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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2018 in Posts

  1. LIke this? It was a warm day and there were no way to pee squatting avoiding backsplashes, so I preferred to pee on a wall, so that it would pool on the floor and avoid problems
    4 points
  2. This morning I accidentally left a drop on the toilet seat, I dared myself to taste it, but have never 'swallowed'.
    4 points
  3. Not long after I settled into the warm bath water, the door opened, and Tara entered, still completely naked. She smiled when she saw me and winked, then walked over to the toilet, put the seat and lid down, and sat down. “So,” she said, still grinning, “how much did you see?” I could feel my face go red. “Most of it,” I said, “especially the tail end of it.” She giggled and rolled her eyes. “Did it get you off?” she asked. I hesitated but then nodded. “Good,” she said. “Does Alan know?” I asked. “Yeah, but it’s okay,” Tara said. “I think he thinks you literally just realiz
    1 point
  4. Amazing, would love to see a test of your aiming abilities sometime Are you adverse to peeing in containers?
    1 point
  5. I pee standing when it is useful to avoid splashes, because backsplashes are one of the things I hate in life. Usually I squat to pee because my urethra is more relaxed when peeing squatting, but I can pee in whatever position fitting to unload myself quickly and easily. I don't pee to be naughty, I pee because I cannot be bothered to hold it! So I simply dispose off it, usually at the expense of somebody's else belongings!
    1 point
  6. Amazing pic. And it looks like you've got a lot of precision in your stream!
    1 point
  7. Long since I saw such a pair of tits in RL; you are AMAZING, I would really do something very bad with you
    1 point
  8. I just joined site. Hello to all. I would like to say I have been drinking pee since I was little. always enjoyed it, you just have to remember the two Golden Rules..... Make sure it is fresh. And also make sure whomever your drinking it from has no stds or aids
    1 point
  9. Well Alex is a great fetishist yet also very reserved, when he is kind he is a sweetie, but when he is horny, his cock talks in his place, he becomes shadowy, physical, and with an erection that could pierce a wall. Yet, in these days I have been farting so much that I'm taking him to his very limits! So, if my little frivolous arse is taking to the fringe somebody like Alex, believe me, it's an un-registered weapon!
    1 point
  10. We finally decided to turn in for the night, and we had only been asleep for maybe an hour so when I was woken up by moaning. I sat up and looked around. Because of a nightlight that was plugged into the wall next to the basement steps, I could make out most of the room. I saw Tara just barely moving around on the couch. Her eyes were closed, so she must have been having a dream. I watched her as she lay still for a moment and then moaned again and moved just a little bit, then stopped again. Her lips were parted, and her breath was a mix of soft with small gasps when she moved. I watched curi
    1 point
  11. Somebody who realize his Karma (debt toward the world), his Kama (sexual prowess), his Dharma (spontaneous Ethic) and his Artha (his talents) will obtain Moksha (liberation from anguish and discomfort). Scientifically speaking, he will become so stocky built on a psychological level, that his hormonality will change, making him (or her either) as brave as a steel-tank. All humans cope with this truth. Witches make of this truth their one-and-only goal in life.
    1 point
  12. One of the Four Great Goals in life. The other three are finding an employement you do not actually hate, doing something in your spare time that really describes you, and train your unconscious so that Ethic will not need anymore to be induce by morals but will instead come naturally from you just like any other instinct.
    1 point
  13. Guess why we have the densest concentration of anarchist in my country Alex had been an active one, then got in wrong companies and left before ending up in jail. Still we consider ourselves sincere anarchists, yet we are not part of an armed Group. NEVER EVER GOT NEAR SUCH A ILLNESS-CATHEDRAL LIKE A PUBLIC BATHROOM Really, I pee everywhere, but never in restrooms, if you read all this thread from the start, beside other pics of me nude, you'll find funny and entertaining stories and explaination this can be done, in the next days, unless problems
    1 point
  14. But the most wanderful piss I took that day was a FLOOD I let go in the town stream river, a water course which is narrow and violent. It was the highest point of the exposition, located almost on the hill-top, it was even starting to become evening and temperature were getting low. The last visitors were all in a hurry to see that place and I am a little afraid a couple saw me releasing my gush But believe me, it was a hard and magical place
    1 point
  15. ...and just a week after, Spring actually exploded!!! Nice weather brought Alex to secretly arrange a Whole-day trip to a flower exposition with various stands around an out-town village, and it was one of the happiest days of my recent life, I pissed around the Whole place, in many houses gardens, and even jerked him off while packed all together in the bus leading to the village This is a pic of me taken by him on the top of an ancient war-related Watchtower. It had to be done quickly because people were climbing up too. It was a windy day!!!
    1 point
  16. Ok guys, I promised this time ago, and here I am!!! I have Always loved the snow every child loves the snow, but while growing up, I learnt its destructive power, yet I also learnt to respect its beauty in a more mature guise Snow is so viscerally connected to our uncoscious because between 100 000 b.C. and 10 000 b.C, so it means almost one hundred THOUSANDS years, all the world had been covered in eternal ice, yet we humans already existed, and absorbed that mindset deep in the most spiritual/animalistic fring of our soul and Collective Unconscious (and that is also the r
    1 point
  17. I’m not gay but I do enjoy these. It’s hot to see a woman who knows how to handle a man’s cock.
    1 point
  18. So yeah, I did a new story finally... for what it's worth. Not going to bog this down with too much detail, but I was supposed to post this around New Years and then decided it needed a bit more work. Now that we have the holiday with an animal mascot, I'm posting. ^_~ As always, let me know what you think. Goldenlocks and Pee Bears Goldenlocks had just finished off the last of her water and headed out into the forest for some fun on her walk. She bounced along skipping down the lane enjoying the weight and pressure from her quickly filling bladder and the puffs of air blowing under
    1 point
  19. Here is a possibly true story that I lifted from the now defunct Sprinkles erotica site, and posted on another forum. I am glad I did because Sprinkles no longer exists. Anyway, the original author of this story is someone with a very Welsh-looking username - Llwynog...... Paula and I had gone away for the weekend and had decided to stay in a seaside hotel on the Friday night. We had been out to a pub for a meal and had both had a couple of pints. By the time we got back to the hotel we both needed to piss and at the top of the stairs noticed that the bathroom on our floor was already occupi
    1 point
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