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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2017 in Posts

  1. Not really closely related to this but: "Me and my arrow, straight up and narrow, I'd still like to fuck Mia Farrow!! (picture emoticons dodging bricks, tomatoes, etc. and giggling till the tears shoot out over it's cheeks) ;)
    3 points
  2. Last night, my husband and I decided to go watch a movie, Kingsmen, unfortunately I can't rate the movie since the entire block had a power outage. (Forgive my french if i don't have the proper terms). 15 minutes into the movie, I get the urge to need to go pee. I hand over my purse to my man and everything goes pitch dark. Where are the emergency lights?!?! One guy opens his cell for light but walks out and there was about 3 other couples in the same room. About 1 minute goes by and I took a decision, i asked my husband to keep an eye out, i got up enough for the seat to fold back pull down
    2 points
  3. Ohh fanny! If that was the case, i would make you watch first *wink*
    2 points
  4. I would clean it up for you.If i knew it was you.
    1 point
  5. Hahahaha you did not do that!! Lol I am less worry about the sent since i drink water like a fish. That being said, my hubby then looked at me and said fuck thats hot, i laughed and said fuck that feels good.. I don't think i was on the same level as he was. All i can say, there was a lot and i feel bad for the person that needs to clean up.. Next time have emergency lights working!!!!
    1 point
  6. Ohhh!Yes,shes an MFC model!I KNEW id seen her SOMEWHERE!!Thanks Sophie.x
    1 point
  7. Thank you guys! The next part will be finished and posted in the very near future! I just hope it is as good as you're expecting!
    1 point
  8. As a mod, let me say that there are no rules against posting penises in avatars. We generally come across quite a few when viewing porn anyway. It is just par for the course. And although the majority of our members are male - as is generally the way with sexually orientated forums - we do want to encourage as many ladies as possible to sign up. So that means equal opportunities. So if it is ok to show female genitalia in avatars it should also be ok to show male. In theory anyway. However, I do acknowledge that some guys would rather avoid seeing this, and in my experience girl
    1 point
  9. After returning to the house with my ex wife and son who was asleep for the night, my ex wife heads to the bathroom and says, "I don't think it's a lot". She didn't sound so sure. I told her I wanted to see. She asked where I wanted it. After a lengthy thought process I finally told her a corner in the walk in closet. She had taken off her bottoms so she just had on a blue t-shirt I gave her after she took off her dress. She stood in the closet pantiless, leaned forward, and began a nice volumed, hissing stream of piss onto the thick carpet. She pissed so much that it pooled on top
    1 point
  10. "Lisa:" Epilogue by Dr.P. "Lisa" and I had a committed relationship for three years, but eventually went our separate ways, remaining good friends who were still very much attracted to one another. We saw each other occasionally and enjoyed some of our former games for several years, after we broke up. The breakup had nothing to do with our sex life. During this time, she dated men she met at work, etc., and often discussed them with me. This was no problem, because I was involved with "Michelle", and "Lisa" was seriously considering moving back with her husband. During her time wi
    1 point
  11. Oh, that has to be the most awesome damn thing you've ever said here!
    1 point
  12. Ok,im NOT having a go,i do get why we might do this,but there are some pages where this is more suitable.Try the "something for the Ladies" club page for instance.
    1 point
  13. I have to agree with you on this, also, it's also the image of this type of designs, saying it's okay to pee in a mouth. I am sure, all people here are cool with it, except, in a public, with kids using them. Not sure if it's a good idea.
    1 point
  14. Devil's advocate here: I can't imagine urinals becoming popular with women on a large scale. How many are okay with bearing ass for others to see, especially considering how often their streams get messy and go down their legs? Skirts are more practical for urinals but pants? Most women will stick with toilets, I would imagine. Another consideration is little kids; how many parents would be okay sending their little ones to the restroom knowing that grown women's asses and vaginas will be exposed in plain view? Regardless of sex, kids shouldn't be exposed to this, but especially little b
    1 point
  15. I would really love to hear the details. Who suggested the idea, her or you? Was she into it as much as you or just doing it to please you, or because she found the suggestion funny or something like that? Whereabouts in the hotel? In yours or her room? In a corridor? Was she squatting, semi-squatting, standing, or something else? Did she piss loads or just a little? Was she nude, and if not, what was she wearing? Did she say anything whilst doing it? Did she seem turned on? How big a mess was made? Did you both pee there just once or more than once? Please give us a descriptive paragraph
    1 point
  16. At 50+ I can attest to the fact that some urges just don't go away. If anything, I just wish I'd indulged myself more over the years. I have no regrets ... and I have no intention of stopping. That puddle you saw/stepped in on the stairs in the cinema may well be mine and that makes me smile.
    1 point
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