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Everything posted by Admin

  1. Happy summer festival to all! Hope everyone has been soaking up some sun. @spywareonyaincredible photoshoot - really hot, and I love the bright summers vibe. The video really is a treat too - such a great piss from the top of a hay bale! A very unique video and perhaps one of your best the way you arch the pee stream so gracefully in the sun! I will try post a screenshot from it shortly for non-gold members as it's quite something. Thank you for sharing.
  2. Sadly not really in this case. Even if we could, we need to take action to prevent it happening again. Annoyingly it wasn't our friend when we tried it before - it actually caused as many problems as it solved (long story). If absolutely necessary we will look into it again, but my hope is we can add our own measures instead.
  3. Unfortunately, the recent site downtime was due to the server being overloaded by bots. Whilst it is possible this was not intended to be malicious (and was simply an overload of genuine bots), there is also a very real possibility that this was an attack to prevent the site from being accessible. We are up and running normally now, but this is not the first time this has happened. As a result, I am looking into more advanced dedicated hosting options, with improved firewalls and server monitoring etc. The problem is all of this brings extra recurring costs, raising our monthl
  4. Admin

    Kinda new

    Welcome to the site - it is always great to see new members make such a brilliant impact on the forum so quickly as you have done. It seems like you have already settled in very well, but just let me know if i can ever help with anything. 🙂
  5. Just as a followup on this, the legislation likely won't be enforced until into 2020 now (if it ever even happens).
  6. So ironically the update one you saw was in response to your first post. I just updated the software in the hope that solves the original error message issue. If you experience another error from this point on, please let me know here, as it could be something else causing it. Thanks a lot for letting me know though - always appreciated. Hopefully the update has helped.
  7. That's great to hear, as I'll admit I had absolutely no idea whether it would make any difference whatsoever. 😂 It just seemed to make sense though that having it on every page would be better than just the homepage. 🙂
  8. Just an update for you Sophie - this is indeed a glitch with the forum software (affecting all sites using this software, not just us). I've reported the bug and the developers will hopefully update this for the next version of the software. Good spot!
  9. Yes! Just a random idea, but an example of something easily done within a forum setting, that could still be quite fun and involve pee.
  10. We don't really need much technology to make a pee game though, I am sure with enough creativity we can come up with some that can be played right here on the forum. Here's one off the top of my head, sort of like a mini murder mystery game - it might make zero sense, but is an example of something people could easily run using the forum threads and PM functionality. One person signs up to host the game. A group of people (say up to 7?) sign up to be players. The host randomly selects one of those 7 to be the mystery pisser, and sends them a private message telling
  11. Certainly very open to this, but the question is what kind of games? Let us know some more details of what you have in mind. In terms of pee challenges (e.g. who can pee the longest etc?) that's the sort of thing we already do in our official forum competitions, like the olympeecs we just had. There'll be more events like that in future, but not too often that it gets overly repetitive. That said, there is nothing stopping anyone posting a pee related challenge on the site at any time. In terms of 'forum games' we actually used to have a section for that, threads like 'lie about the
  12. When a user is currently online (or at least very very recently online) you'll notice that their avatar will now have a green glow around it when viewing a thread, or a little green dot next to their name when viewing a private message. Personally I think it's helpful to be able to see when someone is online without actually checking the online list. For example, you might notice that green glow and decide you want to drop them a quick message - which you can also do right from the thread you're viewing by clicking the envelope button underneath their avatar. The aim is to make things ju
  13. The Olympeec Games have now been moved to the archive with all of the other PeeFans past events, and so is still visible to all gold members. However, if you had any stories/pictures from the event you wanted to share on the main forum (in the appropriate section), please feel free to re-post. Thanks.
  14. Hope you're OK, good to see you back. 🙂
  15. Congratulations speedy, a very worthy winner - I hope you enjoy the prize as well as the glory of being the first winner of the OlympEEc Games! 😉 Just want to thank everyone who participated. I hope you had a bit of fun, and there will be more competitions and prizes on offer in the future. But I also want to thank spywareonya for running this event - I'm sure we can all agree you've done a great job!
  16. Apologies to anyone who experienced problems with the site today. Due to a technical issue, PeeFans was not correctly loading for anyone who was logged out of the site. If you stay logged in to PeeFans, you likely never noticed a problem, but to anyone else this has hopefully now been fully resolved. Please let me know if you experience any further issues. Thanks.
  17. Great! Glad to have you on board. Just let me know if you ever have any other questions. 🙂
  18. Hey, thanks a lot for the idea! Funnily enough, as mickymoist said, this idea was suggested quite recently and caused a little controversy. Whilst we don't want to turn this thread into a repeat of that, if any women reading this do feel something like this would really appeal to them, please PM me. We have no plans for segregating the site, but if there is real demand for this from female members, I will try to find a fair middle ground solution. Until some of the women on this forum have their say on this either way though, I don't think us guys need to debate it again.
  19. Hey! For selling anything (including videos and panties), we have a personal ads and marketplace area where you can post them: https://peefans.com/forum/37-personal-ads-dating-marketplace/ For live cams, we don't currently host anything like that. You are welcome to advertise that in the marketplace too if you find somewhere else to host it, or alternatively we have plans to host our own live cam shows in the future. That is a little way down the road though.
  20. It looks like that site is just a gateway to using PayPal. If the payment was processed with paypal, you can dispute the payment by stating the deal was for digital goods and was never delivered, and you will almost certainly get your money back.
  21. Sorry to hear that. What did you use to make the payment, as you might be able to reverse it if it was a scam?
  22. "and and 2 others" - right at the end (but before the date). I think this does highlight how it's not very noticeable though. 😂
  23. Must have missed this one. Unfortunately it's not just a typo, it seems like a minor bug in the software, so I've reported it and they'll hopefully get it resolved in the next official update. Let me know if you spot anything else. Thanks. 🙂
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