little went on my shoes as I was peeing but I didn't mind. Wasn't horny or planning for any fun, but decided to just do it for fun. Took the picture after I went into the bathroom a second time just to wash my hands, where I realized I should take a picture.
  11. I often drink berocca, which is a drink with lots of vitamins. It always helps me feel better physically through my day, but always makes me pee really yellow even if I drink a lot of water. It can be annoying for peeing discretely, though I do at least love yellow pee. I'm curious if anyone else here has drinks like this that make their pee really yellow.
  12. One place I will try peeing in one day is Ikea, hopefully with someone else. Would love to go pee into some furniture.
  13. There are a bunch of big warehouse hardware stores where I live, one of those would be perfect for naughty peeing.
  14. Haha. Means you did good in trying hard to hold it in
  15. Sounds amazing! I really have to try peeing in stores like that
  16. I love how you did all that pee without holding yourself. And your relief sounded amazing
  17. I think the only next level would be around more people, perhaps in an even more open or public space. But do be careful, don't want you to get in big trouble for it.
  18. I have known someone who would sit to pee. Their foreskin was really tight and made their stream messy so they just sad to save making a mess.
  19. Awesome! Going without using toilets if fun
  20. You should certainly try to do it more. Perhaps if you gotta be more discrete you could sit on the toilet and pee off the edge, sitting further forward.
  21. I always love when the toilet is right there, but we choose not to pee into it.
  22. It's certainly what I love to seek out and watch. And I love larger than chubby too, I just generally say chubby cause it sounds nice.
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