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  1. i just love looking at women's bare bottoms
    1 point
  2. My sister in-law's parents are gone for a week on a trip and asked her to take care of the house. Last saturday, my gf said that we are going early because she is making a spaghetti sauce together. Skipping over this, after supper, she wanted to use her parent's outdoor spa. I went in first, wearing my boxers since i did not have my bathing suit. Both of them come in but with nothing on, now i don't know about you guys, but the discomfort level went up for me because it is something i am not use to in front of my girlfriend. During our time, it was nice and relaxing, which i am trying to not t
    1 point
  3. Maybe some of them deliberately pee as loudly as they can, wanting people to hear them. Not like those who try very hard to pee quietly so that nobody can hear them.
    1 point
  4. @P-Spud No I wont push my luck but Im glad I caught her in the act for sure.
    1 point
  5. Hi Maggie. Since you are such a huge fan of girls being naughty by pissing in swimming pools, I thought you might appreciate this......
    1 point
  6. There have been numerous times I've come home from a long drive and felt fine until I got out of the car. I knew I wouldn't make it through the parking lot, through the lobby (I live in an apartment building), up the elevator to the top floor then down the hall to my apartment. I'd just check that no one could see me and I'd pee beside or behind the car.
    1 point
  7. The peeing in the pillow one? Sure. Basically when I was in my first year of university I lived on a floor with about fourteen other students. In my section of the corridor there were about five other girls aside from myself and we were friendly with a girl from the floor below too. On nights out, which were usually on Wednesday, a crowd of us would often go out to a local club just down the road from our university building. This particular Wednesday I stayed home as I had a psychology lab early the next morning and I needed to cram for it. About 2, 3am, the girls came back. There were
    1 point
  8. I will comment about the part while in the second floor washroom at work which we have 4 toilets. I actually do pay attention to other women that pee. I can tell when it's my superviser because she pee's so loud that it will silence the others. I also know when it's the receptionist because she seems to tinkle and you can barely hear her. Now I wonder what they think of me lolol
    1 point
  9. oh my, I can't believe this, I unlock the doors from my work this morning and the urge to pee got to me. They had to remove a single toilet concerning a problem with it. First, it wreaks and no one bothered putting a sign up or leaving a message about the broken toilet. The only toilet on that floor and I won't make it to the second floor.. That is very, very thoughtful, thank you very much. So I have decided for the first time in my life to pee in a sink. Ahhh not the best of comforts and i have a cold faucet leaning against my butt. It did the job and I left a very nice note at the front say
    1 point
  10. I've always wanted to pee off a boat but am afraid of falling in!
    1 point
  11. My friends and me pee on places like store floors and sinks but we dont get turned on by it. Its fun and naughty but not arrousing. Most of the time its just easier
    1 point
  12. After seeing some girls peeing in the ladies room sink since there are line ups. I wonder if some of them do have a pee fetish for doing that? I had to go to a small local mall yesterday and saw 2 young women, which they must have been in their late teens of early 20's, and they were both wearing leggings with marijuana leaves all over. After a while, one was talking to the store owner while the other was squatting and peeing next to a clothes rack in a corner on their carpet. The first thing, I thought was why didn't she use a bathroom!! The other part of me was saying, maybe she enjoys doin
    1 point
  13. I've peed in a sink a couple of times. Each time I determined it wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. But I ended up doing it again and asking myself "Why?" afterwards. Too high, too awkward, faucet stuck against the butt, not at all comfortable.
    1 point
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