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Everything posted by Dante_Heart

  1. There have been days where I've either set up carpets around where I'd be hanging out all day just so I could piss on those without getting up. Sometimes, I didn't even bother with the towels and pissed on the floor. I've also occasionally intentionally pissed in bed. Outside of my own home, I've pissed backstage at my school's musical once and in an outdoor hallway there, since it had been raining and there were already a ton of puddles.
  2. Hello all, I was wondering if anyone had this particular kink; where you're just chilling or doing whatever either clothed, bottomless, or completely naked. And the second you feel the need to go, you just go, regardless of where you are. This is something I rarely get to do, mostly because cleanup can be a hassle. The most I'm ever really able to do is lie down a towel in front of me at my desk, so when I start pissing, I just go on the towel in front of me. But, does anyone else have this particular kink, and does anyone know a good way to go about doing it without making a huge mess?
  3. Peeing in toilets is just comparatively boring. I'm also not a big fan of peeing on bowls and on pee pads, or in diapers, but at least diapers are usually in a desperate category so I can filter them out quicker. I hate it when the camera zooms in too far and you can only see the chick's peeing pussy. I like seeing all of her, especially if she's naked. Slight niggle, but I'm annoyed when English based sites have Japanese or European girls speaking their language with no subtitles. I don't hate it, I just wish there were subs. I'm also annoyed when the video is titled as peein
  4. 1. On the days that I'm home alone, sometimes I'll lie down two towels by where I'm situated and, whenever I need to piss, I just go. I only ever do that when I'm home alone. 2. That's basically everyday, I only pee in the toilets when it isn't easy for me to get away with going elsewhere. 3. When I'm really horny, my favorite thing is just pissing wherever I'm standing. 4. My favorite place to pee is on floors and carpets. 5. I'd enjoy that so much. And once I get my own place, I'll probably rarely use the toilet and just pee myself or go on the floor or on a wall or somet
  5. Now, with this, I mean, where was the first place that you chose to pee specifically because the idea of doing it turned you on. Accidents don't count unless it was a planned accident. For example, the first place I peed when I first realized peeing turned me on was in bed. I didn't full on wet the bed, but I'd occasionally pull my pajamas down and let out a spurt or two into the bed. Though, this was years ago, back when I was still afraid to let loose and back before I slept naked. So, I'd like to hear from the rest of you. Where was the first naughty place ya'll peed when you di
  6. The last time was yesterday morning. It might not count, since all the bathrooms were technically taken at the time, but I could have held it. I went outside to let the cat in from the backyard and decided to just whip it out and piss on a plant while I was out there. I guess the last time I just chose to pee outside was when it was raining last week and I knew no one would be able to tell, so I took a piss next to my car before I headed home from class.
  7. Never traveled outside of my home country either. I guess I can heat things up a bit. Never have I ever peed on another person.
  8. I've actually done this fairly often. Sometimes, when I get up but don't want to get up (or I get up and someone's already in the bathroom), I'll lie in my bed and piss onto the wall right next to it till I'm empty. Other times, I'll lie in bed, move my covers to the side, and piss straight up for a bit. Or I'll just piss under the covers. And sometimes, I'll pee on the carpet or the walls, if no one is around to here me. The thing I do the most is, almost every-time I do laundry, when my clothes are still lying on the floor, I'll piss all over the pile before I put them in my hamper. Or I'
  9. 1. Carpets, floors, and beds, preferably my own. 2. Call me lazy if you want, but I love the ability to, if I'm walking around naked or lying in bed naked (since I sleep naked 90% of the time) to just let go the second I feel the need to. It's super fun and relaxing. 3. The carpet backstage at my old school. 4. On a random person on the street. But, in a consenting way (linking to 5). 5. I'd love to find a place, a building or a sectioned of part of a city or a beach or anything, that was a free relief zone and you could go anywhere you wanted, including on other people. S
  10. Not a girl, but the naughtiest place I've pissed is on my living room carpet. Context, I live with family, but one long weekend, I was home alone, my family being gone from Thursday Morning to Monday night. So, once they were gone, I spent entire time I had to myself naked. And, whenever I had to piss, I just went wherever I was, usually on the carpet in front of me. But the most fun I had was being able to just walk in the door, whip out my dick, and piss on the floor.
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