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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2016 in Posts

  1. I'm going to try to post some of my best sightings. This was a classic late night sighting from a number of years ago. It was VERY late at night, 3am-ish, past bar closing. The trains were not running very frequently. On the platform were various folks waiting. There was one group of maybe ten or a dozen college-age kids that had obviously been out on the town. They were clustered in two groups, and my eye was drawn to one girl that had some of the classic signs of needing a restroom: fidgeting, pacing, looking around. It was in a station with two tracks, one in each direction. The train g
    1 point
  2. I have a naughty habit at night (or in my case a desire) of holding in my pee for a long as I can. By the time I wake up in the morning I’m usually bursting and ready to pee, but still I just lay in bed with crossed legs trying to keep it all in. I can usually hold it for a few more hours, but it’s fucking hard!!! Then finally I get to enjoy this blissful moment on the toilet and let it all go. Ahhhhh When my pee comes blasting out of my urethra It makes a loud hissing sound and shoots out with force. It seems like minutes before the stream actually slows down. Of course I end up with pee s
    1 point
  3. Hi Geepee, I persuaded my hubby to pee in pools for me. Before we got together he'd sometimes visit the toilet before getting into a pool but would pee in the water without giving it a second thought if he needed to while in there. From when he found how much it turned me on he's always got in with a full bladder! Both of my cousins were taught to swim by my parents (as were my brother and I of course) with each of us being encouraged to pee in the pool from an early age and rewarded with extra drinks for doing so. In turn I encouraged my kids to always use the pool as a toilet and, now gr
    1 point
  4. East Midlands here as well (Sheffield) Welcome to the forum.
    1 point
  5. I believe men should always hold their pee before a visit to a pool for a swim. I love the thought of a man getting into the pool with his bladder full and making sure it's completely empty when he gets out again
    1 point
  6. Oh my goodness, UA, that rear shot is absolutely fantastic. I wish there were more husband and wife couples who filmed that kind of stuff, rather than the typical artificial junk we see everywhere. Back to topic: I agree that there are far too many front views. The side view is most definitely my preference, assuming that you still get to see the girl's goods as she pees. Reason 1: for the side view to work, it is necessary for the woman to be in a forward-leaning squat, which I like because it requires more bending. Reason 2: a natural side view necessarily requires the camera to be som
    1 point
  7. Hey all, I have a quick experience to tell about. It was so amazing I had to find someone to tell that might actually believe me! After some searching for "indoor peeing," I found enough links here to trust this was the place. A bit of background. I work as a courier in a large city, I get hired to get things places faster than the mail or other official routes. I seem to deliver a lot of overdue notices and they have given me the nickname "Bill." As a courier I'm used to taking the back-roads and alleys, the less frequent and almost always faster way. In my time I have seen plenty o
    1 point
  8. Well, now. ... I don't even know where to start in replying to this. Except maybe that reading it completely made my morning. Needless to say, you're not the only person who can get some pleasure out of your experiences. I hope you're proud of yourself today. If I could like your post multiple times, I would. Maybe once per paragraph would do. I never would've thought of peeing in a children's wading pool in particular as being a naughty place to do it. But I think my upbringing in particular has altered my perspective on that. As far as I'm concerned, any enclosed body of water that peop
    1 point
  9. I have been peeing in pools with family members for a long time. As far back as I can remember I was pissing in the pool with my sisters and my mom. It has always been something that was acceptable in our family. I remember as kids we would all hold our pee before swimming. The pool our mom would take us to was a bit old and wasn't maintained all that well. If it was a busy day it didn't take long for the bathrooms to get dirty. My mom would always tell us to avoid the dirty toilets and to go pee while we swam. About 15 years later my oldest sister had kids. It wasn't long before we start
    1 point
  10. For all you curious people out there who wanted to hear me on an average peeing moment. Best to put ear plugs LMAO Enjoy 2016-01-12.avi
    1 point
  11. Warning, some of you might find this gross and wrong, but i don't :-) Me, my gf, her sister and some friends which they are in a relationship, decided to go on a road trip which after an hour, we stopped for a late lunch in a small local restaurant and besides another couple, there was no on else there. Once we were done eating, my gf used the single powder room and came back, her friend went and when she came back, she was swearing. She just said that hate standing up and ended up peeing part on her leg and on the toilet seat. (I actually thought it was hot). I paid my bill and during th
    1 point
  12. Sounds pretty hot to me - I must admit, I would be tempted to do the same.
    1 point
  13. So, I stumbled into this website a couple of days ago, and after lurking around for a bit, finally decided to create an account here. So hello everyone! You guys can call me Myst (pronounced Mist). I'm just some 22-year-old guy from the US that enjoys dancing. I'm not going to say too much else about me here, but if you ever want to know more, check out my profile or feel free to send me messages at any time! Looking forward to meeting and acquainting myself with you all!!
    1 point
  14. Hi everyone.... My names Si, been a lover of everything yellow for as long as I can remember and looking to share it with as many like minded people as possible. Looking forward to chatting to you all soon :)
    1 point
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