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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2019 in Posts

  1. so not a skirt. but with these shorts, the effect is sometimes the same. 😇
    7 points
  2. I would just like to say a huge thank u to allwho have offered me support, advice and liked my photos. I was worried when I first posted but this forum is so much more than just a voyeur sight I can't thank you enough for making me feel welcome and comfortable. As I am home alone in the morning I will upload my next set of photos. Thank You
    6 points
  3. The morning air was crisp and clear as Kayla pulled into the parking lot of the shopping centre, one of the biggest in Seattle. At this hour on a weekday the lot was nearly empty, but as Kayla had the day off she’d headed over with the intention of running a few errands. As she eased her car into a vacant space and turned off the engine, Kayla took a moment to appreciate the stillness of the parking lot in the early morning light before popping a couple of B vitamins into her mouth and washing them down with a few big gulps of water. She’d started taking them only a couple of days earlier to s
    5 points
  4. Was stood up, straight into the laundry, which was on the bedroom floor, while my SO watched and wanked what did you get up to this weekend?
    5 points
  5. I had my pap smear today and purposefully didn't have my morning wee in case they wanted a urine sample too. It made me wonder how many women may have accidentally peed during their exam? I wonder what would the doctor have said if I leaked a little as he was examining me? Haha
    4 points
  6. I couldn't let our friend hammerhead be the only one pissing on tires hahaha
    3 points
  7. I too felt at home and welcomed almost immediately. Nice, huh??
    3 points
  8. What would happen to the world if the entire God (all of them) concept is a geneticically inherited trait? Maybe something happened to humans when they were cold, frightened and alone in the dark, almost everything we have learned, basic survival things here, are 'hard wired' into our brains, why not the concept of an all powerful being, be not included? I'm pretty sure I don't have it, Maigh is the same, doesn't believe the existence of a 'God' as such. My sister though, is rampant with it, everything that happens is gods will: head on crash on a highway, 6 people dead, it was gods
    3 points
  9. It's ok, I lived (thank you modern medicine) and now I have a story to tell I guess😂😂
    3 points
  10. I’ve said a few times since I’ve signed up that it was two Amish girls who originally introduced me to water sports, and also anal sex. To understand this story, you need to understand the setting. Where I live, there is a large community of Amish and Mennonite. I grew up around all of these kids. They amish where we live are relatively progressive, at least for the Amish. The mennonites on the other hand, are very strict for Mennonites. Most outsiders cannot tell them apart in our part of the country. But I grew up around them. In these families, the oldest brother is in charge o
    3 points
  11. I won't have chance to reply to everything (and since we have both already explained our views I doubt it would add much anyway), so I just wanted to focus on this last bit. I certainly am not disgusted or look down on believers such as yourself, so apologies if that came across - I actually fully understand and respect what you said. I don't think any rational person could have contempt for your view. In fact, our views are notably similar: we both acknowledge there may or may not be a god, and that if there is it's unlikely to be in the typical form (i.e. a man with a beard sat in the c
    2 points
  12. I like to see that women have variation in vulva form,just like men have variations in penis etc. Some slits are "short",in that from the front you see virtually no slit at all,and some are quite visible,maybe looking about 3 inches up the lower torso.Or some women have visible inner labia,and some look like a paper cut.The vulva is certainly a fascinating organ.
    2 points
  13. The concept of an all powerful omnipotent being,probably was one of mankinds earliest concepts,once we became a social group living species,with the ability to not only speak,but generate a concept of tomorrow,next week,next month.To work out the phases of the moon,to understand the migrations of animals,like the plains Indians,who knew that every year for a few weeks,they could hunt Bison,and have enough resources to last them until NEXT year. Probably they would have imagined such omnipotent beings,in order to rationalise where the animals they saw and hunted originated.Many of the cave
    2 points
  14. For me, ill usually lay my feet a little wider than my shoulders and lower down my butt. Depending on where I am or the terrain and whether I'm wearing clothes Ill go to different heights to try and not get pee on myself. Once I start peeing I watch my stream and try to adjust it if need be with my hands to prevent it from getting on anything. Even after I'm sure that everything's fine I still watch it because its kind of fun and also because while I'm not working something could happen down there and I could fail to notice it xD
    2 points
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