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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2017 in Posts

  1. Dear Wet Carpet I'm Vanessa, 29 years old and working in an office environment. Recently a few colleagues and I had to attend a series of meetings a fair bit of driving away, and the company that we work for paid for a set of hotel rooms. It was one of those hotels that also specializes in renting out conference rooms for meetings and the likes, but also regular rooms with the meeting rooms being situated on the lower floors. Most of the meetings we had to attend were elsewhere, though, but we did have one scheduled at the hotel. Anyway, we had two rooms on the 14th floor; one for my fe
    3 points
  2. @steve25805 suggested I lay my clothes in a little heap and pee all over them. This happened a couple of months ago but I've only just had chance to post it. It was a normal day at work and I couldn't wait to get home for some excitement. I made sure to drink plenty of water and skipped my afternoon toilet visit so I would be desperate by the time I had to drive home. I was wearing my usual work clothes, a black pencil skirt and white blouse, underneath was a lingerie set from Boux Avenue (photo at the bottom), one I had bought specifically for this day, my husband had never seen it befor
    2 points
  3. I was driving along on an 'A' road when I saw on the opposite side of the road a caravan towed by a car had parked at the side of the road, with a man standing at the front peeing over the crash barrier into the hedge, then I noticed a female squatting between the front wheel and the crash barrier. I would of thought that she would of used the toilet in the caravan. Later at a motorway services, I had parked in the first row from the building with the toilets etc., and as I pulled away I saw a car in the third row with the passenger side doors open and a female just doing up her belt and
    1 point
  4. I went on a golf tournament and I was well behaved lol I did pee a few time next to the golf cart as my friend decided to pee in the hole on the green with our golf balls in it and then she drives away with the cart. Not much to say about it except I won a basket of lotion and cream products :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    1 point
  5. i guys,I had a very surreal experience and lucky sighting just now which I wanted to recount.So I'm traveling on the train and at a particular station I need to get out and get a bus from there. As I get out onto the platform amongst other people are 4 girls in their late teens early 20s who start rushing / power walking towards the exit. All dressed up for a night out, brunettes, with black jeans or tight dresses on and denim jackets. I'm sure I overheard one of them mention that they needed a pee so I paid attention. They went up the escalator and out the exit, one getting stuck in the barri
    1 point
  6. A Very Intimate Selfie by Dr. P They were a mature couple, obviously fond of one another, walking hand in hand on the Strand, on a beautiful, summer day. They were dressed casually, she in a light summer dress, with bare legs and low heels, he in shorts and a polo shirt, drinking from paper cups, as they approached some restrooms. They tossed the paper cups in the trash, then hugged, kissed, and continued their embrace. "I really have to "go," she whispered in his ear, as he held her close, "and I might as well do it here, in the restrooms." "I do too," he said, "Wish we could d
    1 point
  7. Among the Primates,especially the Apes,our own order,Humans have the biggest penis in relation to size.If ours were like a Gorilla,it would be no more than like your little finger,or a Chimp,maybe like your middle finger.There must have been a reason in our ancestry why this happened.Maybe as we became more upright,less powerfully built,but much more cerebral,and social,instead of using displays of power,or violence as in Gorillas and Chimps,maybe our penis size was an indicator of fitness.Perhaps there were displays by groups of males in which they would all try get erections and then the fem
    1 point
  8. This happened last night, early this morning, and I must have made a good impression. I'm eating toasted English muffins with egg and bacon in bed while writing this, lol. No pee in this one, why I've posted it in here. The three of us have been sick for a while now, all with reoccurring bouts of this damned flu, and as you would expect, not much has happened lately. We are all on the mend at last, Maigh is the only one that is still coughing, and she sleeps in the spare room because of it. Mary usually stays with Maigh when she is sick, I don't mind it, but feel somewhat lost in a
    1 point
  9. My ex wife was over the house, my son was eating in his high chair. She mentions she has to pee. I said go use the steps. She responds she doesn't think it's going to be a lot. My motto is, pee a soaking piss on the floor or don't pee on the floor at all. So she goes about 1/4 of the way up the stairs going to the second floor, just enough to be able to peek around the wall to see downstairs. She pulls her shorts and panties down to her ankles, sits on the edge of one of the steps and says to me it may be a lot. She relaxes that muscle and the pee starts to flow and she says it's a lot a
    1 point
  10. The thought of women handling their business in a fitting room or any other non bathroom is a turn on. I wonder how many women use fitting rooms for relief and just doesn't admit to it.
    1 point
  11. Dear Wet Carpet This is me, an attractive blonde in my early 30s....... I work as the personal assistant for a wealthy tycoon, but I get bucket loads of extra cash for a little something I do for the pleasure of him and his wife. Basically, they like watching me pee all over the place in their mansion, the more outrageous the location the better! I've been a highly respectable lady all my life, so just letting my hair down like this, and peeing wherever the heck I feel like - floors, carpets, tables, beds, furniture - is just so liberating, a lot of fun, and it turns me on doin
    1 point
  12. Dear Wet Carpet I think you might like to hear about this one. After a few too many drinks and other illicit substances one night, my friend Steph and I ended up back at this guy's place. And...not really sure how this idea came about....he wanted us to pee on his bed. Well, Steph and I thought it would be a bit of a laugh, too off our faces to really have any qualms. And it wasn't our bed anyway. So we both ended up naked from the waist down, and squatting side by side upon his bed as he watched us with a grin. And we were pissing there, laughing as we did it. Must surely hav
    1 point
  13. Dear Wet Carpet My name is Hillary and I am the landlady of a number of rental properties left to me by my late husband. I'm in my late 40s now, but still have a kinky streak which I usually keep well hidden. I suppose I should say I am into pissing, but you've probably guessed that already since I obviously read this magazine. Well I was browsing some pee porn in an idle moment and came across some amateur pics of ladies peeing here and there. But when I came across a pic of a young blonde girl in her 20s squatting and peeing on the living room carpet with a grin, my eyes almost pop
    1 point
  14. Dear Wet Carpet My name is Amber, which is pretty fucking appropriate considering the pee thing, haha. I am in my early 30s now and married, but I still sometimes hang out with my best friend Lynne, whom I grew up with and went to school with. And she has a thing about pee too. When growing up, we both got into the habit of peeing together on each other's bedroom carpets for fun. We were still doing it as teenagers - until the day Lynne's mum caught us pissing on Lynne's bedroom carpet. Well the shit hit the fan over that one, my mum was informed, and both Lynne and I got the whole
    1 point
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