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  1. Dear Wet Carpet I'm Vanessa, 29 years old and working in an office environment. Recently a few colleagues and I had to attend a series of meetings a fair bit of driving away, and the company that we work for paid for a set of hotel rooms. It was one of those hotels that also specializes in renting out conference rooms for meetings and the likes, but also regular rooms with the meeting rooms being situated on the lower floors. Most of the meetings we had to attend were elsewhere, though, but we did have one scheduled at the hotel. Anyway, we had two rooms on the 14th floor; one for my fe
    2 points
  2. Today I pissed out in the woods for the first time. Actually, it was 3 times! Usually I'm worried about someone coming who isn't understanding of pee play, but today I went for it. First time I just sat down on a log, pulled my pants down, rubbed my pussy through my underwear a lil ;), then took em off and just let loose. Second time I completely took off my pants and panties and sat completely down on the ground. Started playing with my pussy while I was peeing all over the leaves beneath me!! God it was so hot, I wanted to cum right there. But I went where no one would ever come near and fin
    1 point
  3. What a day, I had the best time of my life, everything went by so fast because we were on a schedule for the pictures, supper ect.. Bar open, a lot of drinking and what happens at the end of the night, we both collapsed on our bed, too tired to do anything. I woke up at 4am, took off my dress, hair pins, to then pass out next to my passed out husband. However, when we woke up we did celebrated (wink).
    1 point
  4. So....just got back from the grocery store a few hours ago. I'm walking out, toward my car, which is only 1 year old and still being paid off. When I get to it, I see a puddle of liquid running from under the car next to mine and pooling against my front tire. I walked up closer thinking maybe the other car was leaking fluid from its engine, then the smell hit me. I go around to the front of the other car and this hot tattooed blonde woman, probably around 30, had just finished, stands up and pulls her shorts up. She sees me approaching her and rushes into her car as I start yelling. I wasn't
    1 point
  5. My ex wife asked me to wash her car. I did. She says thank you for the complimentary car wash. I respond, "nothing is free". She goes back to her place and later texts me that if it weren't so late she'd pay her bill. She doesn't like to owe people. She texted me again saying she guesses she'll go ahead and let this pee go since I can't get to it tonight. She texted me again to make sure I didn't change my mind before she lets it out and goes to bed. I responded that I would accept payment, especially since she'd been holding it. I go over to her place where she has on panties and
    1 point
  6. i guys,I had a very surreal experience and lucky sighting just now which I wanted to recount.So I'm traveling on the train and at a particular station I need to get out and get a bus from there. As I get out onto the platform amongst other people are 4 girls in their late teens early 20s who start rushing / power walking towards the exit. All dressed up for a night out, brunettes, with black jeans or tight dresses on and denim jackets. I'm sure I overheard one of them mention that they needed a pee so I paid attention. They went up the escalator and out the exit, one getting stuck in the barri
    1 point
  7. (This is a new story which I've just written and shared elsewhere too. I hope you enjoy it.) Anne pulled out of Boston Hospital carpark and on to Spilsby Road. She’d been to visit Brian whose prostate operation had taken place the previous day. Being a typical man, he’d taken it like a baby and, whilst he really needed to rest, Anne knew that if she didn’t visit she’d never hear the last of it. Luckily his ward allowed visiting from 11am to 12.30pm so she’d been able see him whilst still making sure he’d get the nap after lunch which she was sure he needed. It was a fair drive from t
    1 point
  8. Niagara Falls was amazing, food, drinks ect. The view was breath taking. I did end up peeing in the hot tube while there was other people present, well a couple and an older man. When i told my new husband that i needed to pee, he automatically placed his ring hand right about my lady parts and said it was hot because while he was talking to hte other couple, he felt a warmer stream than the warm water from the tub. Lolol
    1 point
  9. wdgirls, but i'm a fan of intoxication and vomit as well so i guess i'm a little biased.
    1 point
  10. My ex wife was over the house, my son was eating in his high chair. She mentions she has to pee. I said go use the steps. She responds she doesn't think it's going to be a lot. My motto is, pee a soaking piss on the floor or don't pee on the floor at all. So she goes about 1/4 of the way up the stairs going to the second floor, just enough to be able to peek around the wall to see downstairs. She pulls her shorts and panties down to her ankles, sits on the edge of one of the steps and says to me it may be a lot. She relaxes that muscle and the pee starts to flow and she says it's a lot a
    1 point
  11. Soon be time for Christmas shopping again and I tell you want happened 2 years ago. I was Christmas shopping, with my 18 year-old daughter helping, and while in a store I spotted a door slightly open right at the back. It was out of sight of the main store and I needed to pee so I peeped inside and found it was a stockroom. There was a single light on at the far end, and as I could see there were no staff in there I asked my daughter to stay by the door and keep a look-out. I went in and pulled down my panties, lifting my skirt to do so, and squatted close to a big cardboard box. Relieving
    1 point
  12. $47.50, thought I would do better than that. I'm disappointed!
    1 point
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